Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2112: Fate's helplessness

"What's wrong with Madam?" Song Qingshu asked curiously when he noticed her strangeness.

"No...nothing." Gu Ningqing replied unnaturally, thinking that after being single for a long time, how could he react so much when he came into contact with men? But there is nothing unusual about those people who have been in contact with Galdan and Wushuang City before.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that a man had never heard of fascination, she might have thought that the other party was a male version of Shan Yuru, which was too harmful to a woman. No wonder her daughter ran into his house in the middle of the night, and she couldn’t even control herself. , Not to mention the daughter who is not deeply involved in the world?

When she thought of this, she unnaturally pinched her legs, worried that she would make a fool of herself if she stayed, so she just dealt with a few words and hurried her daughter to leave.

Looking at the backs of the two hurriedly leaving, Song Qingshu's face was dumbfounded, thinking that the plot was wrong, shouldn't you be the one who questioned me aggressively? I should be the one who fled in the wild?

Let’s just say that Gu Zixian was dragged and trotted for a while, and finally couldn’t help but wonder: "Mother, why are you running so fast?"

Gu Ningqing's smooth oval face couldn't help but flushed, and under his guilty conscience, he became a little embarrassed and angry: "You are ashamed to say that you didn't do such a shameful thing yourself. An unmarried girl ran into someone's man's room in the middle of the night."

"What's so shameful about this!" Gu Zixian thought that she was pursuing love, so she quit after being said that.

Seeing her dare to talk back, Gu Ningqing became more annoyed, and pointed to her body: "Look for yourself, the skirts are all dressed in such a hurry, and the knots on the belt are wrong!" There are a bunch of people wearing Gu Zixian clothes on weekdays. The service requires meticulous care in every detail. The messy look she is wearing now can clearly see the abnormality.

"Also, your clouded temples, your face blushing like this again, what did you do in there just now?" Gu Ningqing exclaimed a little angrily.

"Nothing..." Thinking of the scene in the room just now, Gu Zixian's voice became lower and lower, obviously a little guilty.

Gu Ningqing reached out and touched her daughter's cheek, and said angrily: "Your face is hot like this! You are so cool and clean on weekdays, why are you so... so..."

She hesitated for half a day, but she couldn't say the word.

Gu Zixian bit her lip, also a little embarrassed: "I'm not the same to everyone, just to him..."

"Did he give you some medicine?" See female

Gu Ningqing couldn't help but think of her abnormal condition just now, and hurriedly asked.

"No~" Gu Zixian hesitated for a moment, and said to her ear, "In fact, he was the benefactor who saved us at the inn?" Although he promised to keep it secret, his mother is his only relative in this world. Moreover, he had been saved by him before, so it's okay to tell her.

"It's him?" Gu Ningqing was taken aback, and then showed a look of unbelief, "How is it possible that En Gong's martial arts is unfathomable, like a fairy-like character, how can it be such a young dude?"

"I tried it, it's really him." Gu Zixian couldn't help but raise her lips slightly when she thought of the handsome face when the other party took off the mask just now.

"How to try?" Gu Ningqing was startled, and subconsciously looked at her legs.

"Mother, where did you think of it!" Gu Zixian was instantly ashamed, "It's the breath. Although he was wearing a mask before, I can see him as if he felt a round of the sun. It can't be wrong."

"Aura?" Gu Ningqing's eyes were a bit strange. In fact, she also had similar feelings. No wonder that Jia Baoyu was a little familiar before, but I don't know if it is because of her age that she is not as whimsical as her daughter, and she can actually put her on the surface. Connect two people who are not related to each other.

"Besides, I was afraid of something in case. I just attacked him by surprise and tried his martial arts, but he was instantly restrained. His martial arts skills are the same as before in the inn." Gu Zixian said triumphantly.

Gu Ningqing believed in her daughter's judgment. Her daughter is not too old, but martial arts is good. It is impossible to admit mistakes in this aspect. Moreover, she feels that the person's breath is somewhat familiar: "No wonder you promised to teach them the'Love in the Allure'. "Thinking of all the things before, it suddenly dawned on me.

Gu Zixian pursed his lips and laughed: "If it weren't for the benefactor, how could I promise to easily give away the secrets of the house to the other party."

Gu Ningqing nodded, and then couldn't help poking his head with a finger: "But even if he is our lifesaver, you don't need to take your innocent body to thank you."

A flash of shame in Gu Zixian's eyes: "I am not simply repaying my gratitude, but I cannot help but fall in love with him, so I am willing to...I am willing to..."

Gu Ningqing angrily smiled: "You have only met a few times, even if he is young or old, and he hasn't seen what he looks like, so why fall in love with him!"

"Who said I haven't seen him, just now I

Seeing that he was so handsome, he was so handsome, he looked no different from what I had imagined, and he was more handsome than all the men I had seen before. "Gu Zixian looked like a young girl with spring.

"Isn't he real now?" Gu Ningqing was relieved immediately. Today's Jia Baoyu has too much fat, which is completely different from En Gong's free and easy temperament. It turns out that this is not his original appearance.

"What he originally looked like, you can draw it and show it to my mother." Gu Ningqing was also a little curious about what this mysterious benefactor who saved them all looked like. The opponent's martial arts are unpredictable, she didn't dare to run and let the other party take off the mask.

"I don't want to tell you." Gu Zixian raised her chin and snorted. She remembered what she had promised before.

"You little girl," Gu Ningqing almost died of anger when she heard her daughter's answer, "Why are you still afraid that your mother will steal a man from you? No matter how handsome he is, he can't be more handsome than your father."

"It must be more handsome than my father." Gu Zixian snorted, as if she was too lazy to discuss with her, her eyes were full of small stars, and the other's teeth rang straight out of anger.

After the mother and daughter arguing for a while, Gu Ningqing's expression gradually became serious: "It's okay for you to fool around, but you have to grasp it well. You must know that sooner or later you are going to marry the young city lord. If you lose your body early, you will Let Shuang-Xiu Mansion and Wushuang City become enemies."

"You didn't marry the city lord back then." Gu Zixian said dissatisfied.

"That's because I'm young and ignorant. Do you know how much trouble happened in my affairs back then..." Gu Ningqing sighed quietly, as if he didn't want to remember what happened at the beginning. The price of Wushuang City compensated for this incident. If you follow it again, it will be a challenge to the bottom line of Wushuang City. At that time, it will mean a full-scale war between the two sides. Back then, the Shuang-Xiu Mansion was desperate, and it was Wushuang City that took us in. We as posterity should not forget the kindness."

"I see." Gu Zixian waved his hand impatiently.

Seeing her daughter like this, Gu Ningqing was also a little bit sorry. After all, if she didn’t do something like that first, she wouldn’t have cut her chances, so she had to persuade: “Actually, as long as you keep your body clean and deal with Wushuang City before you get married, it’s fine. After that, if you still can’t let go of your benefactor... go to him from time to time and no one will stop you."

"I don't want it!" Gu Zixian snorted and snorted angrily before returning to his room and closing the door heavily.

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