Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2066: Yingying Yanyan

The other party's voice was very soft, but there was no way to conceal Song Qingshu's current cultivation base. He couldn't help but frown when he heard that the other party asked Xiren to check his body.

You must know that the most fearful of pretending to be Jia Baoyu for the first time was the maids around Xiren. They had served Jia Baoyu since they were young, and they worked with each other all day long. They are definitely people who are more familiar with Jia Baoyu than Mrs. Wang and Jia's mother.

In particular, Xiren had already been admitted to the house by Jia Baoyu, and she couldn’t be more familiar with her son’s body. Although Song Qingshu was as easy to face as Jia Baoyu, even her figure was changed exactly by the clavicle technique in the Jiuyin Scripture. , But some details of the skin and body can never be the same. Xiren has always been careful, and most of them will find abnormalities.

In fact, Song Qingshu also faced such troubles last time, but he soon entered the palace and had an affair with his concubine, scared Jia Sidao hurriedly sent him out of Lin'an City, and then he took the opportunity to regain his identity, and Jia Baoyu also Since then disappeared, naturally there is no need to face the scrutiny of these girls.

It was originally the easiest way to deal with assaults, but it is easy to be suspicious on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is not in line with Song Qingshu's temperament. He was originally a person who valued the lives of ordinary people and could never be killed for his own selfishness. Drop an innocent maid.

While thinking about it, Xiren had already opened the door with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "My son, the hot water is ready, I will serve you to take a shower and change clothes."

Song Qingshu subconsciously replied, "No, I just wash it myself."

"Whatever works, we have always served the young man to take a shower." Thinking of Liao Yingzhong's words just now, Xiren's eyes were already full of suspicion.

"I am used to being a person during this period of time outside," Song Qingshu quickly found the reason, but noticed that the other party's still suspicious eyes, realizing that if you continue to push back, you will have more and more doubts, it is better to resolve it as soon as possible.

"Good sister, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. It’s strange to miss the feeling of being served by you." Song Qingshu remembered the doubts of the maidservants when they pretended to be Jia Baoyu for the first time, so he took the initiative and gave Xiren a kiss on the cheek. Well, the smell of rouge is really good."

Seeing that he had returned to his former tired and lazy appearance, Xiren not only didn't get angry, but blushed and smiled: "My son, don't make trouble, the old lady is still waiting over there."

Song Qingshu raised his hands flat: "Then bother my sister."

Xiren took a whisper and removed his clothes one by one, but she couldn't stay here when the intimate clothes were left: "Master, please go into the tub first, and I will get the new clothes for a change and wash. "

Song Qingshu was startled, and then reacted, the big family has the rules of the big family after all, and there are other maids present. After all, the attackers dare not be too presumptuous, and they still have to follow the family etiquette.

After entering the bathtub, Song Qingshu began to think about the various emergencies that might be encountered next. Although a little troublesome, his mentality has always been very stable. With his current experience and cultivation base, the world is so big that there is nothing he can do. He panicked.

After a while, Xiren came in with a set of clean clothes and closed the door.

Song Qingshu looked around her for a while: "Hey, why did you come in alone?"

Xiren smiled unnaturally: "They have other things to prepare."

"Oh." Song Qingshu didn't say anything, but it was clear in his heart that most of the time he heard Xiren say that he might be a fake, those little girls naturally didn't dare to come over.

"I'll squeeze my shoulders for the son.

"Xiren put the clothes on the shelf and walked over with a smile.

Song Qingshu did not refuse: "Okay."

Xiren took a deep breath, walked behind Song Qingshu, rolled up his sleeves and began to rub his shoulders, but his face changed as soon as his fingertips touched his body: "The son...seems to be much stronger."

Jia Baoyu is a pampered son, the flesh on his body is white and soft, and the person in front of him is as hard as a stone. Under the seemingly crystal-clear and well-proportioned skin, he does not know how explosive power is hidden.

As soon as she spoke her words, she regretted it. She should tell Mr. Liao directly, what to do if she says it out at this time and provokes her.

Song Qingshu seemed to have not noticed her reaction, and replied smoothly: "Oh, during this period of time, I was under house arrest and had nothing to do every day, so I started to practice the martial arts that the old man taught me. It's getting better and better."

"Practicing?" Xiren was startled, and for a while he couldn't tell the truth from the false.

Song Qingshu went on to say at this time: "Otherwise, how could I escape? Don't tell anyone about my martial arts skills. Last time I was assassinated by a mysterious person before returning to the house. The father has been investigating this matter, but I haven't found out yet. Because of this, I was arrested by the Mongols. I suspect that there is a traitor in the house, otherwise it is impossible for such things to happen one after another, and the Mongols cannot grasp my whereabouts so clearly.

"Traitor?" Xiren's mouth opened wide.

Song Qingshu hummed: "Now I can only trust you and the old lady at the mansion. In order to avoid the old lady worrying, I didn't tell her. I only told you. You must not tell others, otherwise you will be known by the secret rape. Next time it’s against me, I will be more targeted."

