Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2064: Thought of going together

After asking him so many questions in a row, Liao Yingzhong lost most of his doubts, and hurriedly bowed for a week: "Subordinates, see the son! Now, in a very period of time, I am worried that someone with unpredictable intentions will pretend to be the son, so I just deliberately tried it out just now. I hope you forgive me for offending."

Song Qingshu hurriedly helped him up: "Mr. Liao is thoughtful and considerate. How can I blame him if it is too late to admire him."

Liao Yingzhong glanced at him unexpectedly: "I haven't seen him for many days, the son seems to have grown a lot."

Song Qingshu knew that his behavior and habits were inevitably different from those of Jia Baoyu before, but he had already figured out the reason: "I was arrested by the people of the Ruyang Palace during this period. From the time the master became the prisoner, the huge contrast made me start. Thinking about it, I gradually realized that it was too silly before."

Liao Yingzhong couldn't help but sighed: "If the master is still there, I don't know how pleased it will be to see the young master so mature."

Song Qingshu also showed a sad expression: "It's a pity that his old man will never come back."

Liao Yingzhong asked: "My son, do you know what happened in Wudang Mountain?"

Of course Song Qingshu knows, but he replied according to what he heard in the mansion before: "The old lady told me before that he unfortunately sacrificed in order to save the official family. The official family was considered kind, and he chased him as a king. Jia's family also lavishly awarded rewards."

Liao Yingzhong's complexion changed, and finally said: "This is just to fool the people. Jia Xiang is a great figure in the world, even if he wants to protect his driver, how can he lose his life by committing a risk."

Song Qingshu asked pretendingly: "Sir, does he mean that there is something hidden behind the death of his old man?"

Liao Yingzhong did not answer immediately. Instead, she got up to the door and looked around, confirming that no one had closed the door again, and whispered: "My son, what I'm talking about below is the catastrophe of looting the family, and you must not leak it out."

Song Qingshu looked scared: "Can't even the old ladies say it?"

"No!" Liao Yingzhong looked at him tightly, "You can choose to listen or not to listen now."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment before he said, "Okay, I want to know the truth."

Liao Yingzhong nodded with satisfaction: "Jia Xiangquan knows, he must be very happy." After a pause, he continued: "Jia Xiang has been planning a major event before. This event is too dangerous, so only a few people know about it, in order to avoid it. The old lady was worried and didn't tell her..."

Then he roughly said Jia Sidao's plan.

Song Qingshu appeared extremely "shocked": "What, he is going to rebel?"

Liao Yingzhong frowned, apparently feeling that the words of treason were a bit harsh, and coughed, and explained: "The prince and general Xiangning are kind. The great ancestor of this dynasty also usurped the throne by bullying the orphans and widows. Why can't we take them? of?"

Song Qingshu nodded and said soothingly: "It's Baoyu that is pedantic."

Liao Yingzhong then continued: "Jia Xiang planned everything, and he himself is a hidden master. From our point of view, he is very stable. Even if he is unsuccessful, he can still retreat with his current power and martial arts. It failed and died in Wudang Mountain."

Song Qingshu knowingly asked: "What happened on Wudang Mountain?"

Liao Yingzhong shook her head: "No one knows. Almost all the people who went up the mountain have died, but to be sure, most of them have nothing to do with Song Qingshu."

Listening to him mentioning his name, Song Qingshu laughed bitterly, and in the end he became a man of the pot, but although Jia Sidao didn't die in his own hands, it didn't make much difference.

"Jia Xiang was a little jealous of his surname Song before, so he specially instigated the Red Coat Army to attack Yangzhou, and sent the Huaidong system to make Liu Wei lead 30,000 elite soldiers to monitor him. He thought he would be able to hold him for a few months, but he didn't expect it. He solved the Yangzhou issue so quickly, and he rushed to Wudang thousands of miles away." Liao Yingzhong was full of exclamation, "Although I am an enemy, I have to admire him. If I hadn't met Jia Xiang first, Maybe I already took refuge in him..."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little proud when he heard the other party admiring himself so much. Of course, he didn't take the other party's last sentence to heart. Once such a person chooses the master, it is impossible to change the door, let alone Jia Sidao basically. It was because of himself that he died, and it was even more impossible to recruit him.

After feeling for a while, Liao Yingzhong said: "I said so much, mainly to let the son know how terrible our enemy is, and we must not take it lightly."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Now that he has power in the field and his martial arts is high, what should we take to avenge?"

"My son, don't be discouraged," Liao Yingzhong replied, "Although the martial arts surnamed Song is high, but in the court, power struggles, martial arts is not of much use. In the past, the king of Goujian gave birth for ten years, and educates for ten years. , We can do the same."

Song Qingshu frowned secretly, wondering whether to solve Liao Yingzhong, lest a poisonous snake kept staring at him in the dark.

"I don't know what a good plan Mr. has?" Song Qingshu decided to test his tone first, so as to take precautions in advance.

Liao Yingzhong sighed: "In the Battle of Wudang, the Xia Ke Island was almost wiped out, and the other elites were also lost. The strength of the Jia family is now not as good as before, so we need to seek outside power next."

"External force?" Song Qingshu was startled.

