Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2060: Story of Dong Zhuo and Hou Jing

In the morning of the second day, Song Qingshu walked out of the room refreshingly. As for whether they followed the agreement last night, they only slept, and only they knew it.

"Mr. Ma is early." The court ladies who saw him saluted, and after they left, they whispered, "My stamina is really good. I went to the room of the two princesses last night. I woke up so early today, and I still seem to be okay. "

"Your little hoof blushes like this, it must be your spring heart."

"The Lord Ma is a banal from the sky, how dare I even think about it."


Hearing the faint voice behind him, Song Qingshu looked a little weird. He didn't expect that one day he would become so popular.

When he came to the political affairs hall to deal with political affairs, the ministers were surprised that he had gotten up so early today to handle official affairs. Congratulations and a lot of admiration arose.

After Song Qingshu finished his official duties, he suddenly received a letter from the Qi Palace, and learned that the group of guards sent by the Golden Snake Camp had arrived in Lin'an. He was overjoyed and ran to discuss with Wang Ziteng.

Wang Ziteng did not shirk much, and soon arranged the official identities for these people, letting these people take charge of Zhao Go's close defense, and then quietly pulled Song Qingshu and said, "Qingshu, you should also know this palace guard. It was originally my territory, but now the people who promised you so readily can come in. One is that we are now grasshoppers on a rope, we want to unite against other forces; secondly, it's mainly for Yuyan's sake, anyway Sooner or later, it’s a family, so it’s not that different."

Song Qingshu agreed with him and said to himself, based on the close relationship between himself and Li Qingluo, we are actually a family now.

When the prince turned around, he began to ask about the date of his marriage with Wang Yuyan, which made Song Qingshu confused.

"I just got married with the princess, if I were to be with Yuyan again at this time... it would be controversial, and she would also be wronged..." Song Qingshu racked his brains and finally gave up his thoughts temporarily.

After the separation from him, Song Qingshu secretly pondered that Li Qingluo on Wudang Mountain had made a white lie in order to prevent the two sides from meeting each other.

If you tell the truth, it is difficult to guarantee that Wang Ziteng will not turn his face, and even if he endures it, the two sides no longer have the basis for cooperation, and the cooperation will definitely not be as close as it is now.

All enemies in Lin'an during this period of time, he didn't want to turn his only ally, Wang Family, into an enemy.

It's a pity that he thinks too much about this problem, and he can't think of a solution that has the best of both worlds. At present, he can only use a drag formula.

In the afternoon, there was good news, and the people from Lingjiu Palace also arrived. Song Qingshu's tight chords finally relaxed during this period. With these people and the guards of the Golden Snake Camp, he was finally able to completely control the palace.

After being led into the palace, the four body servants of Meilanzhuju looked around curiously.

"Wow, is this the palace?"

"What? It's not much bigger than Lingjiu Palace."

"And the scenery is far worse than that of Lingjiu Palace."

"Yes, this Imperial Garden is too small, right? So many concubines in such a small garden can be seen without looking up and lowering their heads."


Song Qingshu heard a black line, thinking this is the palace, don't the palace want face?

"Okay, stop yelling, lest people hear the joke." Song Qingshu was a little guilty, and there was always a feeling of bringing a group of buns into the city.

Several maids drew half of their swords out of their hands and hummed, "Whoever dares to laugh, we will kill them with one sword."

Song Qingshu stroked his forehead with his hand, feeling very tired. This group of people was lawless in the Lingjiu Palace. After all, they were the ground snakes over there. The people in 72 Caves of 36 Islands were frightened every time they went up the mountain. They live and die, and naturally raise their temperament... to be wilder.

"Don't you even listen to me?" Song Qingshu said with a straight face.

Seeing that he was really angry, the girls were quiet and shivered, and hurriedly saluteed: "The maidservant dare not."

Song Qingshu nodded and continued: "This is the palace. If you make a mistake, you will not only be in danger of your life, but you will also be easy to talk to me. At that time, the court won't know how many people will take the opportunity to attack me."

Although the maids were dissatisfied with the danger of life, they still understood that it would cause trouble to the Lord, and they nodded in a hurry.

Song Qingshu had a headache, thinking that he had miscalculated before, and it might not be so easy for these women who have been accustomed to being arrogant in Tianshan to learn the rules of the palace.

Fortunately, Grandma Yu and other mature and respectful people who came with him quickly scolded Meilanzhuju and then began to restrain the deployment.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded. Although this mother-in-law Yu is not well-known in the arena, she has a very high level of skill. She once played against Xuanci from Shaolin Temple. Xuanci who only uses five points of internal strength is not her opponent at all, so she has Xuanci. The level of charity is 70% to 80%, and it can be regarded as the level of imperial equipment in the palace.

The nine divisions of Lingjiu Palace, Grandma Yu is the leader of the Haotian Division. Although the leaders of the other divisions are slightly inferior, they are not much different. Each of the other disciples is also extraordinary. The key is that as a woman, she can be a court lady. The identity is arranged in the harem, with this new force, Song Qingshu can finally rest assured.

It took a few days for the people in Lingjiu Palace to familiarize themselves with the situation in the palace, and then let them find the little maid in Jia Fei's palace, and report on Jia Fei's previous murder of Wu Fei.

It was rumored that Concubine Wu died violently in the harem. Everyone expressed deep doubts about it. However, the water in the harem was always deep, and no one did not open their eyes to mix up, but everyone suspected that Jia, who had always been at odds with Concubine Wu, Concubine.

Now that I heard the news, everyone felt that way in their hearts.

A court lady testified, coupled with the fact that the bitter Lord Wu Fei suddenly appeared in confrontation, it can be said that it is ironclad. Now Jia Sidao is dead, and Jia Fei is isolated and helpless. In addition, the Chongqing Palace made an assassin before, and the Crown Prince also suspected she was there Fuck, so stand idly by.

Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji wanted to help, but their power in the harem couldn't reach out. In addition, the evidence was too sufficient. They weighed and weighed, but after all, they did not intervene.

In the end, the emperor made an decree that Concubine Jia was beaten into the cold palace, and Concubine Wu became the most favored concubine in the harem again.

Then Song Qingshu secretly conscripted the Golden Snake Camp into Beijing Gongwei Jingshi with Zhao Gou's warrant. In order to conceal people's attention, Song Qingshu asked the Golden Snake Camp's troops to bypass the Southern Song Jianghuai line of defense, walk by sea, and then land near Shanyin, which is the Lu family's territory. Lu Guanying was there to respond, so it was not until the army entered Lin'an City that the others recovered.

Song Qingshu was the head of the court in name. The army's entry into Beijing has become a fait accompli. All forces had to admit their fate and suspended their actions against Song Qingshu.

Shi Miyuan had a private meeting with Xue Ji, and finally couldn't help but sigh: "This is to imitate the story of Dong Zhuo and Hou Jing."

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