Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2125: Bold

The Southern Song and his party had their own thoughts, and soon arrived at the Xixia Palace.

With Yelu Nanxian leading the way, the palace guards naturally let them go all the way, leading them to a partial hall, and let them wait here for a while, and the queen would summon them when the matter was processed.

After they settled down, Yelu Nanxian bid farewell to everyone. During the whole process, her behavior could not fault her, she was noble and elegant, and showed royal demeanor.

Not to mention that Xue Pan, the Lu brothers and others kept gulping, and even the yellow shirt woman sighed: "I didn't expect that there would be such outstanding characters in the wild land of Xixia."

Xue Baochai also nodded in agreement: "No less than the famous ladies of this dynasty. I have only seen this style in Miss Shen's family. It's a pity that she..."

The yellow shirt goddess' sentiment also became solemn: "Has the Shen Family Miemen Case not been found out yet?"

Xue Baochai shook his head: "No, the murderer's tactics are extremely clean and neat, and I suspect that there is a big hand behind us to prevent us from investigating the case, because every time we find a key clue, we will be killed. So after so long, we can't find it at all. Something useful."

"Even your Imperial City Secretary can't find out, and I don't know who has such great energy." The woman in the yellow shirt showed a worried expression, "Miss Shen Jia also suffered from life. She was originally a noble princess, but now she lives and died. I don't know..."

Xue Baochai hesitated for a while before he said: "Miss Yang, I heard that the royal family doesn't seem to want Miss Shen to live in this world." She and Shen Bijun used to be good best friends, so naturally they don't want to see their good friends end up like this. As for Xue Yiren She did not participate in the killing of Shen Bijun in Liao.

The expression of the girl in the yellow shirt was stagnant, and she wanted to deny it, but she was born in the royal family and understood the rules of the royal family. How could she let a prince who had fallen into the hands of a gangster for so long alive...

"I can't control what other people are doing, but if I meet them, I will definitely protect Miss Shen's safety." The woman in the yellow shirt can only say that.

Xue Baochai sighed: "Naturally, I don't doubt my sister's intentions, but my arms can't twist my thighs. My sister alone may not be able to protect Miss Shen."

The woman in the yellow shirt bit her lip, knowing that she was telling the truth, and after a long time she said: "If I don't have enough strength alone, I will call Song Qingshu for help. People like him will definitely not sit back and watch Miss Shen be killed."

Humph, that kind of radish, turbulent, and turbulent, how can you watch a beautiful woman with a beautiful country and fragrant beauty die?

Originally, she didn't want to mention that person, but she knew in her heart that if there was one person in the Southern Song Dynasty who could protect Ms. Shen's family, he was probably the only one.

Xue Baochai's eyes lit up: "Wang Qi is indeed a good candidate. When I return to China, I must visit him specifically and ask him for help."

Not far away, Song Qingshu heard the two talk and sighed secretly. Xue Baochai was still young after all. If she knew that it was Xue Yiren who was going to kill Shen Bijun, she would not know if she would insist on protecting others.

"I'll go and make it easier." Seeing that the time was about to come, Song Qingshu said to Xue Pan, got up and left the Piandian, how he didn't know Yelu Nanxian's intention to summon these people from the Southern Song Dynasty to the palace was obviously to see him.

After walking around outside, after passing a long corridor, I found a beautiful shadow standing on the white marble railing and looking into the distance. Who is it if it is not Yelu Nanxian?

The breeze blows, the skirt is flying, the silky hair is scattered around the neck, the black and bright hair forms a sharp contrast with the white and delicate skin, and it has a visual impact that makes people thrilled at the first glance.

Song Qingshu walked over quietly and gently hugged the beautiful woman in her arms from behind. Her body was very soft and soft, so people didn't want to let it go.

Seeing someone behind him, Yelu Nanxian was taken aback and hurriedly stretched his leg to lift it back, and at the same time slammed his elbow back. Whether it was strength or angle, it was very powerful. If he really encountered ordinary bad guys, ribs and leg bones. Let's just cut off a few more.

It's just that Song Qingshu is not an ordinary person, and with a light hand to her waist, Yelu Nanxian loses strength in an instant, and falls limply in his arms.

"The princess was so dignified and elegant before, why is it so hot when she shot?" Song Qingshu leaned to her ear and couldn't help but laugh.

Yelu Nanxian saw his appearance clearly, but didn't show any panic. Instead, he said with a smile but not a smile: "Young Master Jia is quite courageous. He dared to be rude to this palace in the palace, so he wouldn't be afraid of losing his life. Is it still causing a dispute between the two countries?"

Song Qingshu looked around: "There is no one here. Obviously, the prince has deliberately dismissed his subordinates and waited for people here. At best, we can be considered as rude to you."

Yelu Nanxian turned his head directly and kissed his lips on tiptoes.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, but he still enjoyed her sweet kiss, feeling her soft and delicate lips...

After a long time, Yelu Nanxian's eyes were blurred, and Yu Cheek blushed: "Big Brother Song, I think you have a hard time thinking."

Song Qingshu restored his original voice: "You can recognize this?" In order to ensure that the news would not be leaked, he only told them that he would come with the Southern Song delegation, and did not say that he would be Jia Baoyu.

Immortal Yelunan's eyes flowed, touching his cheek lightly, feeling the touch of the familiar mask material, and pursing his lips and grinning: "How can I not recognize my own man? Actually, I went to your hotel today and saw you. I recognized you at first sight."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Is my disguise technique regressed? Wouldn't it be recognized by other acquaintances."

"It's different, no one else is like you..." Yelunan senbei bit her teeth and laughed madly. He refused to say how to recognize it, only that it was an intuition.

"I always feel a little unreliable, what if I admit the wrong person." Song Qingshu said dissatisfiedly.

Yelu Nanxian snorted: "Who else is so bold besides you, who dares to be so rude to me in the Xixia Palace, not to mention just... who can subdue me in an instant, there is no one besides you in the world."

Song Qingshu laughed: "If you run into other great masters, it shouldn't be difficult to stop you instantly."

"Bah, they are highly respected and respected one by one, do you think that you are as rascal as you." Yelu Nanxian's eyes are full of water in the autumn, although his mouth is reproach, his eyes are full of joy.

The two stayed warm for a while, and Song Qingshu couldn't help asking: "How do you summon these people from the Southern Song Dynasty to the palace? Now that there are many envoys from various countries in the city, this is really conspicuous."

"I want to see you sooner." Yelu Nanxian acted like a baby for a while, and her voice was charming and charming. With her radiant face, Song Qingshu couldn't help but move her index finger, grabbed her in his arms, and kissed her again.

Yelu Nanxian uttered a cry, and the whole person fell into his embrace as if soft as boneless.

"A good pair of adulterers and women, as far as they are doing in the palace openly during the day!" Suddenly there was a sneer from the side.

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