Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2067: tryst

"It's really a born actor." The dignified and reserved girl is naturally Miss Xue Baochai, the eldest of the Xue family. Noting her devotion to a celebrity, Song Qingshu secretly contrasts, this acting skill will be enough to play the flow of Xiaohua Meow Meow. called.

"Second brother." At this moment, there was a tender female voice. Song Qingshu noticed that there was a slender girl beside her, with a faint melancholy cloud between her brows, but she didn't show the slightest bitterness. On the contrary, it seemed more and more pitiful.

"Sister Lin." Song Qingshu naturally recognized her. At the beginning, he was appointed king of Qi. The Manchu civil and military came to congratulate her. Lin Ruhai, who was still a salt official at the time, took her to participate.

At that time, in addition to her slender temperament like a willow branch that impressed him deeply, her lack of blood was also particularly noticeable. At that time, Song Qingshu noticed that she had a congenital deficiency. I am afraid that she would barely survive until the age of thirty. If she was sad and happy halfway through, she might not be able to live at twenty.

It's a pity that he didn't have anything to do at the time, but now he gets the "Rootless Tree Jue" taught by Zhang Sanfeng, which can extend his life to a certain extent. Before Ren Yingying practiced, the color of the back was much ruddy, so I found a chance to teach her and couldn't just sit back and watch. Ignore it and watch her die.

Noting that he had been staring at him, Lin Daiyu's white cheeks blushed slightly, and she lowered her head in confusion.

"Don't frighten Daiyu." Mother Jia glared at Song Qingshu. Lin Daiyu was her granddaughter, and she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, learning Jia Baoyu’s tone and boasting about the goodness of all the girls. When he pretended to enter Jia Mansion last time, whether it was Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai or Shi Xiangyun, these girls had not entered Jia Mansion yet, and wanted to come in later. of.

Although these girls have their own native families, whether it is Shi Xiangyun or Lin Daiyu, their mothers have passed away. Most of them are men in the mansion. Their fathers are not convenient for them, so they are sent to Jia's mansion, which has many female dependents. Growing up with peers, after all, several families have intermarried for generations, and Jia Mansion is also their relatives.

As for Xue Baochai, although his mother was still alive, Xue Ji's old fox would not let go of this opportunity to promote the relationship between several families, so she also sent her over.

"Don't stand up, get in quickly, get in quickly." Jia's mother was very interested, obviously it was Jia Baoyu's return that made her very happy.

Everyone sat down one by one. According to the general rules of the house, men and women would not eat in the same house, and they were not even allowed to talk during the dinner, but now that there are so many things in Jia’s house, no one has the mind to study them. .

Jia's mother said with emotion: "During this period of time, the mansion has been bad news one after another. Fortunately, Baoyu is back."

Wang Xifeng on the side took the opportunity to hold up the wine glass and smiled, "Let's celebrate Baoyu's safe return together."

Mother Jia smiled openly: "It's time to celebrate, it's time to celebrate."

Jia Baoyu was originally the existence of Zhongxing Pengyue in the mansion, and now the old lady has spoken again, how dare other people feel bad, some people are dissatisfied with Jia Baoyu's sudden return, but on the surface they pretend to be very happy.

After a round of drinking, Jia's mother dragged Jia Zhen and Jia Lian and said, "Brother Zhen, Brother Lian, now the second residence of Ning Rong is plagued by disasters, and only a few of you are left behind. Baoyu has never been sensible. Your brothers help him out."

"Brothers Bao are talented and smart, so they must learn everything fast." The two responded with a smile.

Jia's mother nodded with satisfaction, then pulled Song Qingshu and said, "Baoyu, I know you never liked fame and fame, but now your father is gone, and the house is going through an unprecedented catastrophe. You have to change it. On weekdays, Ask your two brothers for more advice, and study your homework when you have time. Song Chongwen suppresses martial arts. If you can get a title on the Gold List, Jia Mansion can make a comeback."

Song Qingshu gave a vague hum. Mother Jia was very pleased. You must know that Jia Baoyu would immediately cover his ears and shook his head when he heard something like the future of fame, and at the same time yelled "Don't listen or listen". It seems this A period of experience did make him mature.

During the banquet, many people asked Song Qingshu about what happened during his disappearance from time to time. Song Qingshu has experienced such a rich experience now, so he can just take a paragraph and adapt it to deal with it.

In the middle of the journey, Jia's mother was exhausted, and she soon returned to the house to rest with the help of the maid. Naturally, it was not good for other people to be disturbed in this yard too late, and they dispersed after a while.

"Daoist, please stay." Song Qingshu has been waiting for the opportunity and quickly caught up with Li Mochou.

Li Mochou turned around and looked at him coldly: "Something?"

Song Qingshu opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. He wanted to ask why the other party appeared in Jia's Mansion or as Miaoyu. But now his identity must be kept secret. Knowing one more person is likely to lead to the whole The plan collapsed, especially since she was Li Wan's sister again, and Li Wan was still Jia's daughter-in-law...

Seeing him not saying anything, just staring at himself in a daze, Li Mochou narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Li Wan hurriedly pulled her away, then turned his head and said to Song Qingshu : "Miaoyu is an outsider, Baoyu, don't fool around with her."

