Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2070: question

Under the white and quiet moonlight, Wang Xifeng looked particularly hot and charming. Song Qingshu's heart moved, but Qi Nian was immediately dispelled: "Sister-in-law, don't be kidding."

"I'm not kidding." Wang Xifeng stared bitterly at Jia Lian in the distance, "I helped him wholeheartedly. He actually calculated me like this. The key lies in the other vixen. I can't swallow that breath."

Song Qingshu was silent. At first, he thought it was the trick of their husband and wife, but now it seems that it is not like the same. Jia Lian's approach is too black-hearted.

"Didn't he want to wear a green hat like that? Then I'm as he wants." After Wang Xifeng noticed Song Qingshu's expression after speaking, he couldn't help but sighed quietly, "I know you must look down on me now, but I'm really not The kind of profligate person, although it was to get the title of Lord Rongguo this time, he designed to sacrifice hue deliberately with him, but if the target is not you, I would never agree."

"Really?" Song Qingshu didn't comment on her remarks. Women's words, especially beautiful women's words, can't be trusted.

Seeing his expression, how could a shrewd woman like Wang Xifeng couldn't guess what he thought, and she couldn't help but look miserable: "It's nothing, my husband calculated me like this, even you think I am that kind of lowly woman, I still live What's the point."

After she finished speaking, she jumped directly to the side. Now the two of them are in the tree, saying that it is not high or low. She fell directly like this, fractures in the slightest, and life-threatening in severe cases.

Song Qingshu grabbed her, he was not the kind of person who could not save him: "Okay, well, I believe you are."

Only then did Wang Xifeng turn from worry to joy, and suddenly looked at him curiously: "You know martial arts now?" She just had no time to think about it because of the urgency that she had just found to avoid her husband. Now she came back to her senses and suddenly realized Something is wrong.

Song Qingshu calmly explained, "The old man taught me martial arts before, but I didn't go to school at that time. I was imprisoned in Mongolia and started to practice seriously with nothing to do. Then there was a chance. , Have the ability to escape."

"No wonder you are said to be talented and intelligent, so you can learn martial arts so easily," Wang Xifeng's beautiful eyes are full of colors, "After experiencing all kinds of things, I found that you have become more mature, and the little boy of the past is now more and more attractive. ."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, not paying attention to her compliment, and noticing that Jia Lian and the group were gradually dispersing, he asked: "The people below are going away, you should go back first."

The people Jia Lian found this time were all subordinates or maids from the government. He didn't get dizzy when he thought about it. He didn't directly rush to complain to Jia's mother. Obviously, he was afraid of causing suspicion, but planned to use this. "Inadvertently" broke the matter of the two people, you must know that the people in the house are very broken. Such things do not need to be said by him, and they will soon be known to everyone.

"No, I won't go back." Wang Xifeng bit his lip, his arms held him tighter.

Feeling the plumpness in her arms, the young woman's mature body exudes amazing heat, making Song Qingshu's face a little unnatural, and hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, don't mess around."

Who knows that Wang Xifeng seems to have noticed something, and glanced down, her gorgeous cheeks are like two burning clouds: "Baoyu, you really have grown up."

Song Qingshu suffocated his breath. It was obvious that the two were so close, and the other's skirt was thin, and he had keenly sensed the changes in his body.

Wang Xifeng's eyes flowed at this moment, as if water was dripping out, and he leaned into his ear and said: "The effect of that bastard's medicine has taken place. Now you let me go back. If I get hit by that guy, wouldn't it make me get caught? Do those scumbags spoil it."

Song Qingshu thought that your reaction now was because of joy and anger, but he controlled the measurement very carefully. It stands to reason that she shouldn't have such a big reaction. Is it true that Jia Lian had given her medicine in advance?

Damn, what kind of mentality is this?

"Baoyu, don't be afraid," Wang Xifeng still had a trace of clarity in his eyes, as if guessing his scruples, he said quickly, "I am not calculating you now, it is true...I really need you to help me."

"How can I help with this kind of thing." Song Qingshu was also helpless. He came to Jia's Mansion originally for a casual walk. Soon he would receive news that he would leave Xixia. How can I know that there will be so many moths in this short period of time? .

"It's just like what you did with Xiren," Wang Xifeng laughed bitterly, "I'm not Sister Lin, Miss Bao, you can't lie to me by pretending to be innocent."

Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows and keenly got enough information from her words. It seems that Jia Baoyu used another face to get along with Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai. They didn't know his evil side.

Seeing him not speaking, Wang Xifeng's tears fell instantly like broken pearls: "I'm talking about it, you still...I am so humble, so shameless and so embarrassed in your eyes."

"Of course not. Although you seem to be a little coquettish on weekdays, you are in fact dignified and self-defeating, and you have never overstepped the rules." Song Qingshu thought that Jia Rui, who was the other son, had been fascinated by her beauty, and moved her thoughts. , The result was miserable by her, obviously she was extremely conservative in this regard.

"Then do you think I'm not as good-looking as your sister Lin?" Wang Xifeng continued to ask.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu still tells the truth, "Mei, Lan, Zhu, and chrysanthemums are good at winning games. Although they have unique temperaments, they are not as mature and beautiful as you..."

What else did he want to say, a hot body had already come up, making him unable to speak at all.

Wang Xifeng is a mature woman and a smart woman at the same time. She knows when to take the initiative and when to be reserved. If she is rejected today, then she won’t even want to raise her head at all in the future and will be delivered to the door. Being rejected or rejected is a blow to the destruction of women, especially to a woman who has always been beautiful and sincere.

After all, Song Qingshu was not a pure-hearted cultivator. She had already twisted and writhed in her arms to create a group of evil fire. At this moment, she could not bear it. After a long time, she was relieved: "I will take you. Change place."

"No, just here." Wang Xifeng's eyes waved, and there were thousands of styles in his eyebrows.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while.

Wang Xifeng bit his lip and sighed: "Where are we going at this time? We are surrounded by a lot of maids and women. There are so many people and eyes. I don't want to be discovered. There are lush forests and no one can see it. It's not just right. What..."

The road is quite wild!

Song Qingshu's throat was extremely dry, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved. He had never had such an experience.

Those few words just consumed Wang Xifeng's only remaining reason, and soon he hugged the man next to him fiercely. Both of them are very mature people, and they cooperate very well, and they can even be regarded as familiar with the road.

Soon Wang Xifeng trembled, and Song Qingshu couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: No wonder everyone said that his daughter's house is made of water.


I don’t know how long it took. Song Qingshu sent Wang Xifeng to the vicinity of her yard. Wang Xifeng lowered his head and his face was full of complicated expressions: "Okay, don't give it away. It's not good to be seen."

Song Qingshu gave a hum.

Wang Xifeng continued: "Don't tell anyone what happened today."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Okay."

"Also," Wang Xifeng hesitated, then added, "What happened today is just an accident. Don't come to me again in the future."

The corner of Song Qingshu's mouth rose slightly, but he still replied, "Okay."

Seeing his reaction, Wang Xifeng felt a little uncomfortable, but reason kept her from saying anything, and hurried back to the house. I was thinking about what was just now, and suddenly a gloomy and angry voice came from my ear: "Where did you go?"

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