Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2106: Unexpected disaster

Song Qingshu was also a little uncomfortable by the enthusiastic eyes of Princess Shuang Xiu, and the Wanyan on the side coughed heavily: "Don't stand up outside, go in and talk about it."

The Kingdom of Jin and the Junggar Khanate have common enemies. This time there is an opportunity, and it is natural to discuss the details of cooperation.

The others were arranged to rest, and Mrs. Shuang-Xiu and the princess, as the senior members of their group, naturally followed them into the house. As for the elder brothers of the Southern Song Dynasty, one by one, they really want to continue to be with Princess Shuang Xiu, but there was a problem here just now. People from Southern Song Dynasty stood on the sidelines, and now they naturally have no confidence to entangle themselves. After returning, they complained about the yellow shirts Xue Baochai was so angry that the two women rolled their eyes straight after seeing death.

After the Zhungeer Khanate and his party entered the house, Guldan introduced to both parties: "This is the wife of the Shuang-Xiu Mansion, this is the princess of the Shuang-Xiu Mansion, and this is the little prince of the Kingdom of Jin. ..."

"Gu Ningqing, I have seen the little prince."

"Little girl Gu Zixian, I have seen the little prince."


Song Qingshu thought that it was no wonder that these people had a mouthful of Xian'er before. The original princess Shuang-Xiu was called Gu Zixian. At this time, he couldn't help but think of Yelu Nanxian, who was also called Xian'er. He hadn't seen her for a long time.

When the mother and daughter announced their names, Yingying bowed to Wanyan Chongjie. They were graceful and impeccable temperament. Even Wanyan Chongjie couldn’t help but praised: “It’s really polite, I can’t see it. It’s really a shame to look, I don’t know if I can take off the veil and let Xiao Wang see the beautiful face?"

"This..." Gu Ningqing frowned, her expression a bit hesitant.

Du Guming on the side was very upset because of the Southern Song dynasty group of prodigal sons entangled with his fiancee. Now he sees that the King King also shows an expression of interest in his fiancee, his face is even more ugly, but he was saved by the other party just now. In addition, I am a little afraid of the power of the Kingdom of Jin, and I don't dare to be as pretentious as Xue Pan. I can only find a way to explain it:

"The little prince, please forgive me. They have passed down a rule for hundreds of years in the Shuang-Xiu Mansion. People who are not close to the family will not be visible, otherwise it will cause great disaster."

Wanyan Zhongjie was a little surprised: "Oh, there are such weird rules?"

Gu Ningqing apologized: "Let the little prince laugh."

Seeing the two people’s tone of voice, unlike telling lies, Song Qingshu on the side couldn’t help thinking in secret. Mu Wanqing was veiled and either killed someone who had seen her appearance or married each other because Qin Hongmian was worried that her daughter would repeat herself. He was deceived by a man, so he made such a weird rule. Why did Shuangxiu Mansion set similar rules? Could it be that the mistresses of the Shuangxiu Mansion in the past are too beautiful, as the so-called beauty is a disaster, and when a man sees his appearance, it is easy to cause chaos and disaster?

But where did the ancestors of Shuang-Xiu Mansion come from the self-confidence, believing that the descendants of each generation are at the level of beauty and disaster?

But after thinking about it, the genes of Li Qiushui's family are also so against the sky, so I think that Shuang-Xiu's residence has similar characteristics.

"Ask him about Wushuangcheng." Song Qingshu is still more concerned about more important things than these peachy gossips.

Hearing his secret transmission, Wan Yan Zhongjie nodded slightly, and found an opportunity to ask: "By the way, what's the matter with the city lord on your side, we don't seem to say that in Central China."

Gu Ningqing replied softly: "The Western Regions are different from the Central Plains. The Central Plains has fertile land and many towns. However, the Western Regions have a harsh environment, deserts everywhere, and extreme water shortages. Therefore, only places with water sources will have cities and ponds. There are many rivers in the Western Regions. It is an intermittent river. It will be dry for many times a year. It is destined that there will not be too many places to build a city. The more famous cities are Ili, Kashgar, Ye'erqiang, Hotan, Kuqa, Aksu, and Yingjisha Wushuang City is one of them, such as Er, Turpan, Hami, etc. These city owners can be regarded as the masters of a small country in a sense."

Geerdan took out a map and explained it as he pointed it out: "Our Zhungeer Khanate will be our capital and Yili City, and the Hui forces will be in Kashgar and Yarkand. These years, we have been each other's horns. Together with the Mingjiao in the Kunlun Mountains, they will jointly compete with Mongolia."

Song Qingshu nodded and finally understood the composition of the various forces in the Western Regions. When he mentioned the Hui Department, he thought of Huo Qingtong, whom he had known before. Not only did he look good, but he was especially good at fighting. He led the Hui Department to contend against the powerful Mongolia. Don't let the wind fall, I said goodbye last time, I don't know if I have a chance to meet.

In addition, she seems to be married to Mingjiao. It should be Zhang Wuji, Mingzun's fiancée. Do you want to remind her so that she won't jump into the fire pit?

Song Qingshu finally rejected this idea. Although he pityed Yu Yu, he would not miss a major event for a woman. Now the Western Regions are relying on the three of them to hold Mongolia. If the marriage contract between Huo Qingtong and Zhang Wuji appears The problem, the alliance between the two sides is broken, so that Mongolia can break through each, and then more soldiers will be sacrificed.

Before Song Qingshu could not understand the behaviors of marriage in ancient times. He felt that the peace obtained by sacrificing the happiness of a woman really humiliated a man, but when he sat in this position, he slowly changed his mind, because it was compared with the happiness of a woman. , Thousands of soldiers and Li people who have not left their names in history books are much more important.

By the way, since the last Zhenlong chess game, there has been no news from Mingzun. He did not appear as planned last time in the Lingjiu Palace competition. This time Xixia recruited relatives and did not hear the church participating. What is he doing?

Regarding Ming Zun's silence, Song Qingshu had a faint anxiety in his heart, always feeling that he should be plotting a big conspiracy.

"Can this map be given to me?" Wan Yan Zhongjie knew that Song Qingshu was interested in this, and the Central Plains countries did not know much about the situation in the Western Regions, so he asked Geldan.

Guldan was taken aback, smiled and said, "Of course it's okay."

At this time, the silent Shuang-Xiu princess Gu Zixian suddenly asked, "I don't know who this son is?"

Seeing her gaze fell on Song Qingshu, Wan Yan Zhongjie cursed the little vixen in her heart, and she ran to grab a man from me!

Song Qingshu was startled, and replied, "I'm from the Southern Song Dynasty, and my name is Jia Baoyu."

"Jia Baoyu? This name sounds pretty good." Gu Zixian muttered to herself.

Wanyan Chongjie curled his lips, thinking that Baoyu Baoyu, such a vulgar name, is so good, how can it be comparable to my Qingshu brother's name, this Sao-hoo-zi is really talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Du Guming on the side looked bad, and his eyes were full of hostility when he looked at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu was also depressed, thinking that your own fiancé took the initiative, why don't you blame her, hate me for what you are doing.

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