Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2073: Farewell

Shidao Lu couldn't help pouring cold water: "But we fought against Mongolia in Xiangyang a few years ago, and I don't know how many Mongolians were killed. With this level of grievance, would it be inappropriate to take refuge in Mongolia."

"So our first choice is to recruit Xixia, you two brothers work together to see who has the opportunity to be a cohort." Lu Wenhuan replied.

Lu Shidao and Lu Shisheng looked at each other and nodded slightly. Now that the family is alive and dead, the two brothers will naturally stop fighting each other. When the time comes to Xixia, see who Xixia admires more. The other will not be jealous, but will be different. This kind of cooperation is perfect, and the protection brothers finally embrace the beauty.

"But the people who participated in Xixia's recruitment this time are all princes and grandsons of various countries. It's nothing more than our people. People from other countries, especially the princes of Mongolia, I am afraid that our brothers are not very hopeful." Lu Shisheng on weekdays. Li is above the top of the one-acre three-point land in Xiangyang, but he is very self-aware when facing the top second generation in the world.

"To do everything, to obey the destiny." Lu Wenhuan comforted, "Even if you are not a consort, you should have a good relationship with the Mongolian prince. Prince Kublai, as far as I know, these princes of Mongolia are fighting fiercely, and Xu Liewu will definitely not care about the grievances between us and Kublai, so this is our opportunity."

Master Lu nodded, "Well, if we can't do anything about it, we can just help Xu Liewu and let him become a man, and it would be considered a favor."

"Russ can be taught." Lu Wenhuan showed a smile of relief, "When you go there, you will act by chance. I can't leave the capital, so I won't accompany you. Besides..."

He hesitated for a long time before he said: "If you can't be a Xixia horseman, and you can't catch the Mongolian line, you can take the opportunity to escape on the road, don't come back, the Lu family will be liquidated eventually, you don't need to accompany us old men. The bones die together."



"We vowed to live and die with the Lu family."

Master Lu and Master Lu Qi knelt together, and Lu Wenhuan helped them up: "Don’t say such stupid things. If you escape safely, the Lu family will also be considered to have left the fire, and the whole clan will not be annihilated. You are shouldering the burden of the clan’s people. Hope, so we must live well. Of course, this is to prepare for the worst results. Don’t worry too much, after all, it’s not there yet."

"This trip to Xixia, we must do our best!" The Lu brothers whirred with tears, but their tone became firmer than ever.

After Song Qingshu sent off Liao Yingzhong, he quietly left Jia's Mansion. He was going to Xixia, and after all, he wanted to say goodbye to some people.

Originally Zhongyuan Yihong was left by Liao Yingzhong in Jia's mansion to guard his safety, but now why Song Qingshu waited so hard and left quietly, the other party didn't notice any abnormality at all.

Song Qingshu first rushed to the palace. Now Ren Yingying pretends to be his identity as an imperial weapon. On weekdays, he stays in the palace more often, but rarely returns to the Qi palace.

I don't know how many times I went into and out of the palace, and now it is as natural as going home to enter the palace again, and I soon came to Ren Yingying's current residence.

The guards around her are obviously much stricter. They are all carefully selected masters in the Sun Moon God Sect, as well as the maids in the Lingjiu Palace. These are the guard systems carefully constructed by Song Qingshu. With his ability, there is no Fa quietly broke in.

Of course, with his great master's cultivation base, he couldn't stop him by directly rushing into those people, but seeing his appearance clearly, the guards returned to the dark pile.

Ren Yingying couldn't help but rushed into his arms when she saw the lover's return.

Holding her soft and moving body, and smelling the elegant and charming fragrance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but said: "It seems that "Rootless Tree Jue" is still very useful, and your complexion is much rosy now."

"How can the secret taught by Zhenren Zhang himself be a common product?" Ren Yingying pursed her mouth, her tone full of admiration, and even her always defiant dad would sigh unfathomable every time she mentioned Zhang Sanfeng.

The two stayed warm for a while, when Song Qingshu mentioned the purpose of coming this time, Ren Yingying couldn't help her face darkening: "I'm leaving so soon, we always get together little and more."

Noting her dejected look, Song Qingshu's heart was filled with pity and guilt, and he subconsciously hugged her tighter.

Ren Yingying quickly recovered: "But I also know that you are running for the world. Naturally, you will not play a small temper to block it. I hope you can succeed as soon as possible and end this chaotic world, like that..."

She wanted to say that she would have more time to spend time with herself, but when she thought that there were so many confidantes around her lover, would she really have a lot of time to spend time with her, she wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows when she thought of this.

Song Qingshu was aroused by her. He was not a virgin, but he experienced the kind of life of the later generations where everyone lived and worked. Looking at the world, there are always hungry and death. There are countless sellers of children and girls. , It is impossible to remain indifferent.

In the final analysis, these tragedies are caused by the co-existence of heroes and wars for many years. Therefore, the idea of ​​unifying all countries and ending this troubled world has become increasingly clear.

Of course he also has selfishness, he also enjoys the taste of power, and he also likes beautiful girls, but he can also realize his responsibilities at the same time. It is his mission to travel to this world as if to end the chaos.

