Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2072: Each plan

"Central Plains is a little bit red?" Hearing Liao Yingzhong's words, Song Qingshu was in a mess in the wind, there would be no such things as Ximen Chuuxue, right?

Soon a man in black walked in outside the door, a face that looked like a dead man's face, but his eyes were even more eye-catching. These were eyes as cold as ice, as fierce as a wolf, and so gray. Like the snow on the top of a mountain, but as firm as a snow-covered peak.

"Prince, in the battle of Wudang Mountain, the masters of the line of Xia Kedao were almost wiped out. He is the master I finally found on the Internet," Liao Yingzhong said with some pride and was obviously satisfied with his martial arts, "A little bit red, This is the second master Bao, and you will protect his safety for a while."

"I can only kill people, not protect people." The voice of the man in black is strange and unique, cold, deep, hoarse, and short. It doesn't seem to come from the throat of a human being. Although the voice is low and hoarse, there is a kind of voice. The piercing magic power teaches people to never forget any word he said.

Liao Yingzhong suffocated, but he reacted quickly: "On the trip to Xixia, all those who want to be unfavorable to the son will be killed, even if it is to protect him."

"Good!" Zhongyuan Yihong's tone seemed to have a hint of excitement, his eyes flashed with cruel, beast-like blue light, as if his greatest hobby in his life was killing, and his purpose of survival was just to kill. .

Song Qingshu looked at him with interest: "If you go to Xixia, there will be many dangers. I don't know how good his swordsmanship is. Can he really protect my safety?"

Zhongyuan Yihong did not speak, as if answering such a question was a bit of a shame on his identity.

Liao Yingzhong replied for him: "Don't worry, my son, I've found someone to try him. Although his swordsmanship is not at the top, it is more than enough to kill people."

Worried that his strength would be doubted, Liao Yingzhong continued: "He is the most famous killer in the underground world."

Zhongyuan frowned and frowned: "It's not a good thing that a killer is famous."

Liao Yingzhong explained: "I'm just making an analogy. Only a few people in the circle know your name. Others who know the name of the Central Plains are dead. So although swordsmanship is high, few people in the world know it. ."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. No wonder he hadn't even heard of this character before. He could only say that the world is big, and it really is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

However, he quickly thought of a question. He vaguely remembered that Zhongyuan Yihong seemed to be a top killer cultivated by Xue Xiaoren, and he could be regarded as his apprentice. In this world, there are Xue family and Xue Yi people, and there are also Xue Xiao people in so many. So Zhongyuan Yihong is a member of the Jia family or an undercover agent sent by the Xue family?

Noting the excitement of Liao Yingzhong’s arrival of a top expert on the Internet, Song Qingshu did not express his suspicion. For one thing, he couldn't explain how he knew the relationship between Zhongyuan Yidian and Xue Xiaoren. Secondly, there was no need to say it, anyway. They are all Xibei goods, and the other party is an Infernal Affairs and is better to fish in troubled waters.

Seeing that the two had already known each other, Liao Yingzhong waved his hand to make Zhongyuan a little red, and then continued to ask Song Qingshu to pay attention to Xixia during this trip. It can be said that they are very detailed, and nothing has been lost.

In addition, he also mentioned that during the period from Jia Baoyu to Xixia, he would stay in Lin'an to gather the remnants of Jia Mansion and Xia Ke Island, deal with the traitors who have accumulated strength, and wait for him to return, and then completely counterattack.

Seeing his serious expression, Song Qingshu secretly sighed that he was indeed a loyal subordinate, but it was a pity that they were their own masters.

"I wish the son will return home with a beautiful woman." Liao Yingzhong smiled and arched her hands before leaving.

"Mr. Ji Yan." Song Qingshu knew that the beauty in his mouth did not refer to Princess Xixia, but Xue Baochai.

At this time, other candidates who participated in Xixia's recruitment were also receiving the teachings of their elders in their homes.

Xue family, Xue Ji looked at his excited son, and couldn't help but frown, "Why are you so happy?"

"Isn't it a joy to be selected as a candidate for Xixia's relatives?" Xue Pan was taken aback, and then said with joy, "I heard that Xixia princess is as beautiful as an immortal, unparalleled."

Xue Ji frowned deeper: "What does it have to do with you."

"Of course it does matter." Xue Pan said, "Who can compare to me when it comes to family history and talents? Originally, Jia Baoyu was a strong enemy, but his father was gone in Wudang Mountain, and his family was no longer a threat. ."

"You are self-confident." Xue Ji angrily laughed, but his son said something reasonable. On the family background, no one on the Da Song side can compare to him; on the appearance, it can be regarded as Yushu Linfeng, only But in terms of talent... Does he have this thing? Otherwise, they won't be called dumb overlord.

"This is also Daddy's good planting." Xue Pan smirked.

Seeing him like this, Xue Ji was so angry that he thought that it was a pity that Baochai was a daughter, otherwise he would have to worry so much about him.

After trying hard to suppress the anger in his heart, Xue Ji said: "This time you go to Xixia, you should take a tour of the mountains and water, don't make trouble, and remember not to be too far away from your sister, otherwise she won't be in danger. The law protects you."

Xue Pan couldn't help but said, "I'm a man of seven feet, where can I have a sister to protect him."

Xue Ji frowned. He originally wanted to ask him not to marry the princess back. With his power in the Song Dynasty, he didn't need to rely on a Xixia princess. He wanted a daughter-in-law who was a famous court in the court. In order to join forces and help each other, as for this time his son was selected, he has no choice but to ask his son to meet the scene.

But seeing his son's tired and lazy appearance, Xue Ji thought to himself that even if he tried his best, Princess Xixia wouldn't be able to take a fancy to him, and he would still use his advice.

"Get off." Wanting to understand all of this, Xue Ji waved his hand impatiently and issued an order to leave the guest.

At this time, the Lu family is in a different situation. Lu Wenhuan looked at his son and nephew and said: "Teacher, Master, you must do your best during this trip to Xixia to win the favor of Princess Xixia. Most of the other candidates who are going with you are dudes, and how can they be compared to you in terms of true talents and practical learning."

Master Lu couldn't help but said, "Uncle, Xixia is a barbarous country after all. Why don't we look at these famous ladies in the capital?"

These concepts can be said to be deeply rooted in the bones of every Song person. They are all inferior, only high in reading, and naturally look down on the barbarians around them.

Lu Wenhuan sighed: "Today is different. If it was in the past, I would naturally want you to marry the daughters of high-ranking officials in the capital. But before the battle of Wudang, others didn't know the truth. Don't we know it? The imperial court was just for the sake of We have not moved our Lu family until we seek stability, but after three or five years, when everything is stable, our Lu family will face the calamity of extinction."

Lu Shidao and Lu Shisheng pursed their mouths. They are both smart people and naturally understand the seriousness of the matter. When the emperor returned to Beijing, he brought them back to the capital together. Took hostages.

"We can't stay here anymore in the Southern Song Dynasty, so we have to find another way out." Lu Wenhuan had a gloomy face. "Back then, the Qin family could travel far away from Xixia, and they were mixed up there, so we can naturally follow suit."

Lu Shisheng said: "The power of Xixia is not as good as before, why not go directly to Mongolia?"

Lu Wenhuan glanced at him approvingly: "Originally, I wanted to remind you. I didn't expect you to think of it in advance. Yes, this time you are going to fight for the position of the Xixia prince. Even if you fail, you must take the opportunity to get closer to the Mongolian prince. This time Xixia invites relatives, the Mongolian prince will also come to participate, this good opportunity must not be missed, as long as you get on line with Mongolia, you are the heroes of the whole family!"

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