"Okay, I will never divulge a sentence." Xiren is just a maid in the mansion, and the person who has been fighting all day is the intrigue in the mansion courtyard. Where can I see such a dangerous thing, I was immediately stunned. Dumbfounded.

Suddenly thinking of something, she hesitated and said, "Could the insider be... Mr. Liao?"

Song Qingshu almost didn't laugh. This kind of girl is really easy to fool, but he did not follow the other party's words: "It should be not, Mr. Liao is the confidant of the master, even if the whole world betrays, he will not."

Hearing the other party still speaking for Liao Yingzhong who doubted him, Xiren suddenly lost his doubts, and smiled again on his face: "The son is still so kind in heart, don't worry, everything will be fine."

Noting the sincerity in Xiren's tone, Song Qingshu could feel that she was really kind to Jia Baoyu, and she didn't know that she knew the other party's special hobbies.

Thinking of Jia Baoyu's hobbies, Song Qingshu suddenly thought of himself, as if he had no right to accuse him, and couldn't help but laugh twice.

"What is the son laughing?" Xiren asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just found that you are getting more and more beautiful." Song Qingshu patted the surface of the water, "Come on, come down and wash it together."

"Young Master~" Xiren stomped her feet in a tender manner, and there is no doubt in her heart. If the other party is really guilty of conscience, how can she be told to go into the water together, so that the two parties are in close contact, wouldn't it be impossible to hide any secrets?

And this indulgence of the hooligan's request is not the characteristic habit of Bao Erye.

"My son, hurry up and wash, the old lady is still waiting there." It's just that she didn't dare to have a mandarin duck to play in the water at this time. If she was so presumptuous, once she passed on Go to those people's ears, I'm afraid they will be beaten to death by sticks.

"Alright." Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and dealt with it for the time being. Anyway, I won't stay in Jia's mansion for a few days. Be careful not to be attacked and wait for the maid to find anything.

When he got acquainted and changed his clothes, when he came to Jia's mother's courtyard, he was shocked to find that a lot of people had already been crowded inside.

"Oh, the face is like the moon of Mid-Autumn Festival, and the color is like the flower of spring dawn. Under the world, Baoyu has such a look that makes women envious." Before entering the door, he heard a familiar smile.

Song Qingshu followed his reputation and saw a slender and coquettish beautiful young woman who was not Wang Xifeng.

"My sister-in-law came to tease me again." Song Qingshu responded, and couldn't help thinking that she had knocked on her door in the middle of the night and asked for a deal that could be agreed to any request.

However, he knew that it was not the time to think about this. He quickly scanned the audience. Naturally, they were headed by Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang. Next to him was Jia Zhen from Ningguo Mansion, but her charming daughter-in-law did not come. In addition, the only remaining males are Wang Xifeng's husband, Jia Lian. Last time in Wudang, Jia's family suffered a heavy loss. Now these brothers are the ones who can get on the stage.

He automatically ignored the Jiajia ladies. They glanced at the elegant and dignified Li Wan, and suddenly their eyes condensed. There was a graceful and beautiful Taoist woman standing beside her.

Noting his gaze, Jia's mother explained: "This is real Miaoyu, a friend of your sister-in-law. Recently, there has been a lot of family affairs, so I invited her to do the ritual and bless the house."

People in Rongning Second Mansion have always respected the Buddha and Taoism. In addition, there have been too many things happening in the mansion during this period. It is not unusual to invite one back. In addition, there are many female dependents in the mansion, so it is naturally impossible to invite a monk or Taoist priest.

It's just that Song Qingshu never expected that Miaoyu turned out to be her!

If Jia's mother knew that the living Bodhisattva she invited home would turn out to be a murderous devil in the rivers and lakes, I don't know what kind of expression it would be.

Noting that Song Qingshu's eyes had been staring at him, Miaoyu frowned subconsciously, a trace of murder flashed in his eyes, Li Wan hurriedly pulled her sleeves, and whispered, "Sister, don't be impulsive."

It turns out that this wonderful jade is amazingly the fairy Li Mochou of Chilian! Why is she here?

"Brother Love, Brother Love, you are finally back~" At this moment, a soft voice interrupted Song Qingshu's meditation. He looked up and found a beautiful girl in red standing in front of him with a smile and looking at him.

Shi Xiangyun!

She is also an old acquaintance. Seeing her eyes are bright, her body is full of smiles, she can't see the sincerity and fear of the beggars in the past. It must be a long time interval, and she has gradually walked out of the shadows.

What the **** is just loving brother? Could it be that she and Jia Baoyu also have a leg, isn't her fiance Wei Ruolan?

"You girl, you can't always fix this big tongue problem." Jia's mother scolded with a smile. She was born in a historian, so she looked at Shi Xiangyun's eyes with love.

"Sister Yun is good." Song Qingshu finally realized that the other party had a substandard pronunciation and sent his second elder brother to love elder brother.

"Sister Bao, haven't you been thinking about him some time ago? Why don't you see you when you come back now?" Shi Xiangyun blinked to the side.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Song Qingshu turned his head and saw a dignified and beautiful girl blushing and nodding at him. The lady with exceptional movements was exceptionally reserved, without any trace of being in the Imperial City Division at all.

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