Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2065: Zhao Daqian II

"It's nothing more than Qian Er, this Zhao Da is really not a thing." Liao Yingzhong gritted her teeth, obviously hating this Zhao Da to her bones.

"Why?" Song Qingshu didn't blindly ask who Zhao Daqian Er was. Jia Baoyu had been to Xia Ke Island before, and according to the circumstances, he hadn't been there once or twice. It is very likely that he knew Zhao Daqian Er's. If you ask about your identity, wouldn't it be exposed.

Liao Yingzhong hesitated for a moment, and explained: "Now that the grandfather is dead, the son is about to become the head of the Jia Mansion, and some secrets should be told to the son."

Drinking a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, he continued: "The grandpa established Xia Ke Island in the past. On the one hand, he was able to network the powerful people on the rivers and lakes, and on the other hand, he also attracted the children of some ministers in the DPRK to prepare for future major events. ."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire a little. Jia Sidao really thought for a long time. Through the relationship of Xia Ke Island, he tied the Manchu civil and military capital to him. It is no wonder that the forces have developed so rapidly in recent years that Zhao Gou felt that it was impossible to contain it and had to use jade and stone to burn. Strategy.

"Of course, at the beginning, the people who were not taken seriously by each family were the side branches or concubines," Liao Yingzhong smiled bitterly. "After all, the direct lineage with a good future will not participate in this kind of blood licking, only that it has been unable to get ahead and treated badly. The collateral of the company has enough ambition and motivation."

Song Qingshu secretly nodded. Although this big family of the world is not comparable to the Wei and Jin dynasties, it should not be underestimated. A family often has many branches and a large population, but family resources are limited. Often only the direct line has the chance to get ahead. Others The living environment of his descendants is quite bad. Seeing that his brother is not better than himself, he will be able to succeed in the future. Many people will feel unwilling to think about it.

Liao Yingzhong continued: "Zhao Da and Qian Er are the highest-identities among these people. Qian Er is the son of Qian's ancestor, Qian Yun, who is involved in political affairs. His motive for joining Xia Ke Island is somewhat different from that of others. What does this person say? It’s a kind of Buddhism, completely different from other people’s bitter and deep enmity."

"Buddha? What did he do when he joined Xia Ke Island?" Song Qingshu was wondering, Qian is like the son of the ancestor. No wonder Qian Xiang ancestor and Jia Sidao in the court seem to have a good relationship.

Liao Yingzhong replied: “He joined Xia Ke Island because of his father’s advice. It may be that Qian Xiangzu didn’t want to offend his grandfather, so he could sell it to the grandfather.

After all, since the Taizu dynasty, the Qian family has always adhered to neutrality, and even a bit slippery. If someone tells me that he also placed a bet on Han Chung's side, I would not be surprised at all. "

Song Qingshu nodded in the same sympathy. At the beginning of the Northern Song Dynasty, the country was prosperous and Qian Chu, the king of Wuyue, had to surrender the whole country. Perhaps from the perspective of the time, Zhao Kuangyin was the winner, but in fact it was not necessarily. The Qian family has always been Ding Changsheng, and the descendants have come forth in large numbers. Like Qian Xiangzu even sat at the level of Zaifu in the Song Dynasty. What is even more powerful is that even after a thousand years, Zhao Kuangyin’s heirs have no idea where they dissipated, and the Song Dynasty has become too. After a while, the Qian family has survived, and in later generations it will be a top-notch family, and even a legendary figure that is famous all over the world. To do all this, the family motto of their family must be extraordinary.

Liao Yingzhong also said at this time: "Initially, we had doubted whether Qian Yun had the idea of ​​reviving Wu Yue, but through subsequent contact, we found that he was not such a person. In the end, both the master and I decided that he was just from the Qian family. Baocai was sent to Xia Ke Island."

Song Qingshu believes in the judgment of Jia Sidao and Liao Yingzhong, that people like them are in contact day and night, and it is impossible to misunderstand the same person at the same time.

"On the contrary, it is Da Zhao..." Liao Yingzhong sneered, "His ambition is not small."

Song Qingshu secretly vomited, thinking you can’t finish talking all at once, and I don’t want to talk about cross talk, but he is also very curious about it, so even though he is a bit dissatisfied, he still answers: "This What do you say?"

"By the way, remind the son," Liao Yingzhong said, as if thinking of something, hurriedly said, "The son has always made friends with the King of Beijing, but in the future, he still has to grow his mind and take more precautions."

Song Qingshu's heart moved: "So he..."

Liao Yingzhong nodded: "Yes, Zhao Da is the current king of Beijing Zhao Shicheng."

Suddenly, Song Qingshu and Lu You met him and Tang Wanzhi in Shenyuan together, and noticed that the other party had martial arts, and then he was suspicious. Later, in order to determine the ownership of Sichuan military power, the court decided to let Wu Xi and Murong Fudian compete. The night before, the king of Beijing asked Wu Xi to go through the mansion and secretly made tricks to ensure that Murong Fu won the contest. If it weren't for Wu Xi, who was pretending to be Song Qingshu at the time, I am afraid they had already succeeded.

No wonder it was obviously Jia Sidao’s matter, but the king of Beijing came forward at that time.

It turns out that he is Da Zhao from Xia Ke Island.

Liao Yingzhong continued: "After the accident, I invited him to discuss the matter as soon as possible, but he kept shirking, presumably he had consciously drawn a line with us, and worried that the Wudang matter would involve him."

"This is also human nature." Song Qingshu thought that if Jia Sidao died to protect the emperor, he would be able to fool the ordinary people, these well-informed senior figures, who can't guess one or two.

Hearing what he said, Liao Yingzhong was so excited that he patted the table again: "If he is just keeping his life clear, but he secretly began to win over the forces that the grandfather has worked hard. Besides me, there are a few others under the grandfather's command. A very important person, I, Weng Yinglong, Wang Ting co-planners, Pan Wenqing, Ji Ke, Chen Jian, Xu Qingsun and others as minions. Except for Chen Jian who died in the Wudang Mountains, most of the others have already Secretly was drawn to Zhao Da, only a few still barely remained neutral, but it is a pity that in the battle of Wudang, our direct line suffered a heavy loss, otherwise these traitors will definitely have no place to bury them!"

Song Qingshu secretly remembered these names in his heart, planning to find an opportunity to quietly get rid of it in the future, while asking: "The King of Beijing secretly snatched so many forces, what on earth is he going to do?"

"What else can I do," Liao Yingzhong sneered again and again, "Zhao Shicheng is the son of Emperor Taizong's great-great-grandson Zhao Zhongpu, and grandnephew of Emperor Renzong's tenth daughter, the eldest princess of Qin Luguo. Now that the emperor has no queen, he is of royal blood, and he naturally has thoughts about that position. chant."

"Mr. Liao, later the old lady will still find the son-in-law to eat over. Now time is running out, we have to freshen up and change his clothes." At this time, an attacking voice came from outside the door.

Liao Yingzhong frowned, and finally agreed: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Master."

Then he said goodbye to Song Qingshu: "The son-in-law will be tired after going through the dangers this time. Take a good rest today, and talk to the son-in-law tomorrow."

At the door, Liao Yingzhong grabbed Xiren and said: "Miss Hua, the old man knows that you and the son are the closest, but when you wait for him to take a shower and change clothes, check his body..."

Xirenxiu's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Sir, are you suspicious?"

Liao Yingzhong whispered: "Although I have tested it, after all, no one in your room is familiar with the son, so be careful."

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