Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2069: Revenge

"The couple really know how to play."

Song Qingshu murmured secretly, but when the other party wanted to act, he was happy to use his tricks: "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

The whole person fell into the arms of the other party, feeling the man's unique masculine aura. Wang Xifeng couldn't help but think of the situation of the bridal chamber, but immediately reacted, his face flushed instantly.

"Sister-in-law, are you uncomfortable? Why is your face red?" Song Qingshu looked very worried.

"I'm fine, thank you Baoyu." Wang Xifeng screamed secretly as soon as he spoke, how could he be fine? How can you continue to develop if it's okay? She reacted quickly, and when the other party helped her up, she suddenly wailed, clutching her ankles and showing a look of pain on her face.

"What's the matter with you?" Song Qingshu was really impressed.

"Maybe it was accidentally twisted." Wang Xifeng's eyes lit up with stars, as if he was about to cry.

Song Qingshu looked at her quietly to see what other moths she was preparing to produce.

Seeing him not speaking, Wang Xifeng also cursed secretly, and did not cooperate at all. The answer that she thought of was not useful at all, but at this point, she had no choice but to take the initiative to say: "Can you help me see how my feet are? No injuries?"

"What do you think?" Song Qingshu blinked, looking as pure as a piece of white paper.

Wang Xifeng's silver teeth were about to break, so he could only hold back and said, "Naturally, I took it off... I took off my shoes and socks. I feel so painful now that I dare not move."

After speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly added: "I took a shower and changed my clothes just before I came out. It won't get dirty on your hands."

When it comes to this, Song Qingshu is naturally unwilling to refuse, so she takes off her shoes and socks. She has to admit that her feet are round and white, with a special beauty, but he has no intention of playing pedicure with each other. In his game, he directly reached out and pressed her ankle: "Is that this?" Although she knew she was pretending, Song Qingshu checked it easily, and she didn't have any injuries.

"Um... I have to go up a little bit more." Wang Xifeng looked shy.

"Want to go up a little bit?" Song Qingshu frowned, "here?"

"Go up a little bit more." Wang Xifeng bit her lips tightly, her lips becoming more and more moisturized.

Song Qingshu: "..."

This is really a naked seduce, and you can't stretch it into the skirt anymore. Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile: "Sister-in-law, I'm afraid it won't be nice to go up again?"

Wang Xifeng winks like silk: "I'm not afraid, you are a big man, what are you afraid of?"

Song Qingshu paid close attention and found that Jia Lian hadn't come in yet. He wondered what the **** he was up to, insisting that I touch his wife before coming in?

Song Qingshu was really curious about what the two of them had planned. Even if they rushed in later, what could it explain? To seduce Wang Xifeng against the publicity of the mansion?

It's possible that Jia's mother's love for Jia Baoyu and the age of both parties, I'm afraid everyone would suspect that it was Jia Baoyu who was seduced by Wang Xifeng? She is such a smart person, it is impossible to miss this section.

So Song Qingshu intends to cooperate with them, otherwise the two have been secretly planning to deal with him, which is really a troublesome thing.

"Sister-in-law, your skin is really good." Song Qingshu deliberately raised her voice. Sure enough, Jia Lian outside the house heard these words and her breath became heavier. He could clearly feel that he was walking around there, obviously hesitating.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind and left in a hurry.

"Gone?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, shouldn't he rush out to catch that? What the **** is it turning around and leaving?

"Baoyu, why are you so bad~" Wang Xifeng gave him a push, quietly glancing outside the house, wondering why her husband hadn't come in yet?

Song Qingshu didn't want to be so passive all the time, so a ray of joy and real qi from her fingertips quietly lost her body.

Wang Xifeng didn't understand martial arts and didn't realize what was happening at all, but she quickly noticed the changes in her body. There seemed to be a warm current flowing out of her body, making her feel soft and soft.

"Oh~" She made a very sweet hum in her throat unconsciously, which shocked her herself.

