Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2061: New identity

With the backing of the army, Song Qingshu began to counterattack in an all-round way.

First, the Yi Wang Yu Party was purged, and a series of officials involved in the Yi Wang's rebellion were purged. Because the Yi Wang had always been close to the four major families, many officials from the Jia family, Shi Jia, and Xue family were also involved.

Of course, Song Qingshu still had room for it, and didn't touch the group of people in these most core circles, lest it would be uneconomical for them to come and die.

Rao also cleared out a lot of branches and vacated a large number of positions, so Song Qingshu took the opportunity to promote the former officials of the Han family.

Of course, in order to avoid Han Tong's past mistakes, he followed Li Shouzhong's suggestion of "recommending wise men" and wooed the people of Jianshan Academy.

First, the school ban was lifted, and the ministers Zhao Ruyu, Lu Zuqian and others who were reprimanded by Han Chengzhe in power were restored to office, and Zhu Xi was later named official, and the fifteen elders such as Lin Dazhong and Lou Yao were called into the dynasty, and Yang Jian, Li Xinchuan, etc. were used. Many Neo-Confucian scholars, even the great scholars like Zhen Dexiu and Wei Liaoweng who had impeached him before, have been rewarded and promoted.

Then, to the Neo-Confucian scholars Zhu Xi, Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, and Zhang Zai, who did not meet the requirements for granting posthumous titles, they were given posthumous titles of Wen, Yuan, Pure, Zheng, and Ming respectively, in order to enhance the status of the Neo-Confucian school and win over the scholars Support.

Therefore, although Song Qingshu married two princesses at the same time, and all kinds of behaviors of arrogant soldiers were against the ideals of Neo-Confucianism, but as the so-called cannibalism and short-handedness, Neo-Confucianism enjoyed unprecedented treatment and had a much better impression of him, although there were still some. Daru often impeached him, but after all, it was only a minority. He succeeded in winning the friendship of the majority of Jianshan Academy.

Of course, Song Qingshu puts a large part of his energy on the control of the army. Now he holds the emperor to command the princes and holds tiger charms. At the same time, he is still a state affairs of the Pingzhang army. He also has the authority to adjust troops. According to the Song Dynasty system, the army can theoretically be Listen to him. However, the power structure of the Song Dynasty in this world has changed. The four major clans are too deeply entrenched. Many people in the army are their protégés. If something really happens, he may not be able to mobilize the army.

From future generations, he deeply understood the principle of power coming from the barrel of a gun, so he paid much attention to it. Fortunately, in the past, Han Chung had a very large force in the military. With these people as the team, it would be much easier for him to rebuild the system.

Luo Riyuan, Yang Ming, Zhang Xing, Hua Yue and others in the former belly of the Japanese military center were also transferred back from the Golden Snake Camp this time. Although they had previously committed the felony of assassinating Jia Sidao, they are now Dead, he is the top leader of the court, it is not too difficult to find a reason to clean them up.

These people have a wide network of people in the army. There are teams that are familiar with Han Tong's past. With their help, Song Qingshu quickly took control of the army near the capital.

Coupled with the previous local Gundam, surrender to Shibi and others, and Sichuan that was originally under his control, now he is no longer as worried as before, and the situation on the Southern Song Dynasty has temporarily stabilized.

Of course, the influence of Shi Miyuan, Xue Ji, and the remaining forces of the Jia family in the army should not be underestimated. Song Qingshu could not control all the army in a short time, but at least it ensured that they could not use the army to "clear the side". What.

Ren Yingying has also been taken into the palace by him. During this time, she should be trained to learn her own behavior, habits, voice, etc., and at the same time, let her contact her "confidant" who has been promoted in the court during this time.

Song Qingshu originally thought about not being so troublesome, but it is clear that the peace in Lin'an is based on the suppression of his personal powerful force and prestige. If everyone knows that he has left Lin'an, all parties will definitely take action. Relying on Ren Yingying may not be able to suppress it, maybe the "team" he has worked so hard to build during this period may also turn back.

So he could only make Ren Yingying look like himself, sitting in the capital, in Lin'an, no one is more suitable than her, whether it is Chen Yuanyuan or Li Qingluo, each has its own shortcomings. Song Qingshu dare not take this easily. As for the sisters Ake and Zhao Yuanyuan and Zhao Hu'er, they didn't even think about it.

Only Ren Yingying is the most trustworthy, clever and agile. The key is that she used to be a superior saint, who naturally has the temperament of a superior, plus she was in charge of the Qi Palace some time ago, and has accumulated a certain amount of experience and prestige.

Moreover, behind Ren Yingying, there is the Sun Moon God Sect. Although the Sun Moon God Sect cultists have mixed good and bad, they did gather a large number of talents. In addition, Song Qingshu worried that he would not have enough force to suppress him when he left the palace. Shi Shihao, the Xue family also has a sword **** Xue Yiren, no matter who it is, the masters of Lingjiu Palace and Golden Snake Camp alone may not be able to stop him.

As for Li Qingluo, the relationship between the two is very delicate. If you say they are a couple, they always feel that the relationship is a little bit worse. Simply speaking, they are friends-friends. It seems that they have made a lot of feelings because she has a certain degree of independence. Maybe staying in the palace all day to assist Ren Yingying, and relying on her alone may not be the opponent of Shi Hao, Xue Yiren and others.

