Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2111: Dao Ti and Demon Heart

Gu Zixian lowered his head, a blush that was visible to the naked eye rose from his neck, his eyes flowed, and the shyness between his eyebrows made people feel pity: "We have no secrets in our double-Xiufu history."

Looking at the dazzling white body in front of him, Song Qingshu felt a bit dry in his throat: "You can dictate to me without a secret code. Why do you undress?"

Gu Zi's fairy head is about to stick to her chest: "There are no secrets, no formulas, no so-called mental methods, only physical feelings. Shuang-xiufu is passed on from generation to generation in this way, and each other feels the running route in each other's body. "

"Such a way?" Although the other party didn't say it clearly, Song Qingshu can roughly guess that the most important part of the double-cultivation method should be the route of Zhen Qi. In the most intimate relationship between the two, they let go of the physical restrictions and feel. The true Qi runs in the opponent's body, and at the same time accepts the other's guidance. Unless you are someone who is absolutely trustworthy, doing so is to give your life to the other's hands. If the other party wants you to live, you will live, and if you die, you will die.

"Did you learn this way back then?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking. Although he had just met each other, the natural psychology of a man made it difficult for him to accept that a beautiful woman had such an intimate relationship with other people.

"Yes," Gu Zixian was astute, and quickly guessed his concerns, and then said, "My mother taught it to me."

A picture of a mature and glamorous body entangled with a young and energetic girl appeared in his mind. Song Qingshu couldn't help touching his nose, worried that he would accidentally leak a nosebleed.

"My benefactor, the double-heart cultivation method can't be dictated, only wait for the most...the most intimate state, and my benefactor will feel it on his own."

Song Qingshu tried to disperse the chaotic dreams in his mind, sighed and said, "Doesn't the princess know what this means?"

"I know." Gu Zixian's voice was very small, with a trace of vibrato.

"Then I don't understand even more, we just met, why are you...this is too sloppy." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

"But I am willing." Gu Zixian raised her head, her eyes gleaming with determination and determination.

Perceiving the other party’s frown, Gu Zixian hurriedly explained: “I’m not a frivolous woman, but we have a destined mission in the Shuang-Xiu Mansion. Although I don’t like Dugu Ming, I still have no choice but to follow the tradition in the end. Marrying him, I can’t resist this fate. The only thing I can do is to find someone I like first. Even if I can’t stay together, but the sweetness that is worth remembering is not in vain.”

"It's just that I haven't met the man who made my heart beat all the time. Those other people were not even as good as Du Guming until I met my benefactor." Gu Zixian bit her lip. Although she was ashamed, she didn't know the opportunity was missed. Will come again, continue to pluck up the courage to say, "I don't know what's going on. The first time I see my benefactor, even if you wear a mask, I am still deeply attracted by you. You are like a hot flame, and I'm like a moth."

Song Qingshu sighed: "The moths are fighting the fire, there is no good end." From the other party's words, he faintly understood her mentality. Maybe from the beginning of the record, everyone instilled in her the concept of marrying the young city master of Wushuang City in the future. , So that she has been living in a state of mind that has no thoughts about the future. As the saying goes, things must be reversed. One day she has a bold idea that is difficult to contain. Then it happened that her own practice was attracted to her mind, so she took this step boldly.

"But no matter how many times they come back, the moths will eventually pounce on the fire." Gu Zixian bravely looked at the man in front of him, with some inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, the figure in Gu Zixian's eyes gradually dimmed, picking up the robe from the ground, and her voice was extremely low and sad: "It seems to be wishful thinking."

Seeing the other party's heartbroken appearance, Song Qingshu knew that his behavior was too harmful to others' self-esteem. After all, there was nothing more hurting than a woman who took the initiative to embrace and hug the other party.

Song Qingshu walked over, lifted her smooth chin gently, looked at her delicate and flawless face, noticed the faint tears in the corners of her eyes, her heart softened, and her voice softened: "Princess, don't get me wrong, I just don't Think about how to handle our relationship."

As he approached, Gu Zixian felt that the inexplicable attraction became more and more irresistible, and the whole body couldn't help but soften down and fell into his arms.

Before Song Qingshu could react, a soft lips pressed against it.

Feeling the youthful and sweet breath of the young girl, Song Qingshu's heartbeat quickened. At this time, he also faintly noticed an inexplicable attraction in the other party. He thought that there is something between the double-cultivation method and the joy-zen method. Inexplicable connection.

At this time, if you still let the woman take the initiative, it would be too gentle. Song Qingshu gently embraced her slender waist and embraced her soft body.

Wherever the girl was his opponent, she was kissed so sweetly-panting again and again.

Perhaps it was from the Western Regions. Compared with the Central Plains woman, Gu Zixian was whiter and taller. The place that should be fat is fatter, the place that should be thin is thinner, and the place that should be upturned is also more uplifted.

Song Qingshu was originally irritated by Wanyan Zhongjie before, and finally forced it down. There was no way to resist it. When he was about to go further, suddenly there was a knock on the door:

"Master Jia?"

Gu Zixian immediately woke up from the confusion, hurriedly dressed in clothes, with a look of panic on her face: "Oh, it's my mother!"

Song Qingshu also looked depressed. What's the matter with this? If you don't play like this, the mother and daughter came to play with me on purpose, right?

"What's the matter with Madam?" Song Qingshu didn't get up immediately to open the door.

"I'm sorry to bother you, I'm here to pick Xian'er back." Gu Ningqing's voice sounded outside the door, and she couldn't hear her emotions at this time.

Then she called again: "Xian'er, it's time to go back to sleep."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. She didn't give you a chance to excuse at all. She just said that she knew that her daughter was in the room.

"Okay, I'll come out right away." Gu Zixian put out her tongue at Song Qingshu while finishing her dress. It was obvious that her mother's majesty coupled with her guilty conscience at this time made her dare not resist.

"I'm sorry." Gu Zixian looked at Song Qingshu with apologetic eyes.

Song Qingshu was rather happy: "Why do you still apologize."

Gu Zixian bit her lip: "I will find a chance to come to you in the future." After speaking, she ran out of the door without looking back.

Seeing her daughter Yun's temples come out scattered, with a different blush on her face, Gu Ningqing couldn't help frowning, but their double-xiufu technique was special, and she soon realized that her daughter hadn't really broken her body, and he was relieved. , Saluted Song Qingshu who followed: "I'm really sorry to bother the son so late."

"Madam is serious." What Song Qingshu can say, he is also very helpless.

Gu Ningqing's heart suddenly jumped, and he subconsciously stepped back and widened the distance between the two sides. Because I don't know why, just now the other side seemed to exude an inexplicable masculine attraction, which made the Dao Heart in her Dantian agitated and unstable.

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