Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2108: Licking dog meets licking dog

Snow is fluttering, the north wind is bleak, the world is vast...

Xue Pan didn't know why, he couldn't help but think of such a picture. After a long time, he relieved his breath, forced a laugh and asked: "I don't know if it's so late, what's the matter with the princess looking for Baoyu?"

Gu Zixian frowned, and a trace of impatience appeared in her eyes: "What's up with you?" The folk customs of the Western Regions were meant to be straightforward, unlike those in the Central Plains.

Xue Pan felt that his heart was about to be broken. He wanted to leave in a fit of anger, but he smelled the faint fragrance from the other person's body and his beautiful and moving eyes, which made him really reluctant to move away, so he could only comfort himself in the Western Regions. The customs there are different, and the other party certainly didn't hurt himself on purpose.

After thinking about it, he decided to remind the other party kindly: "I mean the princess is a girl's house so late, and he goes to the man's room in the middle of the night. If it is spread out, it will be a little bad for the princess's reputation."

Gu Zixian tilted her head slightly: "I don't care, why are you so nervous?"

"Me!" Xue Pan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. As a son of a family, he has self-esteem even if he is dull. How can he not get angry when a woman says it like this?

He snorted angrily and turned around and left, thinking that I'll take care of you after the fuck!

Seeing the other person's back, Gu Zixian suddenly moved in his heart and called out in a soft voice, "Master Xue, wait a minute."

Hearing her call, Xue Pan instantly turned around and said with a flattering smile: "What's the matter with the princess?" At the same time, he secretly contempted that he was really cheap, but he looked at the tall and attractive posture of the other party. The faint fragrance in the air quickly dilutes the emotions in his heart.

"I have something to ask Young Master Xue." Gu Zixian thought of asking the other person, so she deliberately softened her tone.

"I don't dare to ask, if the princess has something to say, I know everything I can talk about." Although I can't see the other person's face, but from her curved eyebrows, I can feel that she is smiling now, thinking that the other person is smiling at her. Xue Pan's body was crunched.

"I want to know what kind of person Jia Gongzi is?" Gu Zixian looked at him expectantly.

Xue Pan's smile instantly froze on his face, why suddenly there was a feeling of wanting to cry?

"Master Xue, Master Xue?" Gu Zixian was a little puzzled, why did the other party suddenly start to be in a daze, "Don't you know? Then I'll find someone else to ask."

"I know." Xue Pan had to knock down his teeth and swallow, "Baoyu knows me very well, we are iron buddies."


He said these words through gritted teeth.

"Yeah~" Gu Zixian blinked, waiting for the rest of the article with a very interested look.

As if she could see stars appearing in her eyes, Xue Pan was almost crying, but he had to answer: "Baoyu is the son of the former prime minister and privy envoy Jia Sidao."

"Hey, it turns out to be a famous family." Gu Zixian's tone seemed to be a little joyful.

Xue Pan was almost scolding his mother. I thought to myself that I introduced my family to you before. It was obviously the same, but you didn't say anything.

"The family background is indeed pretty good, but it's a pity that his father passed away not long ago. It's not as good as before." Xue Pan thought this time to see what you said.

"Huh?" Gu Zixian exclaimed, "It turns out that he still has such a tragic life experience, but he didn't feel it at all, which shows that he is a man with a strong mentality."

Xue Pan is no longer able to complain. Why is your brain circuit different from ordinary people? Shouldn't it be said that Jia's surname is Bo Liang or filial piety?

Xue Pan decided to continue to take the drug: "Baoyu is a famous magic star in Lin'an. He not only likes to molest the maids in the mansion, but also eats the rouge on their faces every day, but also likes to hang around the place of fireworks. The whole Lin'an city can be said to be everywhere. Like him."

Gu Zixian blinked, and Zhu Lips lightly commented: "You can attract so many confidantes to like, Master Jia is really charming."

Xue Pan looked at her with a look that you were teasing me. After confirming that the other party really thought that way, he wondered if the Western Region women are different from the Central Plains women, and they all appreciate this kind of thing.

So he also decided to disclose his glorious deeds appropriately: "Actually, I didn't tell the girl before that I and Baoyu are iron buddies. On weekdays, I often go to the brothel together, and there are more confidantes than him. , Known as Lin'an Xiaobawang."

Who knows that Gu Zixian frowned: "That means Master Jia used to be taken to that kind of place by you?"

Xue Pan faintly felt something wrong, but he nodded instinctively.

Gu Zixian said faintly: "Master Jia is a fairy-like character, Master Xue should not influence him too much in the future."

Xue Pan felt that he was going to be autistic. What was the problem just now, and he had to stay to answer her questions, but seeing that the other party was so beautiful, it was really difficult for him to get angry with her, so he had to stop all of this. The blame was on Jia Baoyu, thinking that the bastard, not only soaked my sister, but also hooked up outside, now he was soaking up on his future sister-in-law.

As for the valley

Zi Xiancheng did not admit his relationship with him, Xue Pan had never thought about it, and had unilaterally declared sovereignty over her.

"By the way, does Young Master Jia know martial arts?" Gu Zixian asked the question she was most interested in.

"Martial arts?" Xue Pan finally came to his spirits, "Hahaha, Baoyu's servant is notoriously literate but not martial arts. His weak literary style makes it strange to know martial arts. If the princess is interested in martial arts You can find me. I am strong and strong, and I have learned a lot of martial arts from a well-known teacher since I was a child."

"You?" Gu Zixian looked at him for a while, his eyes were frivolous, his breathing was messy, and his walking was vain. Although he could martial arts, he couldn't get much higher.

Soon I didn't care about him. Instead, I thought about Jia Baoyu's affairs, wondering why he concealed martial arts from the public, is it to prevent any danger, or is he preparing for some plan?

Sure enough, he is a man full of mystery and charm.

Seeing that the information was almost inquired, Gu Zixian was not interested in wasting time here with Xue Pan, and after leaving him, he walked towards the room where Song Qingshu was located.

After walking for a while, my brows suddenly frowned. When I turned around, I found that Xue Pan was reluctantly following behind. Gu Zixian couldn't help but said, "Master Xue has anything else to tell me?"

"No, nothing, I'm going back now." Xue Pan replied in a flustered manner. The other party's eyes were too bright, as if it could penetrate his heart, so that he could not even think of telling lies.

Gu Zixian kept watching him until he really turned and left before continuing the journey just now.

In a room not far away, Xue Baochai opened a window slightly, looking at her back, thinking about what this woman is going to do, and how shameless she is to go to a man's room so late? However, she shouldered the responsibility of escorting the Southern Song Dynasty missions, and didn't want to be extravagant, not to mention that the other party was a princess of a country, and she was also worried about causing diplomatic disputes, so she didn't go out to stop it.

The woman in the yellow shirt next door was also thoughtful, thinking that just now she kept listening for information, did she really come to the Southern Song and the group? It seems that we must be more vigilant and guarded.

Coming to Song Qingshu’s door, Gu Zixian stopped, was about to knock on the door, and then suddenly withdrew her hand. She realized that she was a little nervous. This is something that hasn’t happened for so many years. For so many years, only a man is in front of her. Not knowing what to do, how can she make sense to panic?

But she just got nervous, and her heartbeat speeded up a bit. She reorganized her dress and confirmed that there was no negligence in her manners before knocking on the other party's door again.

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