Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2075: Oiran

Seeing that everyone was there, the officials from the Ministry of Etiquette had long come out to talk about things, including the precautions along the way, etc. These second-generation sons were in no mood to listen, and soon impatiently urged to leave.

The official didn't get angry. These conditions were expected, and he read everything carefully before giving the order to set off.

The team started out in a mighty force, Xue Pan was already unable to hold back and leaned close to the handsome young man: "What do you call this Xiongtai? It looks familiar. Have we seen it before?"

Song Qingshu thought that it is not surprising that you are familiar, because this handsome young man is a woman in a yellow shirt disguised as a man. As a princess and a person from Jianshan Academy, most of the top second generations like Xue Pan have seen her.

It's just that the female in the yellow shirt has always been simple and simple, and she doesn't show up for much time, so unless she is familiar with her in the field, even if she is familiar, she can't remember who she is.

"I haven't seen it." The woman in the yellow shirt was very cold, and she didn't even look at Xue Pan.

Xue Pan didn't care, and continued to ask: "Which room do you belong to in the Tianbo Yang Mansion? The man in the Yang Mansion is thin. It stands to reason that I should have heard of your name."

"It has nothing to do with you." The woman in the yellow jersey pulled the reins and widened the distance from him. The whole body seemed to be shrouded in ice, exuding a temperament that strangers should not enter.

"I have a character, I like it." Xue Pan not only did not get angry, but became more and more interested. As he was about to continue to catch up and get close, Xue Baochai held him with a black face on one side.

"Why stop me?" Xue Pan was a little dissatisfied.

Xue Baochai snorted: "Don't provoke her, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

Xue Pan looked puzzled: "Tianbo Yang Mansion has long since fallen, and now our father is an extremely human minister, should we still be afraid of their Yang Family?"

"In short, many questions are not convenient to explain to you," Xue Baochai said when he was still unwilling to see him, "She has a high martial arts skill and a bad mood. Have you forgotten the violent beating by Liu Xianglian?"

Xue Pan suffocated his breath, thinking of the terrible situation that year, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his back. If he was beaten in front of so many family princes, how could he still have the face to see people in the future? Can only temporarily dispel his mind.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to ask: "Sister Bao, there seems to be no Yang family on the list to go to Xixia this time. Why is she here?"

Xue Baochai deliberated his words and said: "She was added temporarily, and her identity is quite special, and her status is supernatural, and no one dares to stop her, and Master Zaifu thinks that if she is with her, she can protect you easily. Acquiesced."

Xue Pan on the side shivered: "Is he really so good?"

Song Qingshu thoughtfully, using the martial arts of the yellow shirt women to protect these people is indeed competent enough. The key is that she didn't tell me to retreat last time. Why did she suddenly go to Xixia this time?

"Baoyu, you are a little bit unnatural." Xue Pan suddenly said at this time.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was confused.

"You can clearly see that I'm ridiculed and laugh at me." Xue Pan said glumly.

"You think too much." Song Qingshu didn't expect this dull overlord to be a great dramatist.

"Obviously," Xue Pan said angrily, "No, you should try to strike up a conversation with him too, so that I can get rid of the hatred in my heart."

"You don't want this kind of psychology," Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little funny, "what if I succeeded in hitting up in the past?"

Xue Pan smirked: "How could it be possible." Jia Baoyu's body is so powdery that women will look at him differently. In the eyes of men, they are definitely not as popular as their own masculine style, not to mention that he has personally experienced that just now. The handsome young man can be said to be cold enough, and many people have been eating at him one after another. He is in a bad mood visible to the naked eye. Isn't it boring when this time passes?

"I'll try it." Song Qingshu originally wanted to ask why the girl in the yellow shirt went to Xixia, but now she just found an excuse to go there.

The woman in the yellow shirt fell behind the team alone, and there was no one within a square meter, as if there was an invisible realm all over her, which was a thousand miles away.

"Fuck!" Noting Song Qingshu's past, the woman in the yellow shirt gave him a cold look. She wouldn't be so rude because of her self-cultivation, but she was in a bad mood, and there were a lot of mad bees and butterflies. If the ground came to bother her, that was all, she just drove away in front of other people, but in the face of Jia Baoyu...

When she thought that all this was caused by Jia Sidao's rebellion, she looked at the chaos and thief in front of her, and she was naturally not angry.

Xue Pan in the distance heard this rolling faintly, almost didn't laugh, and instantly felt a lot better.

Song Qingshu didn't care, and smiled and asked, "Why is this young lady so irritated? Is something annoying happened to me?"

"Miss Sister?" The woman in the yellow shirt chanted his weird name, and she couldn't help frowning, "You can see that I am a woman disguised as a man?" She often walks the rivers and lakes, and the woman disguised as a man can be said to be a familiar road. Living in the capital is simple, so none of those people just saw the flaws.

Song Qingshu said: "I have been mixing in the powder pile for a long time on weekdays, and I am particularly sensitive to the difference between men and women. The smell of a girl is different from those smelly men."

The woman in the yellow shirt gave him a deep look: "The tone and demeanor of your speech now resembles that of a friend of mine."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu's eyebrows trembled, a little proud, "Presumably the relationship between the girl and this friend is very good? It seems that I'm still covered."

"No, you are as annoying as him!" The yellow shirt woman said coldly.

"Uh..." Song Qingshu didn't expect this kind of development at all, and couldn't help but tentatively asked, "Is the girl going to Xixia thousands of miles away because of that friend?"

"It's none of your business." After speaking coldly, the woman in the yellow shirt rode her horse to the other side, muttering to herself in a low voice, "Just go out and relax."

Song Qingshu was very clever and could guess what was going on when she heard what she said. Most of it was because she wanted to avoid herself, so she left Lin'an to go to Xixia, but good fortune was just like that, so she got closer to herself.

Seeing Song Qingshu's return, Xue Pan looked like a big boss: "You can talk to him for so long, how did you do it?"

Noting that many people looked sideways, Song Qingshu didn't want to be out of touch, shrugged and said, "Isn't he driven away in the end?" The people around were relieved.

The group of people rushed all the way to the west. One day they suddenly came to a town and found that it was full of lights and festivities. Someone could not help catching a local person and asking: "What happened here, why is it so lively? ."

"The flowers of Hong Xiufang will be selected as guests today, don't you all go to join in the fun?

"Flower everyone?"

"It's the oiran of Hong Xiufang, this female country is beautiful, everyone knows, of course everyone wants to see it."


Hearing the discussion over there, Xue Pan happily ran over to talk to Song Qingshu, and invited him to join in the fun.

"Oiran?" Song Qingshu frowned. Now he is not interested in these things. "You come from Lin'an, what stunning beauty have you never seen? Where can the oiran in this small place be beautiful? Don't go."

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