Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2133: Eight masters

"Guide the way!" Song Qingshu didn't delay, grabbing the other's shoulders and hurried to the place where Hua Lazimo was staying.

Looking at the trees and houses that were retreating rapidly along the way, Madam Zhen was amazed as she pointed the way: "Your light work is so powerful, I have never seen a man so fast."

Song Qingshu almost didn't fall to the ground: "Don't use words indiscriminately, Chinese is extensive and profound, and many words have other meanings."

Madam Zhen nodded her head seemingly understanding, "Can't you be said to be great or can't be said that a man is fast?"

Song Qingshu has a black thread, too lazy to talk to her again.

"Are you famous in the Central Plains?" Madam Zhen blinked her big eyes, looking at the man in front of her with some curiosity.

Song Qingshu was shocked. Did she know my identity: "Why do you ask?"

Mrs. Zhen replied: "First of all, Xu Liewu is a top-notch master. You can hold me in your arms and you can stabilize him. Then the old man in the mountains and Shuiyue Dazong who came in are even more frightening. A few people are their opponents. As a result, you didn't fall into the wind just now with one enemy and two, and you could easily leave me from the Mongol siege. How could such a person be an unknown person?"

At this time, where the Mongolian mission was stationed, Xu Liewu sat on the couch with a gloomy face and received the doctor's dressing. The men below were all quiet, and no one wanted to be in trouble at this time.

"Have you found out the identity of the mysterious person?" Thinking of that person, Xu Liewu only felt the injury on his face hurt even more.

"No, that person seems to appear out of thin air, and there is no way to find out where he came from." One of his subordinates replied bitterly.

"Trash!" Xu Liewu yelled angrily, then turned to the old man in the mountain and Shuiyue Dazong to the side and asked, "This man's martial arts is so high that it is rare in the world. Have you seen anything from his martial arts?"

The old man in the mountain shook his head: "I have lived in the Western Regions for a long time, and I am not very familiar with the martial arts of the Central Plains, so I can't see much."

Seeing the prince’s gaze on him, Shuiyue Dazong hurriedly replied: “The man has a lot of martial arts and seems to have intentionally hidden his original martial arts, so it’s hard to tell what his housekeeping skills are, whether it’s Hualazimo or not. People?"

"Impossible!" Xu Liewu categorically denied, "If there were such masters in Hua Lazmo, we wouldn't be ignorant. They would not hide around like bereaved dogs these years."

"That's true," Shuiyue Dazong nodded, "that seems to be a figure from a certain country's mission."

"It may also be from Xixia," Xu Liewu's face was gloomy. "Back then, Lian Dan was sent to Xixia with a group of masters. I thought I was sure of it, but the result was unclear."

Hearing him mention this, Shuiyue Dazong's face changed. He was also under the Mongolian command. He had seen Nian Liandan and was extremely jealous of the opponent's martial arts. If he fights life and death, he is not sure of victory. Of course he Confidence will not lose. However, martial arts like Nian Lian Dan died here quietly, and I am afraid that it would not be much better if it was him.

The old man in the mountain on the side looked silent, but he could not see any changes in his expression.

"Check, you must try to find out the identity of this person, otherwise the king will have trouble sleeping and eating!" Xu Liewu's tone was angry and frightened. After all, there is an assassin who can enter and leave his bedroom at will, and no one can sleep well. .

At this time Song Qingshu on the other side has not answered yet, Madam Zhen has already continued: "My name is Zhen Sushan, but you will definitely not tell me your identity."

"Oh, why?" It's boring to go on the road anyway, Song Qingshu doesn't mind talking to her more.

"You covered your face from the beginning, obviously to conceal your identity. Even after you rescued me, you didn't remove the mask, which proved that you didn't want to be seen by me." Zhen Sushan sighed quietly. We in Khorazmo pay attention to rewards for grace, but unfortunately, I have never even seen the appearance of a benefactor."

Song Qingshu chuckled, "You don't have to deliberately test it. When it's time for you to see it, it will naturally let you see it."

What else did Zhen Sushan say, but Song Qingshu said with a solemn expression: "Here!"

Looking back hurriedly, Zhen Sushan found that the embassy of Khorazmo was blazing into the sky, and there were corpses in it. A large number of guards fell in a pool of blood in the yard, showing how tragic a battle had just been experienced.

Song Qingshu frowned: "Is it still late?"

"The prince should be alive." Zhen Sushan checked in the yard. "They should run in this direction."

"How do you know?" Song Qingshu had doubts, but did not delay, grabbing her shoulders and chasing in the direction she pointed.

"Although our country has been annihilated in Huarazimo, those who can persist until now are masters in the country. Just now the old man in the mountains and the Shuiyue sect did not come, so the prince and the others are not without the power of a battle." Zhen Sushan side Thinking and quickly replied, "Among our companions are two generals, Yan Muliang and Zhuo Yuanyuan, who are good at tracking and concealing. They just left a secret signal in that direction that only I can understand. They should be worried about me. I can't find them when I come back."

At this point, the eyes are red, and the voice is a little choked: "They don't know that I have fallen into the hands of the Mongols. If it weren't for the kindness to save me, I'm afraid I would have..."

"Isn't the person in front of you Yan Muliang or aspirational?" Song Qingshu pointed to the body of a man who fell ten feet away. The man was dressed in exotic style and was not a Mongolian attire. It can only be from Hua Lazimo.

"It's a wishful wish!" Zhen Sushan exclaimed, and hurried over to rescue him. Unfortunately, the other party's seven orifices were bleeding, his eyes were round, and there were still signs of vitality.

"The leg was chopped off, and the front chest and back of the head were fatally injured. Hey, a person can attack in two directions at the same time in an instant. It seems that the martial arts of the person here is quite high." Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Zhen Sushan bit her lip, her eyes flushed: "It's not alone, it should be the hands of the Montessori demons."

"Mongolian twins?" Song Qingshu obviously doesn't understand the Mongolian masters as well as the other.

"The Montessori Twin Demons are twin brothers who are best at combining attacks. They are one of the eight guards around Temujin. Back then, we Huarazimo fought against Mongolia. The Mongolian Lien Chan won the battle, and Temujin was also a little arrogant. , I used his mentality to set up a trap to surround Temujin's ministry, and countless masters besieged them. As a result, Temujin escaped under the protection of his eight guards. After that, Temujin never gave us a chance again. Huarazimou also destroyed the country in the first battle." Zhen Sushan looked sad, and his tone was full of sadness.

"You can actually design Temujin. No wonder the Mongols value you so much." Song Qingshu couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

Zhen Sushan is not self-satisfied: "According to the words of your people in the Central Plains, a wise man must have lost his mind. I just happened to have miscalculated Temuzhen by chance."

Song Qingshu said with a serious face: "Why should the madam be arrogant, let Temujin taste the defeat, there are not many people in the world, but I heard that Temujin's martial arts is unfathomable, how can we rely on the eight guards to break through? ?"

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