Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2100: Shinya, Oniya?

"Ye Xiao" Yang Leng, "Deep Soul" solution symbol, "Suohun Tai Sui" are all the brothers of Shan Yuru, each is a powerful monster giant, once also competed for the position of the leader of the Destiny Sect. , Even if it loses to Shan Yuru, it's just a tiny gap.

If they change their identities as usual, a few people can’t hide their faces to deceive more, but this time it’s Brother Ali who gave the order to die. They must complete the task. In addition, this mysterious person suddenly appears. Can't figure out what's true, and dare not careless.

Everyone only felt that the golden light flashed. Several people had already attacked Song Qing before writing. It turned out that Yang Leng’s weapon was a three-foot-long steel mace with a shiny golden surface. It was very good at using light reflection to cover the enemy’s sight. The first opportunity has been lost, and I don't know how many martial arts masters who are not weaker than him suffer from this.

"Be careful!" Princess Shuang-xiu hurriedly reminded, Shan Yuru and the others watched closely. She wanted to contain the other party and could not help each other. She could only remind her by words, but when she spoke, she was stunned to find that her mother was also speaking at the same time. People looked at each other, and their cheeks were a little hot.

Song Qingshu nodded at the two women, thanking them for the reminder, but the smile on his lips made them extremely uncomfortable, and their eyes were a little dodging, but after all, he was concerned about his safety and still stared carefully at the battle in the field.

Wan Yan on the side curled his lips: "I don't forget to hook up with a woman when the war is about to make a headache... Sister Gobi doesn't care about him, so I am mad at me."

I saw Song Qingshu take a step forward, just to deceive Yang Ling's arms, Yang Ling was shocked, really wondering how the other party appeared three feet in front of him, flipped his wrist, and the steel mace hurriedly hit the other party's heart. go with.

But the next second he felt a pain in his mouth, and he could no longer hold the steel mace in his hand. He became more and more puzzled, knowing that he is an old demon who has been rampant in the Western Regions for decades, and most of his kung fu is on the steel mace in his hand. , How could it be taken away by the enemy as soon as it came up?

Although he was shocked, his decades of combat experience allowed him to make the right choice. No matter what, he directly transported his whole body skills and retreated violently.

It was a pity that it was still too late. He felt as if he had been hit by a mountain in his chest, spurting blood, and the whole person flew to the wall ten feet behind like a broken sandbag.

At this time, "Suohun Tai Sui" Du Mu's double halberds have been inserted into his ribs, no matter

Both the angle and the strength are extremely vicious, and the opponent can only retreat one way.

But behind it was the soft sword that was as poisonous as a snake and scorpion from the "Deep Soul" solution. As long as he retreated, the incomparable soft sword would pierce his heart.

However, to his surprise, the other party did not retreat, or even showed a flustered expression at all, and saw that he did not hurriedly lift the steel mace and hit his wrist.

Du Mu grinned. In the past few years, I don’t know how many masters have lost his double halberd. His martial arts feature is that once he takes the lead, the double halberd goes out to sea like an evil dragon, attacking each other wave after wave. Give the opponent room to fight back.

Now the opponent shots later than him, and it may have just severely injured the sheep's edge, causing a huge loss of true energy, so that the shot speed is extremely slow in his opinion, isn't this looking for death?

Du Mu's mind has already seen the picture of his double halberd being inserted into the opponent's body, and he is thinking that he will take the big head when he waits for a while to divide the spoils. The pair-Mrs. Xiu and the princess have to get at least one of them, and want to come. Evil Buddha is not easy to refuse.

At that time, whether to choose a double-Mrs. Xiu or a princess, a mature and glamorous, a young and young, it is really difficult to choose, hey, anyway, I can't compete with Zhong Youxian, let him choose first, and I will leave the other one for me. .

Thinking of the beauty, the corner of Du Mu's mouth could not be restrained slightly upward, but the next moment there was a sharp pain in his wrist. It turned out that the steel mace in the opponent's hand came first and directly discounted his hands!

Du Mu was aghast, and he didn't care about picking up the dropped double halberds, and the whole person desperately retreated to Zhong Youxian and the others.

At this time, Xiefu’s sword was worthy of touching Song Qingshu’s clothes, but seeing both of his companions returning from serious injuries, he was also full of stormy seas. The decades of fighting could have made him retreat in a hurry, and even the soft sword just had to go forward. One inch can stab the opponent. Normally, this distance is not even a blink of an eye for him, and it can kill the enemy in an instant.

But today he didn't dare to bet, all the cells in his body seemed to sound like him, let him escape, and immediately escape!

It’s a pity that it’s still too late, his eyes widened, and he watched the other side’s crystal-like jade fingers directly hit the tip of his sword, and then gently folded, his tenacity, even when pressed by the boulder, kept pressing 'S dagger, like tofu, was caught by the opponent's two fingers

Break directly.

Then he saw the person's hand lifted up, a cold light flashed in front of him, and his neck felt cold when he resolved the symbol, and then he saw the inverted ceiling, and the whole person plunged into endless darkness.

"I just...dead?" This was his last thought.

Although everything was described for a long time, it was only a blink of an eye from the three people's joint siege to the fall of the solution, so that Zhong Youxian and Shan Yuru were too late to rescue them.

The entire inn suddenly fell into a strange tranquility. Everyone looked at the man standing quietly in the middle of the field. In a flash, the three major masters of the Destiny taught actively besieged, but suffered one death and two serious injuries. Who is the other party!

Compared with the horror in the eyes of Zhong Youxian, Shan Yuru and others, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu and the princess have beautiful eyes. Looking at the man's arrogant voice, I wonder if he is a god?

They fought against the three of Yang Leng just now, and each of them's martial arts is higher than that of the two of them, that is, only with the secret technique "Love of Allure" in the Shuang-Xiu Mansion can they be able to withstand each other, but such three masters , To beat the less with more and lose in an instant?

Is there such a master in the world?

The mother and daughter quickly thought about the masters they knew. Even if the Wushuang City Lord is here, there is absolutely no way to defeat the three demons in a flash. Is this person a human or a god?

The corners of Wanyan's lips on the side were full of smiles, thinking that my brother Song is really amazing. If it weren't for worrying about revealing his identity, she might have cheered on the side at this time.

Shan Yuru felt a bit dry in his voice: "Your excellency is such a martial arts, you are definitely not an unknown person in the rivers and lakes, dare to ask Gao's name?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Why do you know the dying person."

Zhong Youxian grinned and said: "We respect you for three points, do you really think you can be invincible in the world!" He is known as the evil Buddha, he is the number one master of the Destiny Church, and even qualified to compete for the number one master of the Holy Sect, decades ago The battle against the magician Pang Ban is irrelevant. Although Pang Ban has made great progress in practicing Taoism and martial arts over the years, he thinks he is not bad.

So although I was a little afraid of Song Qingshu, I was not so afraid of the other party. What's more, there are Shan Yuru, Zhan Yu, Shurangan, and many destiny masters. In the real fight, it is not yet known who will die.

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