Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2058: Qin Se He Ming

Song Qingshu smiled slyly like a fox: "If I don't do that, why don't you come over here?"

Zhao Yuanyuan blushed, she stood up and wanted to leave. Zhao Hu'er at the side didn't want to leave at first, but seeing her sister got up, she was embarrassed to stay and only followed.

Song Qingshu was anxious, and immediately took their hands: "Hey, it's all here, why are you leaving now?"

Zhao Yuanyuan lowered her head and blushed: "It's a bit ill-mannered."

Seeing Zhao Hu'er rushing to the side, Song Qingshu couldn't help but said: "It's not that we haven't been together like this before, there is nothing wrong with it."

The two girls could not help but think of the thrills of being in the Golden State Palace. In order to bring down the crown prince and the king of Wei, they performed a scene. Thinking of the sweetness in the process, it was Zhao Hu'er who had such a heartless temper and couldn't help it. Cheeks are blushing.

"That...different." Zhao Yuanyuan thought for a long time, and finally came out with a reason that was not a reason.

"What's different." Song Qingshu looked at her jokingly.

"Anyway, it's different." Zhao Yuanyuan didn't know what to say, her face flushed with anxiety.

Zhao Hu'er on one side also whispered: "Big Brother Song, this is really not good."

Song Qingshu originally thought it didn’t matter, but seeing the two girls persisting with embarrassment, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t covet pleasure and let them bear the criticism that they shouldn’t have, and today is still a day for them to be overjoyed, and he doesn’t want to leave it to them. The next bit of unpleasantness.

Thinking of this, he stopped insisting, and finally let go of the two: "Well, you go back to your room first, I'll come to you."

"You go to Hu'er first." Zhao Yuanyuan hurriedly left a sentence and ran out. When she returned to the room, she felt a heart pounding. She hurriedly poured a glass of water and took a sip, when she suddenly heard someone push her. She was startled by the sound of the door, and hurried back to sit on the bed, picked up the fan and covered her face again.

Seeing her panicked, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't be afraid, it's me." He closed the door as he spoke.

Zhao Yuanyuan vaguely saw him through the fan, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't you go to Hu'er, why..."

Song Qingshu smiled and walked over: "Hu'er asked me to come to your side first." He walked to the bed and took the fan in her hand, revealing the girl's shy and infinitely pretty face.

"She..." Zhao Yuanyuanxin

I was extremely nervous. I subconsciously wanted to catch the fan next to me, but suddenly realized that the fan was used to hide the shame of a woman when she got married. After being picked off by her husband in the bridal chamber, there was no reason to pick it up again, so I was nervous. Twisting the corners of his clothes, thinking that this is the most important moment in my life, I was so nervous for a while that I didn't know what to say.

"Although Hu'er usually looks carefree, she actually has her delicate side," Song Qingshu sat down beside her, "She told me that you usually take care of her, and you let her take care of everything. Now it's her turn. She let you, not to mention that this is not for my husband, but for me to go to her later."

"She said that I feel more guilty." Zhao Yuanyuan frowned and said.

"It's all a family, and I still care about what these are doing." Song Qingshu worried that the two of them pushed around. In the end, the atmosphere was cold, so he got up and went to the front of the table. He had already prepared a drink here. He poured a glass and delivered it Zhao Yuanyuan said, "Lady, it's time to drink Heshu wine."

"Yes, husband." Zhao Yuanyuan bit her lip, and did not retort after all. After receiving the Heyanjiu, she seemed to be able to clearly hear her pounding heartbeat during the whole process.

Hearing her glutinous husband, Song Qingshu suddenly felt a little interference in her throat. Zhao Yuanyuan was originally the kind of gentle and quiet type, and the call of shyness and love at this time was really too sweet.

There were still water stains on the girl's lips, which looked particularly dazzling and seductive under the candle light. Song Qingshu couldn't help but kissed it.

Zhao Yuanyuan's eyes were round and her body froze instantly. She clasped her hem tightly with her hands. She didn't know where to put it. However, thinking that the other party was already her husband, she slowly closed her eyes, only trembling slightly. The eyelashes show that her mood is not so peaceful at this time.

Feeling that the girl's body has softened, Song Qingshu gently hugged her into his arms, enjoying the sweet and charming youthful breath of the girl.

Song Qingshu's experience is so rich. Where did Zhao Yuanyuan have seen this kind of means of picking up ladies. It didn't take long for her to breathe, her emotions surged, and her whole person was completely controlled by the other party. I don't know when, the whole person was already lying on the quilt. .

The clothes on her body gradually reduced, and she knew what was coming, and she did not dare to open her eyes.

Seeing Zhao Yuanyuan's nervousness, Song Qingshu did not force her to open her eyes, but quietly admired her. The shyness and shyness of a young girl is one of the most charming beauty in the world. Compared with the maturity and enthusiasm of a young woman, Song Qingshu Merlin

Zhuju is good at winning the field, and they are all things that men can't refuse.

Feeling the weight of the man on her body, Zhao Yuanyuan knew that the most important moment was coming. She wanted her lover to put out the red candle in the house, but she was too shy to speak. The only thing she could do was to open her body softly and tenderly. To welcome her husband's arrival.


I don’t know how long it took, Zhao Yuanyuan pushed the man next to her: "Husband, you should go to Hu'er." Her voice was very small, some trembling seemed to be mixed with a little bit of pain, but more were more. Sweet meaning, her soft pleadings and urges kept ringing in the room.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go over." Song Qing got up from the bed still unconsciously, Zhao Yuanyuan has been urging him from the beginning, and now she can't get rid of it anymore.

"Wait a minute~" Hong was pulled by a snow-white arm from the middle. Although Zhao Yuanyuan was extremely tired, she got up and passed the clothes for him, "Put your clothes on, just go over like... What it looks like."

Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry: "You have to take it off right away anyway, why bother." Zhao Yuanyuan wrapped the quilt in front of her, but it was or served him that the quilt would inevitably slip off because of the action, and her dazzling white skin was covered by the big red mandarin duck. When the quilt was screened, I really felt sorry for me.

"Husband, stop making trouble," Zhao Yuanyuan blushed and pushed away his evil hand. "Every girl is looking forward to her wedding night. You just pass by in disheveled clothes. Sister Hu'er doesn't say anything. It is bound to be lost."

Song Qingshu was startled, realizing that what she said was reasonable, so he no longer frittered away, and started to pick up himself.

Soon it was exactly the same as before entering the room, and even the groom’s hat was put on. Zhao Yuanyuan nodded in satisfaction: "It's almost the end now. Go to Sister Hu'er."

Song Qingshu gently hugged her and kissed her on the forehead: "I'll be back in a while." Zhao Yuanyuan's gentleness just now makes people linger.

Zhao Yuanyuan flushed, and hurriedly said, "No... don't come back, you will stay with your sister in a moment."

Song Qingshu knew that she was embarrassed, and she was always thinking about her sister. As soon as she rolled her eyes, she had a plan in her heart: "Let's see the situation later, I'll go there first."

"Yeah~" I don't know if it was shy or what, Zhao Yuanyuan got into the quilt again, and just responded in a low voice. . Wonderful Bookstore.

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