Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2140: abnormal psychology

"Sure it was taken by the Koreans?" Song Qingshu hurriedly began to put on clothes. Now, naturally, he can't continue to enjoy the tender country.

"Not sure," Li Qinglu shook her head, "but Nalan Rongruo claimed so, and during the day Cui Gang had molested Wuyunzhu and was stopped, so his suspicion is indeed the biggest."

As he talked, his eyes patrolled him and Mu Wanqing with a smile but a smile: "Now the people of the Qing Dynasty are gathered outside the Koryo Hall. I am worried that something will happen. I will come back and let me know. I didn't expect to disturb you. I'm sorry."

Although she said that she was sorry, but there was no apology in her tone. Song Qingshu's nerves were already so thick that she could not take it seriously, but Mu Wan had a clean face, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to sew in.

"Koryo denies directly that our Yipintang is not convenient to enter the house to search for people, so we just stalemate there." Speaking of business affairs, Li Qinglu put aside his joke, "I wanted to send someone to sneak in to take a look, but the two Koreans Women's martial arts are very high, I am afraid it is difficult to hide from their eyes and ears."

"Let's take a look." Song Qingshu got up and put on his clothes. Not to mention that Man Qing is now his place. Even if Wu Yunzhu called his elder brother for friendship, he didn't want to see anything happen to her.

"I'll take you over." After Li Qinglu finished speaking, she looked back at Mu Wanqing in the bed. "Sister Mu, don't you mind if I take people away?"

"Bah, take him as far as possible." Mu Wan's voice came from the bed with a clear shame and annoyance.

"Sister Mu, just take a good rest." Li Qinglu said with a smile, holding Song Qingshu's arm and rushing outside the palace.

"You don't know her face is tender, why make fun of her deliberately like this." Song Qingshu said irritably on the road.

"The face is tender?" Li Qinglu looked weird, "I am so courageous with you in a place like Yushufang, where is the face like a tender face."

Song Qingshu said nonchalantly: "It's all my fault, I want to be there."

"Tsk tusk tusk, protect her like this, people can be jealous of talking for her all the time." Li Qinglu snorted.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu wisely stopped struggling with her and changed the subject directly, "By the way, what's the situation in Mongolia?"

Li Qinglu replied: "The Mongols did not really clashed with us for a while. In addition, there was an incident in Goryeo and Manqing. They were so happy to watch the show, so they borrowed the donkey."

"That's good, I'll go to the Korean embassy first, you go to stabilize the two sides, and don't let them conflict." As soon as Song Qingshu's voice fell, the people disappeared.

"Hey~" Li Qinglu didn't hold her back, and couldn't help stomping her feet, "Big Brother Song!"

Song Qingshu was stunned by himself. In addition to avoiding Li Qinglu's jealousy, he was also worried that Wu Yunzhu would be poisoned a little later. Although the two are not familiar, can't just watch a little girl fall into wolf's claws?

With his light work, it didn't take long to come outside the Xixia Embassy. The warriors of Xixia were confronting the people of the Qing Dynasty, while Yelu Nanxian intervened in the play, and the Mongolians and Dongying people watched the play.

Song Qingshu sneaked in quietly and found that the Fu sisters were talking in the yard. The two sisters stood together, which complemented each other, but the two beautiful faces are now full of solemnity.

"Did Cui Han's **** rob someone else's girl?" Fu Junxu's face was frosty, and he clearly understood the seriousness of the matter.

"I took someone to his room and searched, but I didn't find the lady of the Qing Dynasty." Fu Junyu shook his head, "Could it be the Qing people who slandered us?"

Fu Junyu's eyebrows frowned lightly: "It shouldn't be. The anxious expression on that person's expression doesn't look like a fake, it's mostly that the lady was really taken away."

"Maybe it was robbed by other people, or someone deliberately wanted to frame us." Fu Junyu couldn't help but stomped her feet. "It's all because of that **** **** who didn't molest others during the day. How could the Qing state be the first The reaction just doubts us!"

Song Qingshu in the dark was startled: "Wu Yunzhu is not here?"

"Since that Miss Qing Guo is not here, why not let them come in and take a look, so that the Qing people can give up." Fu Junyu couldn't help asking.

Fu Junxu shook his head: "Not to mention Cui Han's refusal, even if he agrees, it is not easy to let other countries come in and search. If this hole is opened, all countries will think that we are bully in Korea, so you can find any reason. We are in trouble, it really is a loss of power and humiliation to the country."

"So serious!" Fu Junyu was taken aback, a small mouth opened in surprise.

Seeing that they could not get any useful information here, Song Qingshu quietly searched the inner courtyard. Cui Hang's room was not difficult to find. Li Qinglu told him about it on the way before.

When I came to a remote place, I opened a corner of the window and looked around the room. I did not find the figure of Wuyunzhu, and my heart sank. This is troublesome.

When he didn't know where to look, he suddenly noticed that Cui Han had rushed the maid and his men outside the house. With a move in his heart, he cancelled the thought of leaving and continued to observe in the dark.

I saw Cui Han rubbing his hands while humming a little song.

When he came to a closet, he pushed the clothes aside, then bent down and pushed a hidden compartment away.

"God really helped me. I didn't expect this house to have such a secret room, little beauty, even if your companions break in, they won't be able to find you. You should die of this heart, and be with you. The son is happy and happy, when the time comes to return to the country with this son, the endless glory and wealth are waiting for you." Cui Han said as he walked out with a girl in his arms.

Song Qingshu took a closer look. The girl was beautiful and quiet, with a special book fragrance all over her body. Who was it if it wasn't black cloud beads? Before Fu Junyu came to investigate, it must be because she didn't find her. These houses are the residences of some princes and nobles who have fallen into rebellion collected by Xixia. This time they are used to settle the envoys of various countries. It is also common for some princes and nobles to set up secret rooms in their homes to protect themselves.

"My dad is a minister of the Great Qing empire's chief guard, an academician of the Hall of Baohe, this lady would be scared of the wealth of your small and small country in Korea? I advise you to let me go as soon as possible. I can treat it as nothing happened today. Otherwise, my dad will do all the Eight Banners soldiers and smash you into ten thousand pieces. "Wu Yunzhu is too quiet, even if it is threatening, but it comes out of her mouth, quietly and quietly, like a milk cat. Generally, it is very difficult to achieve a deterrent effect.

"Haha, you Man Qingzheng has a headache in the San Francisco chaos. How can you have the ability to expedition? When your father vacates his hand to bring the army to fight, we even have children. When the time comes, he can only recognize the rice and cook mature rice. My cheap son-in-law.” Squaring the **** the bed, looking at her beautiful and quiet beauty, Cui Han swallowed and began to unbutton the buttons on his clothes, “Hey, the more expensive your status, the more I will conquer. Your impulse."

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