Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2107: Meet in the middle of the night

Wan Yan gave a heavy cough, and directly interrupted Gu Zixian’s enthusiastic gaze: "The young city lord just promised to thank the love of Qingcheng as a gift, but he didn’t. He said he would teach me when the princess comes back. I don’t know the princess. Can you explain to me now?"

"Love in Qingcheng?" Gu Zixian looked at Dugu Ming with a puzzled face.

Du Guming hurriedly explained what had just happened, and finally said: "Thanks to the help of the little prince Jin Guo, you can get out of trouble."

"There are other people who saved us. What does it have to do with them?" Gu Zixian murmured dissatisfiedly.

"What did you say?" Du Guming was taken aback, some of them didn't hear clearly.

Gu Zixian's gaze suddenly fell to Song Qingshu who was aside, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, before swallowing the follow-up words: "Nothing to say, the little prince wants to learn the love of the allure, so you must first find someone who has the same mind to practice together. Doing more with less, I wonder if the little prince can be chosen?"

After Wanyan Zhongjie subconsciously glanced at Song Qingshu who was aside, Galdan and the others didn't know that she was a woman dressed as a man, and they were extremely cold for a moment. They thought that the nobles in the Central Plains are all good? I don't know who will attack and who will suffer? It stands to reason that the little prince is petite and should be more inclined to the recipient, but he is noble, is it really possible to lie under another man?

Gu Zixian also glanced at Song Qingshu suspiciously, but quickly rejected that idea, thinking that a character like him could be what he thought it was. We must be thinking something wrong.

Wan Yan Chongjie also realized that he had lost his temper, his face was slightly hot, and he hurriedly said: "This candidate won't bother the princess, just take care of me, and then I will find someone to practice together."

Gu Zixian nodded: "It's okay, but it's getting late today. I'll find time to talk to the little prince in detail tomorrow."

Gu Ningqing on the side was puzzled, wondering why her daughter, who has always been cold and frosty, suddenly became so enthusiastic today, and "Love in the Allure" is the supreme school in the house, why did she agree to teach it to outsiders so easily?

However, Young City Lord and his daughter agreed, and Goldan was witnessing, and she needed the protection of the Kingdom of Jin at this time. She didn't say anything, just secretly thinking, and the big deal will be to teach the little prince a reduced version." "Love in the allure" is good, anyway, aristocrats like him are mostly enthusiastic about martial arts for a while, not to mention the martial arts of "Love in the allure", they will know it, even if they do some fake opponents. Will know.

Wan Yan Zhongjie didn't worry about him, and he readily agreed: "It's okay, I will ask the princess again tomorrow."

Dugu Ming on the side could not help but worry. After all, the other party is a man, not to mention his noble status, and he was born very handsome. Xian'er taught him that it is inevitable to have contact. In case the two will be in love for a long time...

His association was interrupted by Song Qingshu's question: "I have a question and I want to ask Shaochengzhu."

Du Guming was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Master, please tell me." After guessing the relationship between the other party and King King, his tone was unconsciously polite. After all, the relationship is so "close", in case the other party is offended. When the pillow wind blows, it will break.

"I don't know what's the relationship between Dugu's defeat and Wushuang City?" Song Qingshu asked, staring at his eyes carefully, not letting the slightest change in expression.

"Dugu Defeat?" Dugu Ming looked blank. "Our Wushuang City's lord is indeed named Dugu, but I have never heard the name Dugu Defeat. Is it related to our Wushuang City?"

"Just ask casually, the young city lord doesn't know." Seeing that his expression didn't look like a fake, Song Qingshu was also a little confused. He was sure that there was a shadow of Dugu's sword intent in Dugu Ming's sword technique, but it was not that way. It's obvious.

Gu Zixian asked curiously, "Dugu seeks defeat. Listening to this name, it seems that he is a very powerful character."

