Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2178: Fed up

Fu Jun's grandmother was stunned. Such words were originally polite, but how could you know that the other party really got to the bottom?

After thinking about it, she still replied: "I will be a cow and a horse to repay you in my next life, okay?" This is also a difficult answer to pick out the fault. She didn't want to use words such as knots, just because he was worried that he might misunderstand something.

"Being a cow and a horse?" Song Qingshu was stunned, "I don't plow the fields, so what do I want a cow and a horse for? Hey, cows and horses seem to be ridable, do you mean..."

"Fuck off!" Fu Jun's son-in-law didn't fight, if the other party hadn't saved him several times, he would have been pierced in a hole by her sword if he hadn't saved him several times and had been molested by other dudes.

Fu Junyu at the side couldn't help but twitched his ears: "Your kid is getting bolder and bolder, so you dare to molest my sister?"

Song Qingshu looked innocent: "I thought you were suggesting something."

Now even Fu Junyu couldn't help but flushed: "Okay, let's save the prince, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to follow it to avoid danger."

"You two are hurt so badly now, don't you go to death like this?" Song Qingshu frowned as he watched the pale and weak faces of the two women.

"But he is our prince and must be saved." Fu Jun took his sister's hand, "Okay, you can go back, if you really want to help, please inform Xixia for us."

Song Qingshu sighed: "Your prince indeed has nothing to do with me, but you have a great relationship with me. You still owe me the kindness that you have not paid back. If you die, I will lose a lot? No, I have to. With you."

Although she heard him say this, the Fu sisters felt warm in their hearts, and even Fu Jun, who had always been prejudiced against him, felt that he was still very good in his bones.

Song Qingshu raised his hand, and said to Zhongyuan Yihong in the darkness: "You don't need to follow, find a place to treat the wound properly."

A cold voice came from the darkness: "What if I don't die with you?"

"You don’t have much combat effectiveness with this injury now," Song Qingshu recalled the situation of the battle just now. In fact, these men in black are all very high in martial arts, and among them there is no less than a little red in the Central Plains. The injury-for-life style of play solved the opponent in a short time, but he himself was also seriously injured, "Don't worry, I have money, and I will kill them when the time comes."

Looking at the thick stack of silver bills out of his hand,

The original point of red: "..."

Sister Fu: "..."

In the end, Zhongyuan Yihong left. As a killer, he could calmly judge the enemy's strength. Now even if he keeps up, he can't protect the other party. It's better to go back and notify the people of Southern Song and Xixia to help.

Only Song Qingshu and the Fu sisters were left. He smiled and leaned forward: "I think you are very badly hurt and can't walk fast. When you rush over, I'm afraid your prince is already cold. Do you want me to help you? ?"

Fu Jun's grandson gave him a blank look, and was too lazy to pay attention to him, while Fu Junyu looked at him with a smile but a smile: "Why didn't you think you were so bad before and changed the way to take advantage of our sisters?"

Song Qingshu chuckled twice: "I am really worried about your body."

"It's okay, we can still support this injury." Fu Jun's grandmother felt dizzy as soon as he finished saying this, and the whole person was shaking. If it were not supported by his sister, he would fall to the ground.

Fu Junyu hurriedly called Song Qingshu: "You can help my sister, she is more injured."

"No...no need." Fu Junxi hurriedly waved his hand and refused.

Fu Junyu held down her hand: "Sister, don't try to be aggressive, save your energy as much as possible first, and then you will have the energy to save people later."

Hearing her saying this, Fu Junxu stopped speaking. Song Qingshu walked over and squatted down: "It's too slow to walk, I'll just carry it on my back."

Fu Jun's grandson was hesitant, but in the end he nodded and leaned gently.

When Song Qingshu stood up, she stretched out her hand to support her buttocks and lifted it up, obviously feeling that the beautiful woman's body was a little stiff at that moment.

"If you take the opportunity to take advantage of me, I will kill you." Fu Junson whispered in his ear.

Song Qingshu smiled: "You will fall if you don't hold it."

"What are you talking about?" Fu Junyu looked over curiously.

Fu Jun's face was hot: "No...nothing." Seeing that the other's hand did not move, she just breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, Fu Jun's son-in-law straightened up his waist, resting his elbows on the opponent's back, not wanting to have too much physical contact with him, so Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Aren't you tired like this?"

"You don't need to worry." Fu Jun's grandmother replied sternly.

"But you shifted the center of gravity back like this, I'm carrying more

Tired. "Song Qingshu was speechless.

Fu Junyu couldn't help teasing: "My sister is so slender and you are tired on your back. I heard that your son in the Southern Song Dynasty likes to hang around the brothel the most. Could it be that you have been hollowed out?"

Song Qingshu said depressed: "You little girl, how do you say these things are not ashamed?"

Fu Junyu snorted: "We in Korea don't have as many messy rules as you in the Southern Song Dynasty."


Listening to the two people quarreling along the way, Fu Junxi's nervous heart gradually relaxed, and soon found that his arms were numb and his waist had been uncomfortable. Finally, he lowered his body unknowingly and lightly leaned on the other's back.

"Miss Fu, do you drink milk every day in Gaoli?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

Fu Jun's grandson was taken aback for a moment: "No, what's the matter?"

"That's weird, how can you grow so much just by eating kimchi..." Feeling the softness on his back, Song Qingshu was puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" Fu Junson always felt that the other party was a little bit unkind.

At this moment, the sound of fighting came not far away, and the old man in the mountain was fighting with Xiao Feng, Zhuang Juxian and Duan Yuzhan were together, and Yelvqi was struggling to support under the siege of several other men in black. Xiao Feng and Duan Yu help out from time to time, and he may no longer be able to do so.

It turned out that Zhuang Juxian had just held Xiao Feng, and after a few fights, Xiao Feng quickly realized that the opponent's cold internal strength was magical, but his fist skills were too bad, so he sold a flaw, enticing the opponent to attack him, and was about to easily subdue him. , The old man in the mountain who had been paying attention to the battle here immediately came to help.

Then it formed a situation where Xiao Feng faced the middle-aged Shangshan, and Duan Yu faced Shang Zhuang Juxian. The latter two were very magical in martial arts, but they also had no fighting experience, and they were equally matched.

"Where did you get our prince!" Fu Junyu drew her sword and snorted, Fu Junxin also got off Song Qingshu.

The old man in the mountain looked back and saw that the two of them were out of trouble, and was shocked. Xiao Feng said: "The white-haired woman and the beautiful woman took your prince away from that direction."

"He has a red face?" According to his description, Song Qingshu immediately realized the identity of the two.

At this moment, a team of horses hooves came, followed by a squeaky voice: "Is it really unreasonable, do you really think I am no one in Xixia?"

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