Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2141: Tangled

The long-term concubine career has led to discrimination everywhere in his life, and even the priority of the family’s inheritance is ranked behind the son-in-law. His extremely sensitive heart has been completely distorted, and he is full of hatred for the noble person. If the other party is a woman, then Make him extremely eager to conquer each other.

The Fu sisters were born beautiful and detached. They have always been the object of his coveting. Before taking advantage of the opportunity on the road, they wanted to beat the two women, but they were severely taught a lesson. He understood that the sisters’ martial arts were too high, plus Master Fu, who was afraid of his subordinates, didn't dare to do anything with them, so they could only shift the target, and just happened to ran into the black cloud bead, beautiful and quiet, and at the same time noble identity, which met all his needs.

"Come on, you must have not experienced the happiness of a woman after living so long?" Cui Han felt that his lower abdomen was extremely hot, and finally couldn't hold back the girl who bent down and stretched out the magic claws to the bed.

Song Qingshu outside the window shook his head. This Cui Hang is exactly the same as the villain of the TV series. This line is too dirty and bad.

"Ah~" Wu Yunzhu finally panicked. Which girl is not cherished for spring. She has always imagined in her heart that one day the bridal chamber will dedicate herself to her lover. She does not know how many times she has imagined such a beautiful scene. This disgusting man spoiled.

At that moment, she felt as if everything had lost its color in front of her eyes.

"If you really do anything to me, my elder brother will not let you go." Wu Yunzhu made his last efforts.

"Your eldest brother? Nalan Rongruo, what ability does that kid have, let him come to me." Cui Han didn't take it seriously.

"It's not him. My eldest brother is martial arts, and he uses his soldiers like a god. These years, he is famous all over the world, and he is the most capable man in the world." Wu Yunzhu's mind appeared in the influence of that person, and a pair of apricot eyes seemed to be filled with brilliant light .

"Cut, how can there be such a person," Cui Han snorted disdainfully, and a wicked smile appeared on his face quickly, "Come on, feel it, brother is actually very big, ah..."

In the next instant, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly rolled on the ground, clutching his crotch, and the cold sweat on his face was dripping down, obviously the pain was extreme.

Standing behind him, Song Qingshu rubbed his feet against his clothes with a bit of disgust: "It's disgusting. Kicking you will dirty my shoes."

Wu Yunzhu didn't expect the meeting to take a turn, blinking with big eyes and looking at the man wearing the mask in front of him: "You are..."


When I'm not talking about these, I will help you relieve the acupuncture points first. "Song Qingshu cut the rope tied to her body with a stroke, and at the same time untied her acupuncture points. Cui Han was really careful, not only tapping the acupuncture points, but also tying them up. Hey, this knot doesn't seem to be tied. So serious...

"Who are you!" Cui Han gritted his teeth and looked at him.

Song Qingshu lifted Wu Yunzhu from the bed and was about to leave, and he paused after hearing this: "You can call me the egg smasher."

Cui Hang: "..."

Song Qingshu had just left the house, facing two white sword lights, sealing all his next steps.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu had to admit that this swordsmanship was a bit magical, as if it could predict the enemy's aircraft first and count your next steps.

However, his current martial arts has long gone beyond the general concept. With a flash of footsteps, the whole person dodges in an incredible route.

Fu Junxu and Fu Junyu were stunned together. Their sisters joined forces with this sword without any flaws. How did the other party jump out of the encirclement. The two of them patrolled the hall. They heard Cui Hang’s screams and rushed over. They just happened to ran into a masked man holding a girl out of the house. They didn’t look like a good person, so they came out in a tacit understanding. When he shot, he didn't expect to be easily avoided by the other party.

Hearing the noise of the commotion in the hall, Song Qingshu didn't want to be out of touch with each other, and didn't tremble with them. He directly picked up Wuyunzhu and disappeared into the darkness.

Fu Junxu hurriedly said to his sister: "Go and see what happened to Cui Hang, I will chase him." After that, she picked up her light work and chased it in the dark. Her light work has always been very brilliant, and she was shocked at this moment. Many Korean warriors cheered in unison.

Fu Junyu hurriedly came to Cui Han's house. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that his clothes were disheveled, and his eyebrows frowned and turned around: "How are you?"

"Don't worry about me, chase that bastard, I want him to be broken into pieces!" Cui Gan's face was extremely hideous, and the man's self-esteem made him unwilling to be seen by Fu Junyu as he was beaten by a chicken.

Fu Junyu snorted. She didn't bother to care about him, and she was more worried about her sister's safety, so she followed after hearing this.

Song Qingshu naturally noticed the tail behind him, and was a little amazed at Fu Junxin’s light skill that he could follow him for so long, of course, because he was holding a person, and second, because he didn’t want to reveal his strength, and he wanted to know his current reputation. Many people know and know that his light work is unparalleled in the world, if it is too obvious,

It is easy to be guessed by someone with a heart, so it can only rely on terrain or something to get rid of the opponent.

"Is the big brother you?" The Wu Yunzhu in her arms raised her head and looked at the man close at hand, her beautiful eyes full of stars.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, you can recognize me wearing a mask?

As if guessing what he was thinking, Wu Yunzhu said with excitement and nostalgia: "The first time we met, you also saved me wearing a mask. I was held by you in the same way. I remember this feeling with you. The breath of..." He was already blushing when he said this.

Feeling the beauty and cuteness of the girl, Song Qingshu also smiled, and took off the mask: "Can this matter be kept secret for me? My current identity is not convenient for others to know."

"Yeah!" Wu Yunzhu kept nodding his head, his eyes seemed to glow, "I will definitely not reveal your identity, and I won't tell anyone who asks."

Feeling the firmness in her tone, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile. Although a little irrational, he was still willing to believe that the other party would not betray him.

"Remember to strengthen the security force after you go back. It may not be so lucky next time. I can't save you every time." Song Qingshu entrusted.

Wu Yunzhu smiled sweetly and looked at him like that: "But every time I am in danger, it happens that my elder brother saves me. Is this fate for us?"

Song Qingshu thought for a while and was a little bit happy: "It's a coincidence indeed."

Wu Yunzhu bit her lip lightly, and her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was doing some intense psychological struggle.

Song Qingshu's skill was so powerful that she immediately noticed the abnormality of her body, and couldn't help but lower her head and asked, "What's wrong with you? Is there any injury?"

The other party didn't speak, but a soft and sweet girl's lips responded to him. Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly widened, and he never expected that it would unfold like this.

Wu Yunzhu has never been like a young lady from the Eight Banners, but more like a lady from a scholarly family of Han people. He has both talents and looks, and has a quiet, shy and delicate personality. Why suddenly make such a bold move?

Although his head crashed, his body's instincts made his hands move subconsciously. Wu Yunzhu's body trembled, but there was no objection.

The girl's body was very soft, and her lips were softer. Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of the situation when she was working with Suo'etu, and wondered if it was not so good with the daughter of an old colleague.

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