Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2062: Debunk counterfeit goods

Song Qingshu shook his head and expelled the thought from his mind, thinking that Li Qingluo deserves to be the Virgin of the White Lotus Sect, and was born in the Xiaoyao School. He always carries a bit of evil in his body. This trick is really poisonous.

However, he has to admit that the other party's idea is indeed very targeted. If it is really implemented, it will be effortless to separate Jiashi, Wangxue, and Xue.

"It's just that it's too despicable." Song Qingshu now can't hold back his face to do such a thing.

"Second Master Bao, it is really Second Master Bao~" A few beautiful little maids trot over all the way, and when they saw him, they burst into tears.

Song Qingshu pretended to be Jia Baoyu once before, and naturally recognized that these were several maids around him, such as Xiren, Qingwen, Musk Moon, and Qiuwen.

Several maids chattering around him and jumping and jumping, Song Qingshu responded to their inquiries one by one, without revealing any flaws.

"My dear, where did you go." It didn't take long for an old lady to run over here, and before they arrived, she opened her hands to hug him.

Song Qingshu knew that she was the old lady who loved Jia Baoyu the most, and hurriedly greeted her and helped her: "Old ancestor, don't fall."

Jia's mother hugged him tightly, crying darlingly.

Noticing her tears and feeling her sincere concern, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. If she knew that Jia Baoyu had died long ago, and that her son Jia Sidao died because of me, I wonder if she would collapse.

After all, the other party was an innocent old man. Song Qingshu secretly made up his mind to prevent her from knowing the truth as much as possible and continue to live happily as before.

"Where have you been during this period, everyone is worried to death." Madam Wang was also a little excited, but she couldn't help but reprimand him.

"Bah, baah, it's unlucky to die." Jia's mother turned her head and glared at her.

"The old lady taught me a lot." Madam Wang sighed, with a trace of sadness on her face.

"It's a long story." Song Qingshu glanced around, and these people in Jia's Mansion were extremely happy on the surface, but based on his experience, how could he not be able to distinguish the complexity in some people's eyes? mood.

"It seems that not everyone in Jia's mansion welcomes Jia Baoyu's return." Song Qingshu secretly pondered.

"Walk around, come to my place and speak slowly." Jia's mother took him to his yard. Others had a lot of questions, but they didn't dare to **** someone from the old lady. Those who were not of the level enough had no choice but to ask. Watching them leave with eager eyes.

When he arrived at Jia’s mother’s yard, Song Qingshu said the reason he had already thought out: "I was arrested by the Mongols before... and finally found a chance to escape..."

Mother Jia was frightened and couldn't help cursing: "The Mongolian Tartars who killed a thousand knives, what are you doing?"

"Maybe you want to use me as a threat." Song Qingshu replied.

"Our house has been so miserable in the past two years. I finally look forward to your coming back, but your father is gone." Mother Jia said more and more sad, and kept wiping tears. The daughter-in-law and young lady beside him , The maids hurried to persuade.

"What's the matter with daddy?" Song Qingshu acted completely unaware of what happened to Jia Sidao.

"In order to protect the official family in Wudang Mountain, your father was given to... to..." Jia's mother cried, and the other old and weak women and children in the house also cried.

Song Qingshu also substituted his emotions into it, wondering how the real Jia Baoyu would react, while imitating.

A room was crying for a long time, but Jia's mother first came to wake up: "This period of time is exhausted, and I must have suffered all the hardships. It attacked people. He took Baoyu back to Yihongyuan to freshen up, change clothes, and wash away the bad luck , And then come over for dinner together."

"Yes, old lady." Xiren and the others bowed and came to Song Qingshu.

"Come here later to greet the ancestors." Song Qingshu also got up to say goodbye. He wanted to pretend to be back after fleeing all the way, so his clothes looked a little ragged.

