Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2124: Yin and Yang Decline

As he was about to say something, Xue Baochai had already taken the lead out of it and said to everyone: "Let’s compare each other and tidy up our appearance. We will enter the palace soon, and the Queen will summon us."

"The queen summons us?" A group of people felt baffled.

Xue Baochai pulled everyone aside and explained in a low voice: "I don't know what's going on, but it's not a bad thing. It proves the goodwill of the Xixia authorities to our Song Dynasty. A familiar face will be more helpful for future elections."

"Yes, in case I saw the Yinchuan princess in the palace."

"I heard that the Yinchuan Princess is extremely beautiful and born unparalleled, but no one has seen it. It is hard to guarantee that it is not Xixia who is bragging about it. If it is time to marry home and find that it is a dominatrix, it will be over."

"Not bad, it's better to inspect the goods first."

Xue Baochai couldn't wait to tear their mouths, thinking that Xixia's princess was still talking to the yellow shirt woman in the hall. If these words were passed back, wouldn't the princess have a bad impression of you?

"Why is the queen summoning us instead of the emperor? Xixia is indeed a land of barbarians, and the female family members in the palace show up all day long, how decent!" Southern Song Confucianism prevailed, and many ladies were not even allowed to come down from the attic after they were a few years old. Don't mention seeing strange men, so they felt a little weird when they heard the queen summon them.

"Your news is too late. Before the Xixia rebellion, Emperor Li Liangzuo put down the civil strife, but he was also seriously injured. During this period of time, he has been living in Jian and recovering from illness, and the queen takes care of the government."

"I heard that the queen is also a pretty little girl. Her husband has been ill in bed for a long time soon after we got married. Isn't she a living widow? Now that she is in power again, I am afraid I don't know how many green hats will be given to the emperor in the future."

"You said she called us into the palace this time, does she mean to choose the first face?"

"Hehe, then I have to dress up, I have never tasted a queen in my life, let alone a beautiful girl, oops, who beat me?"


With a black thread, Song Qingshu said coldly: "It's not the work of a gentleman to talk about people like this behind his back."

"Hey, what kind of gentleman are you? Don't think that we don't know your messy things, thinking about other people's good family all day long..."

Song Qingshu's eyebrows twitched, thinking about Jia Baoyu's hobby, it seems that many people in the circle know about it.

Xue Baochai also gave Song Qingshu a fierce look. It was obvious that she, who was born in the Imperial City Division, could not have heard of her.

Wen, but she didn't say anything, but stopped: "Shut up, Xixia's princess has come out."

A beautiful woman walked out, wearing Xixia's unique costume, with many gold and silver jewelry hanging on it. Not only did she not feel the slightest sense of disharmony, but she set off her skin more and more white and tender.

Song Qingshu had to sigh that Yelu Nanxian really became more and more attractive. Not only did she retain the youthful meaning of a young girl, but also occasionally revealed the charm of a young woman. The identity of the crown princess and Washington further demonstrated her noble temperament. At the same time, there was a little more exotic temptation, and it is no wonder that these Southern Song elder brothers next to each other can gulp their saliva.

Yelu Nanxian obviously also noticed the hot and lusty eyes of these dudes, and she couldn't help but frown, and her heart was quite unhappy, but she still patiently looked at the crowd with her beautiful eyes until she saw Song Qingshu. Bright, the corners of his lips rose slightly, and a slight smile appeared.

"Everyone please!" Yelu Nanxian made an inviting gesture, and then left first surrounded by his subordinates, sat back in his carriage, and led the way.

This group of people in the Southern Song Dynasty didn't need Xue Baochai to greet them.

On the way there, Xue Pan and Song Qingshu were in the same carriage. They approached him and bumped their shoulders. Xue Pan winked and said, "How about the princess, I didn't lie to you."

"It's really pretty." Song Qingshu also laughed warmly.

"This princess is too pitiful. I heard that she was the princess of the Liao Kingdom. As a result, her father participated in the rebellion and had to marry the Prince Xixia in order to protect the family. He was snatched by Li Yuanhao in the middle, which caused a great turmoil in Xixia. How innocent is the beauty of beauty and disaster." Xue Pan said with emotion.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu glanced at him unexpectedly. He didn't expect that he turned out to be a bosom friend, and Yelu Nanxian's fate was indeed too bitter. But these words came out of Xue Pan's mouth, why are they so contradictory.

Sure enough, in the next second Xue Pan directly revealed her nature: "This poor woman is waiting for me to rescue him out of the sea of ​​suffering. I have decided. This time Xixia invites me to not want a princess, so I will comfort the princess!"

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "Didn't you have the ambition to win the double-princess Xiu before? Why did you change your goals so quickly?"

Xue Pan chuckled and said, "How can you ask such a stupid question, who said I gave up the double-princess repair? What kind of man is not fraternity?"

"Fuck off!" Song Qingshu was not interested in discussing his woman with him, and began to close his eyes to rest up his mind, thinking about what to do next.


At this time, in another carriage, Xue Baochai asked the female in the yellow shirt: "Sister Yang, what exactly does Xixia's move mean? Could it be that you have any friendship with this Xixia empress?"

The woman in the yellow shirt shook her head and looked confused: "No, I don't know what the situation is. Will it be Xixia who intends to unite with our Da Song and choose one of us as a servant? Decided to watch first. See their appearance and character?"

"I don't think it looks like it," Xue Baochai shook her head. She has been in the Imperial City Division for many years, and has been dealing with Yipintang. "Since the beginning of the founding of the country, Xixia has been fighting with us in the Song Dynasty for years. In recent years, although the relationship has eased, it is also It’s never the point of an alliance. If they really want to unite, they should also choose Jin Guo. Xixia and Jin Guo have always had a very good relationship. Even Liao State is fine. After all, there is a relationship between the crown princess, but the Liao State is now weaker than Xishan. I don't want to put Bao on them."

The woman in the yellow shirt showed a distressed look: "This is what I am most puzzled about. Apart from Mongolia, the Kingdom of Jin is the most likely choice for Xixia, but why did Jin Guo only send a small princess woman disguised as a man this time? When the time comes, will Xixia really dare to risk the world's great disapproval and choose her as a cohort? Will everyone in other countries be blind?"

"I can't understand it either. I always feel that there is a big conspiracy." Xue Baochai lifted the driving curtain to look at the front of the crown prince. "I can only take one step and see one step."

While the two women were worried, the Lu brothers in the other carriage looked excited. Master Lu said, "Brother, our opportunity is here. The Queen of Xixia came from the Qin family. Back then, the Qin family left the Southern Song Dynasty to join Xixia. , There is a natural connection between us and them."

Master Lu nodded and said, "Yes, the Qin family was cleansed miserably during the previous Xixia turmoil. Now the power is greatly damaged. The queen has just come to court and urgently needs external support. This is our opportunity. God helps me!"

Master Lu suddenly looked ambiguous: "What's more perfect is that the queen is still young and beautiful. The emperor is a sick child, and seeing that she will not live long, she is likely to imitate the story of Empress Wu in the future, so our brothers can't take the opportunity to do Zhang Yizhi, Zhang Changzong. ?"

Zhang Yizhi Zhang Changzong is Wu Zetian's favorite male face, and he is favored by Wu Zetian, and it can be said that he is in power.

Shidao Lu couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva, obviously a little moved: “The queen, the prince, and the princess of Xixia are all stunning in the world. Each is either a widow or a man is dying. The yin and the sun are declining. When it was a man, God gave us brothers a chance!"

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