Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2113: Killer's grudge

Gu Ningqing's expression was also a bit sly, after all, her suggestions weren't like what a mother should say, but she really felt sorry for her daughter, so she sighed quietly, and returned to her room.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu leaned against the door frame, feeling the heat of the body, and felt very depressed. Tonight, it was really a hell. First, I was tossed and turned into sleepless by Wanyan Zhongjie. After finally calming down, he ran another initiative. Enthusiastic Gu Zixian had been entangled for a while, but who knew that in the end it was nothing but a bamboo basket.

"Smelly boy, what did Princess Shuang-Xiu do for you?" Not long after Gu Zixian left, Xue Pan leaned over with his head, presumably he was also curious and intolerable, so he had been waiting nearby.

Song Qingshu gave him a blank look: "Do you believe it or not I said that she ran from the pillow seat?" This Xue Pan is also true. He has a good family background and a good appearance, but his temperament is too dull and wretched. face.

"Bah, the princess is pure, noble and arrogant, how could she do such a thing!" Xue Pan was angry, as if the goddess in his heart had been insulted.

"Noble and arrogant?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, recalling Gu Zixian's low eyebrows and enthusiasm in front of him just now. It was really difficult to associate with the image in his mouth.

"I warn you, she is the woman my elder brother thinks of, and she will be your sister-in-law in the future. She is not allowed to play her idea, and she can't think about it." Xue Pan waved his fist in a warned look, "Otherwise we Brother didn't have to do it."

"Uh~" Song Qingshu was speechless for a while. I really couldn't think of how he played so well. Even if he didn't have himself, Gu Zixian couldn't take a fancy to him.

Xue Pan suddenly realized a problem. Compared with the noble and beautiful beauty like Princess Shuang Xiu, brothers and feet are nothing, at least he would not take it seriously, his threat seemed to have no containment power.

After thinking about it, he added: "If you dare to move any crooked thoughts, I will tell my sister, don't you want to be my brother-in-law!"

The more he talked, the more proud he became, thinking that he had finally found a way to threaten him enough!

"What are you talking about!" At this moment, a shameful joke came from behind him. Xue Pan stiffened. Looking back, he found that Xue Baochai was glaring at him with a flushed face.

Xue Pan was not surprised and rejoiced. He ran to his sister and said, "Bao Chai, you have to take care of him too. Obviously, you still have trouble with flowers all day long."

"Shut up!" Xue Baochai really couldn't stand this 2b brother, "I have nothing to do with him."

"It's okay?" Xue Pan curled his lips, patrolling the two men and women with the look of a dog-watching man and woman.

"Go back to bed!" Xue Baochai is not in a good mood recently, and Xue Pan is completely trying to provoke her nerves.

"Go back and go back." Xue Pan was a little guilty when seeing his sister really angry, not to mention that Princess Shuang-xiu was no longer here, and it didn't make much sense for him to stay.

Before leaving, he shook his fist at Song Qingshu, gave him a warning look, and silently spoke of the previous threat.

Xue Baochai just witnessed it, and it was a while, and he said apologetically to Song Qingshu: "Baoyu, don't take his words to heart."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "He is your brother, and I should be taught." Now, how can he be jealous with people like Xue Pan.

Hearing what he said, Xue Baochai couldn't help but blushed: "What does it have to do with me!"

Seeing the girl's shy appearance, Song Qingshu's heart jumped. It's awkward, he is completely used to it, and he accidentally slaps others with a casual sentence. You must pay attention to it in the future and be careful in your words and deeds.

Hey, how could this feeling be the same as Yang Guo in the book.

Xue Baochai finally recovered from his shyness, pretending to inadvertently said: "Before, my elder brother was entangled with Princess Shuang-xiu, and I don't know if they will look down upon us."

Song Qingshu knew that she wanted to bring the topic up to Shuangxiu Mansion, and couldn't help but chuckle secretly: "Mu Ai is a young man, it's human nature, you shouldn't be too harsh on Brother Xue."