Song Qingshu nodded, recalling the inscription of the Dugu he had seen in Jianzhong, and couldn't help showing a fascinating expression: "Yes, a character who lives in the legend."

Next, Wanyan Chongjie and Galdan discussed some details of future cooperation, until it was very late later, they arranged to go back to their rooms to rest. Fortunately, although the temple was a little ruined, there were still a lot of rooms.

After sending everyone away, Song Qingshu was about to leave, Wan Yan Zhongjie gently pulled him, his big eyes gleamed with water, his face flashed blush: "Actually, you don't need to go."

Song Qingshu looked back, and saw that under the swaying candlelight, her delicate and flawless face was three points more delicate than the peach blossom. The next year is still young, but those long and charming eyes are like a thousand-year-old fox. Sultry.

"Really a born fairy." Song Qingshu's heart jumped. He was so accustomed to seeing Fengyue that he was almost defeated by this sultry look.

After finally restraining it with great perseverance, Song Qingshu said with a dry throat: "Don't mess around, go to bed earlier."

"Don't be like a child." Wan Yan said dissatisfiedly.

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "Isn't it?"

Wan Yan Zhongjie raised his chest: "Where are people younger? What's more, those little sisters in Beijing, some now even have children."

Song Qingshu had to admit that in some respects, she is indeed not young, and the whole person has already begun to have a femininity, and the customs of this world, she can be married at an age, but it is a pity...

"Secondly, you should know that I and you..." Song Qingshu sighed, before she finished speaking, she was pressed by the girl's cold finger on her lips.

Wan Yan Zhongjie pursed his lips: "I know what you are going to say, but we don't mind, what do you mind, and things like this are already common among royals and nobles in this world."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "You don't understand, the place I came is very different from your customs... Forget it, the reason for this is difficult to explain, you should go to sleep first." He was worried about staying here again, and then A strong will will also be softened.

Wanyan Chongjie tilted his head slightly and looked at his back. It took a long time for him to show up with a smile: "Although I don't understand what Song Brother is worried about, I will always wait."

"Uh..." Song Qingshu, who had just left the room, almost staggered, thinking that this little girl didn't listen to me at all.

Back in the west side of the temple, the Southern Song Dynasty mission was here. I thought that Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt would come and ask him some questions. Who knew that the two women treated him as airy and didn't pay attention to him at all.

With a wry smile, Song Qingshu returned to the room to freshen up and lay down. As a result, the eyes that had just finished her face and were extremely soft and charming appeared in her mind. He only felt that an evil fire was rising in his heart and couldn't sleep anymore.

"I really didn't expect to personally perform a handful of beasts and beasts inferior to that old joke." Song Qingshu sighed.

At this time, a slender voice slowly walked towards the West Wing, just as Xue Pan came out to release the water, and seeing the other party's whole body instantly became energetic, excited like a pug: "The princess is such a coincidence, we are really destined, so Can be touched."

The person who came was surprisingly Shuang Xiu princess Gu Zixian. She was also taken aback by Xue Pan who suddenly rushed out: "So it's Master Xue."

Xue Pan bloomed more and more happily. Seeing her so cold before, I thought she was dismissive of men. It turned out that she still quietly kept her name in her heart. Could it be that she was deeply impressed by my son’s Yushu Linfeng ?

"Did the princess come here to look for me on purpose?" Xue Pan felt a little dry, and his heart was about to jump out of joy.

Gu Zixian was startled, and shook his head subconsciously: "No, I'm looking for Master Jia."

Xue Pan's smile instantly solidified on his face, and at that moment he seemed to hear the sound of something shattering——

In recent chapters, I have written a lot of plots about Geldan and the cities of the Western Regions. Many readers may not understand these histories, so I have specially explained it in the form of a map in the official account, so that everyone will not seem to be in the mist. . The official account is "Liu Ru Monk". After entering the official account, enter the keyword "Western Region" to automatically reply to the relevant content.

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