After coming out of Ren Yingying, Song Qingshu went to the two princesses’ sleeping quarters. A few days after getting married, he went out of the palace and lurked to Jia Mansion. Now he is going to Xixia, thousands of miles away. I don’t know where we will meet next time. At that time, I couldn't help feeling guilty. I originally thought that the two princesses would cry and scold him when they were young. The result was unexpected. Not only did they not cry and make trouble, they kept asking him on the road.

Zhao Yuanyuan took out a set of personal clothes and handed it to him: "I made this by myself..."

"I did it," Zhao Hu'er on the side also took out a set of clothes as if offering a treasure, a bit more embarrassed on her face, "but no sister does it well."

Song Qingshu was surprised: "Do you still needlework?"

Zhao Yuanyuan sighed faintly: "At the beginning of the coat, no one would serve us. Naturally, I learned this."

Song Qingshu couldn't help holding her little hand: "Those things are over, and I won't let you be frightened in the future."

Zhao Yuanyuan's eyes are reddish: "The days when I saw and heard in Huanyiyuan were really nightmarish, and I don't know when it's my turn. Fortunately, Brother Song, you showed up to save us, so we are grateful to you for the rest of our lives."

Song Qingshu deliberately scowled: "Is there only gratitude?"

Zhao Yuanyuan's face flushed, but Zhao Hu'er on the side was outspoken: "Of course there is still admiration, otherwise how would we marry you."

Song Qingshu laughed, holding the two girls feeling extremely warm.

Before leaving the palace, Song Qingshu also went to Concubine Wu's bedroom. Akina Xiao Nizi complained a lot about him recently, so she still had to comfort her, so as not to do anything irrational in her anger and ruin the whole situation.

Entering the dormitory, looking at the girl with a stunning face by the window, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sighed secretly. The girl's eyebrows had a few more sorrows that shouldn't be at this age. It was obvious that she was full of worries.


Hearing his call, the girl turned her head in disbelief. After seeing his appearance, she couldn't help being surprised and delighted: "Big Brother Song!"

The girl rushed into her arms with a wisp of fragrance, Song Qingshu looked at Chen Yuanyuan who had come after hearing the news and smiled bitterly. Chen Yuanyuan only sighed secretly without saying anything.

"Ake, you have cleared up during this time." Song Qingshu said with pity to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

Akko pouted slightly, and said unhappily, "No one wants you to come to see me."

As if seeing Song Qingshu's embarrassment, Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly relieved him: "Ake, Qingshu has everything to do with his future, and how can there be so much free time to worry about his children's personal affairs."

"What's the most annoying national event? Daddy used to be like this." Akko snorted, obviously evoked an unpleasant experience.

"I have a gift for you." Song Qingshu thought, fortunately, he was prepared.

"Present?" Akko blinked, full of curiosity.

Song Qingshu walked to the door and brought a basket in. "This is a kitten that was just born. I picked it up on the side of the road. It's a pity that I'm busy all day and don't have much time to take care of it. Don't you? You can help me raise it."

Akko didn't have much interest in cats and dogs, but when she heard that she was helping Song Qingshu, she instantly felt that the meaning was different, and immediately agreed with a smile: "Okay, wow, it looks so cute."

Seeing the kitten blinking, Akko felt that his heart was about to melt.

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this trick worked. He always worried that Akko would be too boring to stay in the harem. If a woman was bored, she would do too many stupid things, so he had to find a sustenance for her.

Thinking of those pet owners in his previous life, Song Qingshu immediately had an idea. Of course he didn’t pick up this kitten. How could there be such a coincidence. With his current status, he wanted to find a beautiful little milk cat. Naturally, someone would give it to him. He got it right.

If it is such an easy thing to raise such a small cat, Akko naturally does not have so much time to think about other things; in the future, when she raises this cat and raises feelings, she will naturally have one more company.

In addition, Song Qingshu also chose a little female cat very carefully, so that when she grows up, she will go out on dates a few times, and she will give birth to a lot of kittens for Akko when she comes back...

Seeing the girl's joyful appearance at this time, Song Qingshu felt that she was too black.

After chatting with them for a while in the palace, Song Qingshu saw that Ake's attention was all on the kitten, and took the opportunity to say goodbye.

After coming out of the palace, Song Qingshu finally arrived at Li Qingluo's mansion and asked her to take care of Ren Yingying and the others on weekdays. After all, as the Virgin of White Lotus, she was considered half a snake in Lin'an.

Who knows that Li Qingluo pouted her lips and refused directly: "I am going back to Manduo Mountain Villa, so I don't want to look after those women for you unless you pay."

"What's the reward?" Song Qingshu was curious. Whether she was the wife of the Wang family on the face of her, or the Virgin Mary of the White Lotus in secret, what else could she not get?

Li Qingluo walked up to him, rubbed his chest lightly, her teeth bit her red lips, exuding a charming luster: "Stay with me for the night, unless I shout, otherwise... don't stop."

The flame in Song Qingshu's body was lifted up instantly, and he hugged her with a roar and pressed her on the table aside...

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