Song Qingshu smirked. Everyone knows Jia Baoyu's habit of entanglement when he sees a beautiful girl before he comes, and Li Wan only treats him as an old problem.

Now that there are so many people with mixed eyes, it is naturally inconvenient to look for her again. Song Qingshu walked to Yihongyuan while secretly thinking about whether or not to look for her when he was late.

"Why did you leave as soon as you left? I feel like you have gained a lot after coming back this time." A gentle voice sounded, and you didn't need to look back to know that it was Xue Baochai.

Song Qingshu was secretly frightened. Could it be that Xue Baochai and Jia Baoyu in this world have a leg? But when she came to Jia's Mansion last time, she hadn't come to Jia's Mansion. Then "Baoyu" disappeared. It stands to reason that they should have no intersection.

However, he immediately realized that several big families are so close together, and they are in Lin'an City, and the residences are not far away. It is too convenient to drop by. To some extent, they can be described as childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

After thinking about this level, Song Qingshu replied: "It's just that when I come back this time, things are wrong, and I feel a little heavy."

Xue Baochai blinked and looked at him carefully: "You have indeed changed a lot when you come back this time."

"Anyone who has gone through so many things will change." Song Qingshu was not worried. There were several major events such as being captured and Jia Sidao's accident. It is not a major event that he is slightly different from the original.

"Sorry, please," Xue Baochai worked at the Imperial City Division, who was also Miss Xue Family. Naturally, he knew how Jia Sidao died, but he didn't show it at all. "If you need help in the future, you can come to me. "

"Thank you Sister Bao." Song Qingshu saluted.

"You have always been so formal to me, unlike..." Xue Baochai couldn't help but sighed, not knowing what he was thinking of, "Forget it, I'll go back first."

Looking at her leaving figure, Song Qingshu was stunned for a moment. What kind of situation, how did she feel that she seemed to have some affection for Jia Baoyu? All she saw was her false face on weekdays, and it seemed that some true feelings were revealed at that moment.

But thinking about it, it is understandable that everyone grew up together. Jia Baoyu was born with pink makeup and jade, and he was very good at making girls happy. It is not surprising that Xue Baochai had a good impression of him.

It's just that Xue Baochai is in the Imperial City Division, don't you know Jia Baoyu's robbing of civilian girls?

"People have been staring even after they have walked far, so reluctant to bear it." A voice came faintly.

Song Qingshu looked back and found a young girl standing on the edge of the rockery who seemed to be blown down by the wind.

"Uh, Sister Lin." Song Qingshu just remembered that in addition to "sickness", Lin Daiyu actually has the attribute of "poisonous tongue", "Sister Lin has something to do with me?"

Lin Daiyu's face changed, and her voice instantly turned cold: "Can't I find you if I'm okay? I just watched you chat with Sister Bao so happily, when I saw me, there was nothing to say?"

"I didn't mean that." Song Qingshu had a secret headache. Before he came, he thought of various situations, but he did not expect that Jia Baoyu would have some affection with the young ladies of these families. You must know that the girl's mind is the most sensitive. A single attack is enough to make him. I have a headache, and now I add another Daiyu Baochai who is as careful as a hair, and after more contact, they will probably find the abnormality of the person they love.

Seeing that he didn't mean to explain, Lin Daiyu was finally completely annoyed, stomped and turned around and left.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, but did not catch up. For Lin Xue's second daughter, how can he ask for trouble if he avoids it now.

"Yo, our second master is really popular with girls." A silver bell-like laugh came, full of coquettish and coquettish meaning.

Song Qingshu's face turned dark, thinking what kind of luck it was, why come one by one, and there is still no end to it?

"Sister-in-law is good." The young woman with beautiful appearance and coquettish posture in front of her, who is not Wang Xifeng?

Wang Xifeng leaned close to him and bumped his shoulder with his chest: "I used to be called Xiaofenghuang when I was good, but now I call my sister-in-law, you are unfeeling."

Just now Xue Baochai was talking to Lin Daiyu and Song Qingshu, Xiren and other maids naturally avoided the distance, and Wang Xifeng was not afraid of being seen.

The tip of her nose smelled the sweet scent from her body, and could faintly feel the plump and well-proportioned body of her body. Song Qingshu's whole body was Spartan, and Jia Baoyu even ate grass on the edge of her nest?

When I was on the boat with Qi Fang, I learned about Jia Baoyu's hobbies, and seemed to have a special affection for some young women from good families. There is a fairy-like sister-in-law in the house who is not tempted, which is rather strange.

It’s just that Song Qingshu didn’t expect that he was so courageous that he dared to really start with his sister-in-law. Seeing Wang Xifeng’s affectionateness, it seemed that the two of them had more than one leg, at least three or four legs.

"Third watch tonight, see you in the old place." Wang Xifeng looked around and looked around. Obviously there are many people now, and she is worried that staying too long will make people suspicious.

old place?

Song Qingshu really wants to smash things, how do I know where your adulterous and adulterous-women trysts are? (https:)

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