At the same time, he secretly complained about Jia Baoyu's taste, and named his yard Yihong Yuan, and also called himself Young Master Yihong. When he put it outside, it sounded like a brothel and a flower-picking thief.

After Song Qingshu left, the wives in the other rooms spoke to Jia's mother for a while, and then went back to their own rooms.

When Wang Xifeng returned to his house, Jia Lian was already walking around the room anxiously. Seeing his wife came back, he hurriedly asked: "I heard that Baoyu is back."

"The news of his return, I'm afraid the neighboring mansion already knows." Wang Xifeng nodded solemnly.

"Are you sure it is him?" Jia Lian asked next.

"It should be." Wang Xifeng was a little uncertain, "Looking at his appearance and the dialogue with his ancestors, there is nothing wrong with him."

"Why come back at this time!" Jia Lian's expression was a bit sullen, "Seeing that I can inherit the title of Rongguo Mansion, but he just came back at this time!"

Wang Xifeng hurriedly opened the door and looked around at the door for a while. He was relieved to see that no one was around. After closing the door, he yelled at her husband: "You are crazy, if these words are passed to the ancestors' ears, it won't be worth it."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, there is nothing left." Jia Lian was a little depressed, "Jia Baoyu has been missing for so long, and the master has initiated all the relationships and can't be found. Everyone thinks that he died outside. Why is it safe and sound? came back."

In the official announcement, Jia Sidao died as an escort. In order to reward this behavior, he was posthumously named a king. Of course, such a title cannot be inherited, but his title of Duke of Rongguo can be passed on. The eldest son Jia Zhu died many years ago, leaving only a widow wife, Li Wan, and no blood. The second son Jia Baoyu has not married yet and naturally has no children. Now he is missing, and Jia Lian has naturally become the first. Heir in line, but when Jia Baoyu came back, everything went to the ground.

Wang Xifeng's expression suddenly moved: "Will the one you said back is fake?"

Jia Lian's spirit came instantly: "Fake?"

Wang Xifeng nodded: "Yes, I haven't found any clues about him after investigating for so long before, and he even suspected that it was our poisonous hand. Doesn't it just prove that the master thinks that Baoyu is no longer alive?"

Recalling that period of panic all day long, Jia Lian also gradually recalled: "Yes, if the master had enough information, he would never think he was dead."

Jia Lian suddenly thought of something, and suddenly deflated: "Just now you said he behaved like Baoyu."

I don’t know if he has seen hope, Wang Xifeng’s gorgeous face has a smile on his face: “It’s just the same on the surface. If you know that the world is so big, it’s not impossible to have exactly the same person. If someone teaches him some Jia Baoyu It’s not difficult for him to impersonate him because of his behavior and various situations in Jia’s mansion.

Jia Lian's spirit came in an instant: "But how can we prove that he is a counterfeit?"

Wang Xifeng looked at the direction of Yihongyuan: "It is the most difficult to fool people around by impersonating. Nizi and Baoyu have already stolen the forbidden fruit, and the girls in Yihongyuan are most familiar with him, and he can hide it from the old lady. , May not be able to hide them from the attackers."

"But they are just maids after all. What if they are tempted by coercion, and dare not denounce him?" Jia Lian's thoughts have never been more meticulous when it comes to his title.

Wang Xifeng frowned, and suddenly made a plan: "Then I will do it myself."

"You?" Jia Lian was puzzled looking at his wife's confident appearance.

A blush flashed across Wang Xifeng’s face and explained: “I can go look for him in private and pretend that Zeng Jin has an affair with him. If the other party is a fake, if I don’t know it, I will only follow what I say. At that time, it will naturally prove that he is fake, and it is best to let the old lady and others see the man molesting me at the same time, even if he is real, he will be discredited.

"This is a wonderful plan!" Jia Lian was overjoyed, but after being excited, she felt something was wrong, and looked at her charming wife suspiciously, "You didn't really have anything with Baoyu before, did you?"

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