Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2074: Last candidate

On the second day when Jia Mansion was about to set off, Song Qingshu was still reminiscing about the wonderful taste of yesterday, and he could only feel that he was so in tune with Li Qingluo, no matter where it was.

Moreover, the other party's unique mature charm will not be entangled like an ordinary girl, and it is even more rare for him now with a headache and debts.

Knowing that Jia Baoyu was leaving for Xixia, everyone in Jia's house went out to see him off. Whether it was true or false, they all wished him victory.

The only one who didn't come out was Lin Daiyu.

She was very upset when she learned that Jia Baoyu was going to participate in Xixia's recruitment. Later, when she learned that Xue Baochai was going with him, she broke the jealousy in an instant.

Song Qingshu can only express regret about this. Sister Lin is indeed a good girl. Compared with other girls in the house who wear a mask more or less, her temperament is much purer, and of course she will appear a bit pretentious in the eyes of many people. .

If another time, Song Qingshu might go to solve her, but now he has important matters, not to mention the entanglement of peach blossoms, naturally he will no longer provoke a good girl at will.

Seeing him leaving like this, she didn't even leave a word. The maid Xueyan, who was hiding in the dark watching the wind, couldn't help pouting her little mouth, thinking that Second Master Bao would be too thin and cold, and my girl would do it for him. Sad and crying.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't know all of this. He went to the West City Gate to join the crowd. Jia's Mansion sent a few highly skilled guards to walk with him, as well as his young fellow Mingyan to serve all the way.

The maids of Xiren wanted to go, but they were rejected by Jia's mother. After all, Jia Baoyu was going to participate in the recruitment this time. It was not good to bring some maids, Yingying, Yanyan, not to mention that they were not the only ones accompanying them. Don't let other people read the jokes.

Song Qingshu is naturally very happy about this. The man who is most familiar with Jia Baoyu in the house is probably the assassin. If she has been by her side all the time, there will be some mistakes.

Xiaoyou Mingyan, although he is also a close person, but the relationship is much worse than that of Xingren.

As for the guards, Song Qingshu curled his lips. It was more than enough to deal with ordinary Xiaoxiao, but it was not enough to meet the real masters. It seems that the masters of Jiafu did suffer heavy losses in the battle of Wudang.

If it was really Jia Baoyu, he could only count on the Central Plains to be a little red at this time. He did not show up, but Song Qingshu knew that he was quietly trailing nearby. He should be able to show up in time if there was any accident.

It didn't take long to arrive at the West City Gate, and a group of young princes had already gathered. Some knew some, some did not know, but they were all princes and grandsons from the court with good family backgrounds.

"Baoyu~" A cordial shout came, and soon a person directly hooked his shoulders and put his arms around him.

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows: "Brother Xue." He has recognized the identity of the other party, the son of the Xue family, Xue Pan, who is known as the dumb king.

Xue Baochai was born very beautiful. As her brother, Xue Pan's appearance is naturally not low. The first time I don't know him, he will feel like a good son, but anyone who knows his details will call out the dumb king.

However, Song Qingshu was a little surprised. Although this person was sloppy, he treated his friends really well. From his tone of voice, he could feel sincerity and enthusiasm, and he did not become more powerful because of the fall in his family.

In stark contrast to him are the two brothers of the Lu family. You must know that the Lu family was almost held by Jia Sidao in one hand. Lu Wende and Lu Wenhuan can be called Jia Sidao’s disciples to some extent. Their nephew Lu Shidao and Lu Shisheng I saw Jia Baoyu not kneeling and licking before, but he was more or less flattering.

But when I saw it today, the two of them avoided him as if they were avoiding the plague god, but they just arched their hands at random to say hello.

At this time, the two brothers of Lu Shidao and Lu Shisheng were also extremely uncomfortable. Others did not know the situation of Wudang Mountain, would they still be unclear? Thinking of the misery of the Lu family now that they were bestowed by the defeated Jia family, when they saw Jia Baoyu, there was no good expression on their face.

Coupled with the fact that the family has already decided to leave the Southern Song Dynasty and choose to join Xixia or Mongolia, naturally it will not be so hard to draw up a relationship with the sons of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Song Qingshu looked around and couldn't help asking: "Are there all the people here? Why didn't you leave?"

At this time a delicate and pleasant voice sounded: "Still waiting for the last son."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. Today's Xue Baochai is not a woman's dress, but an official dress made by the Imperial City Secretary. He looks at the red lips and white teeth, and adds a three-point heroic spirit. Many family princes are constantly looking at him, thinking of a handsome boy!

Xue Baochai's identity is only known to the top few families, and how do other people know that this handsome guard turned out to be the eldest lady of the Xue family.

On the side, Xue Pan stretched out his hand to hold his sister's shoulders, and smiled and said to Song Qingshu: "Brother virtuous, my sister will protect you on this journey."

On the side of Xue Baochai's body, avoiding his hand without showing a trace, he snorted, "In front of so many people, don't expose my identity by one mouthful. Remember to call me to mention some adults in the future."

Xue Pan smiled: "Okay." I don't know why, this seemingly gentle girl made him a little scared from childhood.

Song Qingshu glanced at Xue Baochai unexpectedly. She did not expect that she would be promoted again. The official position of the head of the Imperial City Division was called the Imperial City Division Tiju, and then there were six imperial divisions. One person is above ten thousand people.

"Who are you waiting for, such a big box?" Jia Baoyu was originally a top-notch dude, so Song Qingshu naturally didn't have to be too modest and polite.

"People from Tianbo Yang Mansion." Xue Baochai's expression was a little strange after finishing speaking.

"Tianbo Yang Mansion?" Song Qingshu was startled. In his plan, there are no Yang family members. More importantly, does Tianbo Yang Mansion still have a male of the right age?

At this moment, he heard the sound of hoofs and answered, and a horse galloped up, riding a young boy on the horse's back, with a loose robe, his expression was quite refined, and his appearance was extremely handsome.

"Let everyone wait a long time." The young son got off his horse and arched his hands. Although he said an apology, his tone was extremely indifferent.

Many other people were quite dissatisfied at first, but seeing that he was born so beautifully, one by one was not easy to happen. Many people even approached him to talk to him. You must know that there are more or less good aristocratic circles in this era. Male style, many people will also raise some handsome young men at home.

The reason why Xue Pan was called Dumb Overlord was that he saw a handsome boy at the beginning and wanted to molest him, but he was beaten up by the other party and became a laughing stock in the capital.

It's a pity that the young man took the horse and walked aside directly, not giving those people a chance to get close at all, causing them to return to the team angrily. At this time, at the gate of the capital, they were not easy to make trouble.

Song Qingshu finally understood why Xue Baochai's face was so weird just now, and was about to say something. At this moment, Xue Pan couldn't help but sigh: "There is such a stunning man in the world, Baoyu, I thought you were the most handsome I have ever seen. Now, compared with him today, it's still a little bit down."

Song Qingshu: "..."

When he noticed his hands on his shoulders, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, and subconsciously moved to the side.

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