Liao Yingzhong nodded: “Some time ago, people from the historical and Xue family’s factions had attacked the court several times. Obviously, the appearance of Song Qingshu harmed the interests of their two families. In addition, several of our families have always joined forces in the past few years. So they are our natural allies."

Song Qingshu frowned and said, "However, they have many eyeliners, and the real situation of the Wudang battle may not be concealed from them. Then they are likely to draw a clear line from our Jia family."

"There is indeed such a possibility," Liao Yingzhong is somewhat pleased that Jia Baoyu has such a keen eye now that he finds the key point at a glance, "So the son needs to go out."

"Me?" Song Qingshu was a little unsure.

Liao Yingzhong showed a strange expression: "If you want to prevent the Shi and Xue families from drawing a clear line, then let the two families become a family, and this is what the son is good at."

"Mr., don't sell it anymore, what the **** is going on?" Song Qingshu became more confused as he listened.

"The son has always been very popular with girls. It just so happens that the Shijia and Xue family have the jewels in their palms. If you can get their hearts, why not worry about turning the two into a family." Liao Yingzhong also thought it was very weird. But want to come up with such a bad idea.

Song Qingshu's eyes were wide-eyed. He didn't expect Li Qingluo to urge him to hook up those young ladies before. When he arrived at Jia's house, even Liao Yingzhong had the same idea.

Of course, the goals of the two are still different. One is to let him be a scumbag and take the opportunity to annoy the other two; the other is to let him win the hearts of the two young ladies and marry them back with integrity.

"But I like Sister Lin better..." Song Qingshu kept his identity in mind, and he still had to show his attitude.

Liao Yingzhong shook her head and said: "If the grandfather is still there, you can marry whoever your son likes. You don't have to worry too much, but now it's different. You bear the honor and disgrace of the family and the will of the grandfather. I can’t do everything on my liking anymore."

"Although the Lin family is not bad, it is still a bit worse than the Shi and Xue family."

Hearing his evaluation, Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Lin Ruhai was a salt and iron envoy before, and then Han Tong collapsed. Under Jia Sidao's operation, he is now in the position of planning, and his position is no longer inferior to that of political affairs. The most critical problem is that Lin Ruhai relied on Jia Sidao to sit in this position. Now Jia Sidao is dead, his position may not be stable. At the same time, Lin's family is sparse, compared to the luxuriant Shi and Xue Liang. Home, after all, a bit of a bad heritage.

"I see." Song Qingshu is not really Jia Baoyu, so naturally he will not hold his sister Lin.

Seeing his agreement, Liao Yingzhong saw him becoming more pleasing to the eye. She thought that although the son had suffered a lot when he went out this time, it may not be a bad thing now: "Originally, Miss Shijia was the best candidate. After all, Shijia is stronger. , But the problem is that Miss Shi Jia seems to have a fiancé, I am afraid there is little hope of getting her."

Song Qingshu knew that the fiancé he was talking about was Wei Ruolan, and speaking of it, there was still a past between him and Shi Xiangyun and Wei Ruolan.

Liao Yingzhong didn't know that he was wandering and continued: "Miss Xue Jia is easier in comparison. It's just that Miss Xue Jia grew up in a place like Huangcheng Division. She must be a powerful role. The son will probably suffer in the future. ."

Xue Baochai's charming face appeared in Song Qingshu's mind. She thought that Liao Yingzhong's comment was quite good. She looked dignified and virtuous, but the woman who came out of the Imperial City Division could be a simple role.

"The son is handsome in appearance, and he is born to be liked by women, so if you let go of the means to pursue, the possibility of success is still very high." Liao Yingzhong obviously feels that her son will definitely be able to catch Xue Baochai. As for Shi Xiangyun, it is not impossible. Lin Daiyu is already in the bag.

Song Qingshu intends to take the opportunity to inquire about the reality of the Jia Family Group: "By the way, sir, who else can we use now? There is so much in my heart."

Liao Yingzhong said sadly: "The power that was originally created by the master does not need to rely on the son to betray the male sex..."

Song Qingshu's face suddenly became wonderful when he heard the words betraying male sex.

"It's just that the grandfather is dead, and some people have dissent, leading to division within the group, so they have to wronged the son to win over the Shi and Xue family."

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows: "Oh? I don't know who has different intentions?" I thought I could just use it to win a wave.

Liao Yingzhong replied: "Didn't you tell the son of Wudang Mountain that the forces on Xia Ke Island were almost annihilated? In fact, there are still a few people left on Xia Ke Island."

Hearing his mention of Xia Ke Island, Song Qingshu suddenly became energetic. You must know that Xia Ke Island has always been mysterious, and even people like him who have been to Xia Ke Island still have a lot of things they don't know.

"First, it was Wu Liu. This person became the admiral of the Guangdong Navy with the help of the master. As a result, the master had an accident, and his attitude became more subtle." Liao Yingzhong's voice was cold, and her heart was obviously full of dissatisfaction.

Wu Liuqi? Song Qingshu nodded secretly, he knew that the other party didn't really join the Knight Island from the beginning, and this choice was no exception.

Liao Yingzhong continued: "Next is Zhao Da and Qian Er."

Song Qingshu immediately sat upright. The most mysterious person on Xia Ke Island was not the second island lord of Longmu, but the two messengers in front of Zhang San and Li Si. It seemed that the dragon had never seen the end, and it seemed that he had never appeared before.

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