Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2099: attract each other

"Eh? We..." Mrs. Shuang-Xiu's breath was choked. What she said just now was indeed out of sincerity, but it was also polite. How could anyone ask her directly? How would she answer.

Shan Yuru giggled on the side: "Didn't you just tell your wife, your mother and daughter are beautiful, you can use your body to repay you." She said this deliberately, in order to irritate the other party and cause her to lose. Reason rushed over; Erlai Ma also had the mind to provoke the relationship between the other party and the mysterious person.

"You!" Mrs. Shuang-Xiu was trembling with anger, but she was also afraid of the crowds of the other party and did not dare to rush to take revenge.

At this time, Song Qingshu gave an angry stare, "What the **** are you doing?"

Wanyan spit out his tongue: "It's not for you to think about it. It's impossible that others don't speak, so you can save them with eager eyes. It won't do any good."

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Saving people is a righteous act. Where is the benefit?"

"Do you believe it yourself?" Wan Yan Zhongjie curled his lips. "Then why don't you rescue the displaced peasant women? It's not because they are beautiful."

"How do you know I won't save it?" Song Qingshu snorted. The reason why he wants to dominate the world is to end this troubled world and allow ordinary people to live and work in peace.

"Okay, okay, I know that your heart is the best." Seeing that his expression was wrong, Wanyan Zhongjie didn't dare to mess around anymore.

Song Qingshu suddenly frowned, hugged Wanyan Zhongjie, his figure flashed to the side, and the plaque in front of them was torn apart by a strong wind in the next second.

"Who is your excellency?" The evil Buddha Zhong Youxian withdrew his fists and looked solemnly at the two people standing on the distant table, one tall and tall, the other slender, but the clothes seemed to be men.

Both of them wore a silver mask on their faces, and they couldn't tell their identities at all.

It turned out that Song Qingshu and Wanyan Chongjie had just had a conversation. The momentary negligence caused the Qi machine to not be completely isolated, so that the gap between Zhong Youxian and the lightning flashes, Song Qingshu took the Wanyan Chongjie to avoid, while putting on masks for the two of them. The situation in Cixixia and his party was complicated, and he didn't want to reveal his identity so early.

"People passing by." Song Qing Shushun

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After letting go of her hand, she thought that Xiao Nizi's body was really soft.

At this time, Shan Yuru said: "Our destiny teaches the order of the Seventh Prince of Mongolia, to deal with the enemy here, and to disturb your Excellency. I am extremely sorry."

She was born beautifully, and at the same time she had a pitiful and pure temperament on her body, and her tone was so humble and gentle, no matter who she was, it was difficult for anyone to feel bad about her.

The reason why she put her posture so low was largely because she couldn't see the depth of the other party. Now that she's done, there is no need to provoke a strong enemy out of thin air.

Song Qingshu said faintly: "Sure enough, I felt sorry for me. The fat monk just died under your smile. I don't want to repeat the same mistakes."

Hearing his words, Shan Yuru couldn't help but his smile froze, and Zhong Youxian's eyes became more and more startled and uncertain: Listening to what he meant, it seemed that he had been there just now, why didn't we find out?

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu owed her body at this time and bowed to him: "Concubine Shen Gu Ningqing, thank you En Gong for saving her life." She can't help Shan Yu as she keeps drawing on each other, so naturally she has to ask each other in a timely manner. court.

On one side, Shuang-Fei Zhanyu said: "Everyone says that Mrs. Shuang-Xiu is so dignified and self-conscious. When I see you today, hehe...I can't wait to tell my name when I see a strange man. Are you planning to hook up with someone?"

Princess Shuang-Xiu said angrily: "Sure enough, the dog can't spit out ivory. My grandfather is kind to us. Tell him what happened." While talking, she looked at the man not far away and couldn't help her eyes. The color of surprise was revealed.

She obviously couldn't see the other person, but that person just stood there casually, as if there was an inexplicable attraction on her body, like suddenly seeing the sun in the cold dark night, and people couldn't help but want to get close. .

The girl's reservedness made her look away in a hurry. The skin color under the veil was a little more blush. She wondered what happened to her. You must know that she always dismissed men on weekdays, why today... and even the other person is Always young, beautiful or ugly, I don't know!

At this time, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu's heartbeat was also a little faster than usual, and she also had a strange feeling, and couldn't help but develop a feeling of intimacy with the masked man.

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"Our orphans and widows have not had a man to rely on for so many years. That person's chest is so broad. If he is held in his arms, he must be very..." As soon as this thought rose, Mrs. Shuang Xiu was startled. How could such an idea arise? Could it be that it was influenced by Shan Yuru's charming power? Don't let them know, otherwise I won't be able to meet people.

In fact, she wronged Shan Yuru. The reason why she had this special feeling was not because of Shan Yuru, but because they practiced the double-heart cultivation method, while Song Qingshu practiced the Huan-xi meditation method. The two exercises are essentially interlinked. One Yin and Yang will attract each other, but Huan-Xi Zen is the supreme secret method of Tantric for thousands of years, and the double-cultivation method is opposite. It is said that the level is lower, and Song Qingshu's cultivation base is much higher than that of the two girls, so this kind of unilateral strong attraction arises.

Shan Yuru is very sensitive to the affection of men and women when she practiced fascination. In the field, she probably noticed the abnormality of their mother and daughter instantly, and noticed that the eyes of the two girls became much more moist and blurred than usual. There was also a hint of shyness from time to time, and she was stunned to see: Did these two women have never seen a man or something? How come they look like a spring? Is it true that an iceberg rock girl's mannerism is pretending to be? That would be too much to pretend.

Wan Yan Chongjie's thoughts were all on Song Qingshu, and soon he noticed something, and quietly pulled his sleeves: "You know those two women?"

Song Qingshu was also a little strange: "I don't know him."

Ye Xiao Yang Ling couldn't help but said, "If you pass by, leave quickly, don't worry about our Mongolian empire."

Zhong Youxian and Shan Yuru frowned one after another, wanting to suffer, but after another thought, the other party would probably help Shuang-Xiu's mansion, let Yang Leng test it out.

"Want to use Mongolia to press me down?" Song Qingshu sneered. "If you weren't in Mongolia, maybe I would stand by and watch, but you are Mongolian lackeys."

Hearing what he said, Shan Yuru's group went wild, knowing that today's things might be hard to get right.

Yang Ling and the others were furious: "Looking for death!" The three junior brothers waved their weapons together and rushed towards him.

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