Song Qingshu looked at her with a faint smile, "What's wrong with my sister-in-law?"

"I...I don't know what's wrong." Listening to the unprecedented flattery in his own voice, Wang Xifeng was also a little panicked, thinking why he didn't remember so much, but was touched by him twice. ... Is it true that Baoyu is a woman's magic star, as the rumors said?

Realizing something was wrong, Wang Xifeng retracted her feet and struggled to stand up, but she just fell back into the arms of the opponent again, not pretending this time, but that her legs were really weak.

"Sister-in-law, can I understand that Li is tempting me?" Song Qingshu hugged her graceful and plump body, and could feel the warmth of her skin through her clothes.

"No...no." Wang Xifeng finally panicked. She is always enthusiastic, but after all, she is a wealthy aristocrat. In this respect, she is much more conservative than expected. Jia Lian has always been lustful, and she learned some novelties from the concubine's house. She wants to use her flowers on her body, but she never allows it.

Today is just for the future of the husband and wife, so she is willing to make less sacrifices, trying to lure Jia Baoyu into revealing some flaws in him and breaking his road to inherit the title.

But her husband didn't come in according to the agreed time, and her body was very weird now. She decided to terminate the plan while she still had some sense of reason, and went home first.

It's a pity that her body fell into the other's arms as if she didn't listen to her orders, and her whole body was softened by the other's masculine aura.

"Let go... let me go." Wang Xifeng's face became redder and red.

Song Qingshu spread his hands together: "Obviously you fell in my arms, and I didn't touch you."

Wang Xifeng knew that what he was talking about was the truth, but she didn't know why. Deep down in her heart, she seemed to want to lie in his arms like this. It would be better if the other party could hug him tighter.

Song Qingshu knew that the joke was almost done, so he said, "I probably also know the purpose of your husband and wife calling me here tonight, but I want to tell you that I have experienced so many things outside, which is no longer before. That kid, if you do anything wrong in the future, don't blame me for being polite."

Feeling the chill in his tone, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but tremble all over, thinking about what he had experienced outside, how could it suddenly become so terrible?

Song Qingshu's brows suddenly frowned: "What's your second brother Lian doing, why haven't you come back after leaving for so long?"

Wang Xifeng's face changed: "Is he not outside?"

Seeing that her expression did not look like a fake, Song Qingshu said strangely: "When he just took off his shoes, he left."

Wang Xifeng's complexion changed, and his body was shaken quickly, and he hurriedly said: "Hurry up and take me out of here, hurry up!"

"Why?" Song Qingshu frowned.

"It's too late to explain, hurry up." Wang Xifeng's face was full of panic.

Song Qingshu had faintly heard the noisy footsteps coming from a distance. There were many people walking here. He hesitated for a moment, and finally grabbed Wang Xifeng's arm and sneaked out from the other side of the wooden house.

"What the **** is going on?" Song Qingshu hugged Wang Xifeng and hid in a nearby big tree. He witnessed Jia Lian and a group of people rushing into the house, but it was a pity that people had already gone to the building. Where could they find something.

Wang Xifeng gritted his teeth and said: "This **** killed him. During this period of time, I was as glued as the fox of Second Sister You. I heard that he was planning to correct Second Sister You, but I didn't take it seriously. After all, my family background is here. Who ever I think this guy really dares to take action. Not only does I intend to get rid of you, but I also intend to ruin my reputation, so that he can live and fly with Sister You in good faith!"

"I just said why my body feels so strange now, I think he put that kind of vulgar medicine in the tea I drank before."

Hearing her analysis, Song Qingshu's expression was immediately wonderful.

At this moment, Wang Xifeng suddenly raised his head, his eyes blurred: "Baoyu, is my sister-in-law look good?"

"It looks good." Song Qingshu nodded, even with the most critical eyes, she is also a great beauty.

"Then you..." Wang Xifeng bit his lip, obviously after a strong psychological struggle, "Do you want to...get a sister-in-law?"

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