Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2059: Soft with rigid

Song Qingshu came to the room on the other side and saw Zhao Hu'er sitting on the bed with her eyes half-open and half-closed. She was shaking from time to time, making everyone else sweat for her, worrying that she would fall to the ground.

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing. The girl's nerves were really thick. She fell asleep here on the wedding night. Although it was waiting for him in the middle of the night, she was replaced by the delicate Zhao Yuanyuan. At this time, she must be full of all kinds of wild thoughts. , How can I fall asleep.

Stopping the maid from waking her up and beckoning her to go out first, the little maid blushed and smiled while closing the door for the two of them.

Coming to sit down by the bed, Zhao Hu'er's skin became white and blushing from so close, and the youth and beauty of a young girl were exuded everywhere.

Let her wait in the middle of the night, Song Qingshu's heart was full of pity, and Zhao Huer's figure flickered at this time and her weight was not held. He hurriedly hugged her from the side, moving very gently, for fear of waking her up.

If it were for normal times, Zhao Hu'er might have been asleep, but today is her wedding night after all, no matter how nervous she is, she won't really fall asleep, and she feels her body changes and wakes up subconsciously.

When she found herself lying in a man's arms, she could not help but exclaimed in fright, only to breathe a sigh of relief until she could see the other person.

"Are you scared?" Song Qingshu did not hide the change in the other's expression.

Zhao Hu'er sat up straight, and subconsciously wiped the non-existent saliva at the corner of her mouth: "I fell asleep accidentally, which made you laugh."

"I'm married, and speaking so politely." Song Qingshu noticed that she was nervously tidying up her clothes, as if worried about makeup problems, couldn't help holding her hand with a smile, "Don't worry, you are very beautiful now."

"Really?" Zhao Hu'er blushed and lowered her head, embarrassed to look at him.

Her small hands were very soft, and coupled with the girl's characteristic shy and infinite appearance, Song Qingshu's heartstrings seemed to be slapped a few times by a pair of invisible hands.

He felt a little fiery in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't leave any regrets to the other party: "Lady, it's time to drink Hebu Jiu."

Hearing the name of the other party, Zhao Hu'er, who had always been carefree, looked like a shy quail, but only responded softly.

After drinking Hexinjiu, Song Qingshu lowered his head to kiss her lips. Zhao Hu'er seemed to know what was coming, and a pair of small hands gripped his clothes tightly.

Song Qingshu was already over there just now. At this time, he was holding the soft body of a girl who was full of love for him, and feeling her sweet lips. He only felt that his whole body swelled so much, how could he bear it? , Put down the veil next to the bed, and the two figures slowly fell onto the bed.

Only the sound of burning red candles remained in the room, mixed with the soft whispers of the girl from time to time.


"Go to my sister." After a while, Zhao Hu'er's shy voice came from the red belt. There were still tears on the girl's cheek, but there was no sadness at all, and some were just feelings of satisfaction and happiness.

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "You really have a good heart. Just now Yuanyuan kept driving me to your side, and now you keep driving me to her side. It turns out that I am so unpopular."

"No, it's not," Zhao Hu'er said hurriedly, "It's just that I don't want my sister to be sad alone."

"Aren't you afraid that I will be sad." Song Qingshu said gloomily, "I couldn't get up there just now, and now it's hard to get up and down by you. It's really uncomfortable."

Zhao Hu'er's cheeks were flushed, and he felt reluctant to think of being charming just now.

Seeing her acquiescence, Song Qingshu smiled and went back into the bed. Zhao Hu'er raised her head slightly, revealing her long, snow-white neck, her teeth bit her red lips, her eyes closed subconsciously, and there was pain in her eyebrows. Still happy expression.

After a long time, Zhao Hu'er lay in the arms of her lover, unable to lift any strength all over: "Husband, I can't be so selfish, you really should go to my sister, otherwise she is so lonely and uncomfortable."

Song Qingshu had a headache: "I don't want to be rushed over by her again." Thinking of staying in this room for a while and staying in that room for a while, there is no time for a good rest all night.

"But..." Zhao Hu'er frowned, obviously she didn't want to make her sister sad.

Song Qingshu suddenly leaned in her ear and whispered softly, Zhao Hu'er's face instantly turned red: "How can this be done!"

"How can't it work?" Song Qingshu kept enlightening her, "Anyway, the ceremony has been completed just now, and there is no regret for each of you."

"But... then how would you let us see people tomorrow~" Zhao Hu'er turned around, leaving only her smooth and white back facing him.

Hearing her tone loosened, Song Qingshu leaned over and said: "Your concern is nothing more than being seen by the palace people. There will be some rumors at that time, so I did not force you to go back to your room and block the leisure of others. Mouth. It’s late at night now, there are not many people outside, and with my martial arts, I promise that I won’t be discovered by anyone.”

Zhao Hu'er blinked, and didn't know if he was thinking hard or thinking about how to refuse.

"Regardless of whether it is for the two of you to keep the vacant room alone on the wedding night, I am too reluctant to go, so I have to make the best move." Song Qingshu continued to persuade.

Zhao Hu'er blushed and sipped: "I'm not a fool. I don't know what the husband makes."

After being bluntly exposed, Song Qingshu's expression was a bit silly.

Zhao Hu'er bit her lip and finally made up her mind: "You want to send me back before the dawn of the day, otherwise we will be seen by the people, and we really don't have to live."

"Good!" Song Qingshu couldn't help being overjoyed. As soon as the quilt was wrapped, he hugged her in his arms, and even went straight away to the other room.

"Husband, why are you here again?" Zhao Yuanyuan asked softly when she heard the noise in the room, she supported herself to get up, but she was very tired.

Song Qingshu closed the door and replied: "Don't you want to spend your wedding night alone?"

"But what do you do when you come to Hu'er?" Zhao Yuanyuan said anxiously.

At this time Song Qingshu has come to the bedside: "So I brought her here."

Wrapped in the quilt, Zhao Hu'er's face flushed with only one head exposed, and she shouted timidly: "Sister~"

"Huh?" Zhao Yuanyuan exclaimed, half of her sleepiness was awakened, and she hurriedly sat up, "Isn't this a idiot? The people in the palace have a lot of mouths. Once it spreads out, it will not only make the royal face shame, but also your husband. He will also be impeached by Yu Shi."

She has always been gentle, but now she is more serious than ever.

Song Qingshu put Zhao Hu'er down and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, no one will see it. I will quietly send Hu'er back before dawn."

Seeing what she wanted to say, Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "I just don't want any of you to spend tonight alone, don't worry, just sleep and do nothing."

Zhao Yuanyuan bit her lip, and sighed faintly after a long time: "I'm really afraid of you."

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