Xue Baochai blinked and looked at him tightly: "What about you, do you also adore that mysterious and beautiful princess?"

"She has a marriage contract with the Young City Lord of Wushuang City, so don't think about it." Song Qingshu reminded her not to worry.

"When I have a marriage contract with someone else, I will come to you in the middle of the night?" As a young lady, Xue Baochai can hardly understand this approach. "He is so late, why is he coming to you?"

"I said she would undress as soon as she walked in, believe it or not?" Song Qingshu said with a grin.

"Bah!" Xue Baochai's face turned red all of a sudden, and he took a sip, "Baoyu, did you follow my eldest brother, how can you say such nonsense?" The princess was mysterious and unusual, but she was known to be extremely conservative. In the face of many men, it can be described as a complete iceberg beauty. She doesn't even show her face at will. How could she undress at a man who only met in the middle of the night.

Xue Pan couldn't help but sneezed loudly when he returned to the house. He thought it was weird. Why have you been sneezing tonight? Who is talking about me? Is it a princess? Thinking of this, he became silly and happy.

Song Qingshu was also very helpless at this time. He was so believable in telling lies, but no one believed the truth. What kind of world this is.

"Okay, since you don't want to say it, I won't ask her what she came to do with you," Xue Baochai snorted, "but you still have to be careful. There is no such thing as pie dropping in the sky for no reason. She must be close to you. Conspired."

Song Qingshu spread his hands together: "I am a dude, and now the power of the family is also lonely, what is worth her plot."

Xue Baochai tilted his head slightly and looked at him carefully: "I always feel that something has changed when you come back this time."

"Really?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped, but his face remained calm, "What has changed."

"The temperament has become more mature and indifferent than before..." Xue Baochai said, his face flushed, "I won't tell you, rest early." After speaking, he left without looking back.

Song Qingshu was at a loss. Because of his rich experience, he had to sigh that the heart of a girl is really the most difficult thing in the world to figure out.

"Everyone is gone, still looking reluctantly?" At this moment, a clear voice came from behind him.

Song Qingshu looked back and found that a lady in a yellow shirt bathed in the moonlight was particularly charming.

"What day is today? How come one by one?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile.

The girl in the yellow shirt wrinkled her delicate brows and showed an incomprehensible expression: "Actually, I don't understand, you are a greasy dude, why so many women come to you and look at you differently."

"Aren't you looking for me too?" Song Qingshu looked at him in a leisurely manner.

"Don't try to take advantage of me verbally, I'm not your sister Bao who cares about you so much." The woman in the yellow shirt snorted. She was in a bad mood during this period, and Jia Sidao caused great changes in Wudang. The culprit, naturally there is no way to look good to Jia Baoyu.

Feeling the bluntness of her tone, Song Qingshu thought to herself that this woman won't come to her aunt these days, right?

"Why did Princess Shuangxiu come to you?" the woman in the yellow shirt asked.

"It's nothing, just came to praise me for being handsome..." Song Qingshu couldn't always say that Gu Zixian came to her room to take off her clothes. What if someone really believes it, and it spreads to her. I don't know how much to hurt her.

"Speaking of people!" The woman in the yellow shirt interrupted his boasting directly.

"That is to ask me something about the customs of the Central Plains." Song Qingshu randomly fabricated a reasonable reason.

The woman in the yellow shirt nodded and muttered to herself: "What the **** does she want to do..."

He looked up and noticed that the other party was looking at her, and he couldn't help but snorted: "Okay, you should pay attention to it. As the so-called **** is a knife on your head, don't be fooled by others and tell him all the secrets. "

After speaking, he turned and left. At the same time, he was secretly wondering why Jia Baoyu's eyes were so similar to that person, bah bah bah, how could it be possible, I must have thought too much.

Song Qingshu sighed for a long time. The faint fragrance of a few girls still remained in the air, but in a blink of an eye there was only one person left. As expected, the three monks had no water to drink.

"Are you still going to sleep tonight?" A cold voice was mixed with impatience.

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