Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2132: Cunning woman

"Prince!" A group of people were shocked and rushed to help him up. According to the way of ruling the army by the sweat, if something happens to Xu Liewu, none of them will want to live.

"Follow me for whatever you want!" Xu Liewu pushed everyone away angrily. He only felt that his face was hot and he couldn't see clearly with one eye, but he didn't have the time to care about it at this time. He just wanted to make the mysterious The assassin's corpse was broken into pieces.

When the guards looked at them, they looked strange and almost didn't laugh. It turned out that Xu Liewu's handsome face had a large red mark at this time, and the bridge of his nose seemed to be broken. Blood on his face was flowing. In addition, he left. His eyes were swollen like steamed buns, as if he had been punched directly. How could there be a little bit of handsome and mighty power in the ordinary day? On the contrary, it looks funny.

But how dare these people really laugh, Xu Liewu is angry at this time, if he finds that he is ridiculed by his subordinates, he is not the man who has become a new generation of "God's Whip" by Western countries.

Strained and uncomfortable, a group of people hurriedly chased out after receiving his order, for fear that the forbearing smile on their faces would be discovered.

It's just that with Song Qingshu's unparalleled light skill, he has already drifted away at this time, and how can these people catch up.

"I only gave him a brick, would it be too cheap for him?" Song Qingshu was secretly thinking at this time. He naturally shot the tile just before leaving, and Xu Liewu had publicly molested Yelu Nanxian before. , He had to teach him a lesson. Now, the wound on his face was beaten by someone. The Mongols paid so much attention to face, and he must have no face in a short time and ran out arrogantly.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace." Mrs. Zhen sat leaning against the tree for a while, and finally relieved her anger, and looked at the man in front of her curiously. She was tall and straight in her whole life. She should be very young from the perspective of her skin and hair. It's a pity that his face is covered, so he can't see his appearance.

"Are you able to move freely?" Song Qingshu parted ways after planning her to regain her mobility.

Madam Zhen rolled her eyes, as if she had guessed what he was thinking, she held her forehead with her hand, and screamed: "Before I was drugged by the Mongols, and I was seriously injured. At this time, I didn't have any strength."

Song Qingshu sneered: "When you attacked Xu Liewu just now, you couldn't see the half-strength."

Knowing that her trick was seen through, Madam Zhen's face turned red, but she immediately regained her composure: "Since your Excellency sneaked into Xuliegu's palace late at night, you are obviously also an enemy of Mongolia. The enemy's enemy is a friend. We should cooperate friendly."

"Cooperation?" Song Qingshu chuckled, "I don't see any need for me to cooperate with you."

Mrs. Zhen replied neither humble nor overbearing: "On martial arts, I am naturally far inferior to my benefactor; but many things in the world cannot be solved by martial arts alone."

"Are you implying that you are very resourceful?" Song Qingshu looked at her with interest. The woman in front of her was tall. Because she had just been sent to take care of Xu Liewu's bed, her dress was already thin at this time. The skin is faintly visible, under the moonlight, it looks whiter than snow. For such a woman, the first reaction will be the stunner on the bed, especially the proud breast. It is difficult to associate her with words such as resourcefulness.

Noting his gaze, Madam Zhen not only didn't mean to dodge at all, but straightened her waist: "The body is my least valuable bargaining chip. If you are interested, you can come and enjoy it."

Song Qingshu was startled, but he did not expect the other party to be so direct: "Xu Liewu wanted your body just now, and your reaction was very fierce. Now it will not be a repeat of the old tricks. He intends to paralyze me first, and then draw out some poisonous needles. May I come too?"

Mrs. Zhen shook her head: "It's not the same. The Mongolians and I have national hatred and family hatred. I can't get from him; but you saved my life, and you can attack me so easily under the joint attack of the old man in the mountains and the water moon. Save it. If you want to do anything to me with such terrifying martial arts, I can’t resist it at all. It’s better to follow you in the first place."

"It sounds like I'm trying to force Liang to be a prostitute." Song Qingshu looked weird, and at the same time confirmed from her mouth that the identity of the Dongying warrior just now, it was Shuiyue Dazong, the oiran that the Southern Song Dynasty mission met in the small town. , Is the girl of the wind under his seat, now can be regarded as seeing the Lord.

His sword is indeed vaguely in line with the way of nature. He is definitely a top expert. However, with Song Qingshu's current vision, he doesn't care much. The Great Master’s threshold is up, and he may take that step at any time. Of course, it seems that there is only one step, or he may not be able to step out in his entire life.

"Prostitute-woman? I'm not a prostitute-woman," Madam Zhen shook her head like a rattle, and hurriedly explained, "Although they all call me a wife, I haven't married anyone, and I've never had a man."

This made Song Qingshu look blank, thinking where and where are you? However, his thoughts were like electricity, and he quickly realized that Mrs. Zhen was from the Western Regions after all, and was not so familiar with Chinese. She didn't know what it meant to force Liang to be a prostitute, so she only caught a prostitute to understand.

"It's all right," Song Qingshu stopped her from explaining. Although she was curious why she was called a wife as a girl, she always felt that she would be detrimental to her image of being superior. "You are Hua Lazi. How could a military division of the model be caught by the Mongols at this time?"

"I want to observe them up close and get more detailed information so that I can make a target, but I didn't expect that the little magician Fang Yeyu unexpectedly expected me to come and peek, and set an ambush next to him early in the morning," Mrs. Zhenhua Rong faded, "Well, the people in the Magician Palace must have gone to kill the prince now!"

Song Qingshu secretly admired the fact that when Xu Liewu gave the order, she had already been taken in, and now she was able to analyze Mongolia's behavior with clues, and she was indeed a praised beautiful military officer.

"Your Excellency, can you go and rescue us? All the people in Huarazimo will remember your kindness." Madam Zhen looked at him eagerly.

Song Qingshu sneered: "At this point, I still want to deceive. Huarazim has already disappeared. Now there is only a little remaining power of you. What is the value of your people's gratitude."

Mrs. Zhen blushed and said apologetically: "Fighting against the treacherous Mongols these years, I have developed the habit of talking half-truths and half-truths, not deliberately deceiving, please forgive me."

Seeing that he was noncommittal, Mrs. Zhen continued: "Since your Excellency has rescued me, it is obviously also the opponent of the Mongols. It is good for you to save our prince."

"Well, after saving your prince, I will ask you for compensation." Song Qingshu knew that facing this cunning and ghostly woman, no amount of temptation would be able to swindle greater benefits, plus just a delay. Time, if Zalanding and others can't support being completely wiped out, it will be a big loss.

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