Song Qingshu had always had a headache, but Ren Yingying solved the problem. It turned out that Ren Woxing's distressed daughter came to see her, and she took advantage of the trend to stay here as a bodyguard, and solved the problem of the lack of high-end force in the palace.

In recent years, the cooperation between Song Qingshu and Ren Woxing has gone deep into all aspects. In addition, the former Lin’an Qi Palace team was basically formed by people from the Sun Moon God Sect. Therefore, the relationship between the two parties has become the closest allies. It doesn't matter if the secret is properly revealed to him.

Originally, Ren Yingying was still very upset with the arrival of Ren Woxing. After all, Ren Yingying was his only daughter. As a result, his son-in-law was a big carrot, and he married two princesses in front of his daughter.

Ren Woxing even considered giving this son-in-law a lesson, but considering the difference in the strength of the two sides, he instantly gave up this idea. It's just that the dissatisfaction still exists in my heart, until I came to Lin'an and found that the other party has actually controlled a country!

Ren Woxing was originally the kind with a great desire for power, otherwise he would not plan to unify the martial arts, but after he came to Lin'an, he found that his son-in-law was only one step away from the emperor, and instantly felt that those in the martial arts were just small fights. Little trouble.

Even if Song Qingshu's martial arts was no matter how high he was, he still complained a little bit for his daughter, but once he knew that the other party might become the emperor, all his dissatisfaction disappeared.

When the imperial concubine might even be the queen, he was much more glamorous than when he was a concubine, so when he heard his daughter's request, he agreed in one fell swoop, and even handled government affairs more actively than Ren Yingying.

After setting up everything after he left, Song Qingshu knew that he should go to Xixia to recruit, but now he is facing a problem. Ren Yingying changed his identity to sit in Lin'an, so he himself would not be able to show up in public. Of course, for Xixia, they It is impossible to openly marry the princess to a man with many wives as a child, so it doesn't matter if Song Qingshu doesn't need to be his own identity.

But this raises a question, that is, in what capacity does he participate in Xixia's recruitment? After all, Li Qinglu was already his person, and he didn't want the opponent to be taken away by other men. Even if he secretly manipulated the selection process to prevent the Mongolian prince from succeeding, there would be a winner in the end.

Therefore, after all deliberation, he can only be a candidate for recruiting relatives to ensure the return of the beautiful woman. To be shortlisted for Xixia’s recruitment, the candidate must be either Wang Sun Gongzi or the dominant giant. Song Qingshu couldn’t use his identity, which caused him a great headache.

In the end, Li Qingluo's proposal made him suddenly cheerful, and that is to pretend to be Jia Baoyu!

First of all, Jia Baoyu is dead, only a few people know about him and Zhou Zhiruo, everyone else only knows that Jia Baoyu is missing; secondly, he used to pretend to be Jia Baoyu, and now it is not difficult to return to his old business; Jia Baoyu is noble and does have Eligible to participate in Xixia recruitment.

The most important thing is that after Jia Sidao died, Jia Baoyu was theoretically the heir of the Jia family. The huge Jia family group has been silent for this period of time. In the final analysis, it is a group of dragons without a leader, so they have to dormant temporarily, but this does not mean that the crisis is eliminated. Sooner or later, these people will burst out.

Once Jia Baoyu returns to Jia Mansion, his heir status can naturally call for loyalty to Jia Sidao’s confidant. People from the Jia family group lurking everywhere will surround him. Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji can do whatever they want. To win him to cooperate.

In this way, Song Qingshu can know the enemy's overall plan in advance, and it will be difficult to lose at that time.

"Suddenly it feels a little insidious." Looking at the smile on the corner of the son's mouth in the mirror, Song Qingshu couldn't help but vomit.

After all, it takes a few days to get back to Jia's residence, and it is impossible to set out to recruit relatives in Xixia right away. So after making this plan, Song Qingshu immediately became Jia Baoyu so that he could set off to Xixia as soon as possible.

When Song Qingshu appeared at the gate of Jia's mansion, the concierge looked at him incredulously, and then ran back to the mansion like crazy to report: "The second master Bao is back, the second master Bao is back!"

The entire Rongguo Mansion and the Ningguo Mansion on the side were all boiled. During this time, Jia Mansion had experienced a transformation from heaven to hell. Several patriarchs died in Wudang Mountain, and Jia Fei was deposed to Lenggong. The glory of Shangjia House is not diminished, but everyone has a feeling that the building will be poured.

On the Wudang Mountain side, not only Jia Sidao, but also Jia Jingjia, the most important man in these residences, died. Now the second residence of Rongning can be said to be overwhelming, and the rest of the houses are also for the Patriarch. Wei Ming fights secretly, and now Jia Baoyu, the most well-known heir, is back, as if to give everyone in Jia's house a shot.

The maids and maids from each room came out to see her. The lifeless Jia's house instantly regained its vitality. Seeing Yingying and Yanyan in the courtyard, Song Qingshu couldn't help but look weird, because he thought of Li Qingluo's proposal to him: "One of the four big families. So it’s difficult because you’ve been in the same spirit all these years. If you can split and break their relationship, you can easily break them. There are several wives and young ladies from the big families in the Grand View Garden. You come here with the identity of Jia Baoyu. One pass will probably turn several families into enemies."

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