Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2179: Invite

I saw Yelu Nanxian rushing over here with a team of Xixia cavalry. She was already tall and excellent. Now she rides alone, with long legs and maroon rouge horses. She is really heroic. People have an amazing feeling.

Seeing the Xixia army arrived, there were many masters from Yipintang, the old man in the mountain yelled: "Retreat!" Seeing his strange figure, he got rid of Xiao Feng with a few twists, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The other men in black hurriedly followed to retreat, Yelu Nanxian snorted, and waved the bows and crossbows in the hands of the cavalry. Although these men in black were good at martial arts, they were not comparable to the escape speed of the elderly in the mountains. Arrow rain shot into hedgehogs, some were nailed to the ground, some were nailed to the tree, it looked really miserable.

The Fu sisters watched these people who killed the Korean mission end like this, and felt extremely relieved. Fu Junyu couldn't help but exclaimed: "This princess Xixia was born beautiful and commanding the army is so handsome. When would I be like her? That's it."

Fu Jun couldn't help but said, "I'm afraid you have no chance to command the army, but this prince is really impressive."

Song Qingshu smiled, but he fell into a deep thought. The old man in the mountain is known as the king of killers. He doesn't understand the truth about how to flee thousands of miles without a single blow. Why have you been entangled with Xiao Feng and others here for so long? So that the Xixia cavalry made dumplings? No matter how you look at it, he feels a little deliberately giving heads away, could it be...

"Who are you?" Yelu Nanxian looked at the hat on Zhuang Juxian's head and asked in a deep voice.

His subordinates had already come to answer: "This is our beggar gang leader Zhuang Juxian."

"The beggar gang leader?" Yelu Nanxian vaguely remembers that this time there was a beggar gang leader who participated in the recruitment. The previous group stage shots were too vicious and caused a lot of criticism. I did not expect this person, who was a little fat, through his head. The scars on her face are faintly visible on the black yarn, hey~~ If Qinglu knows that he also came to marry her, I am afraid it will be disgusting.

Under the same hatred of the enemy, subconsciously a little disliked, Yelu Nanxian picked up the horse whip in his hand and pointed at him: "Since it is the leader of the beggar gang, why help the people in black to slaughter the Korean mission?"

Zhuang Juxian replied angrily: "I don't know any Korean messenger

Tuan didn't know the people in black, but I had an enmity with Xiao Feng, so I fought him. "

Xiao Feng on the side wondered: "Who is your Excellency, and what hatred do you have with Xiao?"

Zhuang Juxian snorted coldly: "You have too much blood on your hands in your life, and it's normal if you don't remember me."

Xiao Feng suddenly became silent, thinking that he had indeed killed a lot of people in his life, but nothing else. He had killed a lot of benevolent and righteous people in Juxianzhuang's anger...

Wait, Zhuang Juxian and Juxianzhuang, is there any connection between the two?

When he raised his head to ask again, he found that Zhuang Juxian had already left early.

"Great King Xiao, are you all right?" Yelu Nanxian dismounted and walked over and asked. He just saw him fighting with the group of people in black from a distance. When he was in Liao, he was still working under the opponent's hands. Naturally Be concerned about it.

"It's okay. It's just that those people in black have high martial arts skills, and they don't look like the way of the Central Plains. I guess they may be from the Persian Mingjiao." Xiao Feng recalled the scene of the opponent's fight. The opponent's move was deadly. Since the success of martial arts, solo combat has not encountered such a dangerous opponent.

"Persian Mingjiao, wasn't it destroyed by Mongolia?" Yelu Nanxian fell into a deep thought.

At this time, a cold female voice came from the side: "Please call the shots for us."

Yelu Nanxian turned her head and found that the two beautiful Fu sisters were kneeling in front of her on one knee, but what made her even more concerned about was Song Qingshu behind the two women.

Noting her gaze, Song Qingshu's old face became hot, thinking that I was obviously going to investigate the information of Ruyang Prince's Mansion, and I was doing business. Why do I feel a guilty conscience now?

"The two girls, please get up soon." Yelu Nanxian hurriedly helped the Fu sisters, noticed the injuries on the two of them, and sent someone to find two Mazars and let them sit down.

The Fu sisters felt warm and thanked them and said: "Our prince was arrested by those people, and now it is unclear whether we are alive or dead, and we have asked the prince to help."

Yelunan Xianbai glanced at Song Qingshu beside him, thinking that you two would not ask for this big Buddha, but instead came to me: "Do you know who the other person is?"

The Fu sisters hesitated, and the other party suffered

They faced each other without revealing their identities. They were really not sure who the other party was. At first they suspected that they were Dongying people. The other party was the most motivated, but after the fight, they didn't look like Dongying people.

"It's Xu Liewu's person!" a man said loudly, everyone turned around and saw Wang Baobao approaching surrounded by a group of masters.

"Xu Liewu?" Yelu Nanxian was taken aback. Although he knew the dispute between their Mongolian factions, he did not expect Wang Baobao to openly tear down the stage.

"The leader should be the Great Elder of Persian Mingjiao, Huo Shan, who has the title of King of Killers," Wang Baobao said in a deep voice, "It should be the clearest that King Xiao has fought him just now."

Xiao Feng nodded, the other party did indeed make a great shift in the universe.

Yelu Nanxian pondered for a moment: "Okay, let's go to Xu Liewu to ask for someone!" They have always adhered to the principle of not guilty of envoys from various countries, but this time Xu Liewu has done too much, in the capital of Xixia. Publicly killing a country’s mission, now everyone in other countries is waiting to see Xixia’s reaction. If Xixia shrinks at this time and keeps other countries to follow suit, it will be more troublesome to manage; it must not make other countries feel Xixia because of this. Weakness can be deceived, otherwise it is easy to invite invasion and war.

Wang Baobao was a little surprised: "The crown princess is indeed a hero of the female middle school. This king thought that you are a small country on the border of Xixia and dare not offend Mongolia."

"You don't need to worry about this!" Immortal Yelunan waved his hand, and directed his cavalry and Yipintang master to rush to Xu Liewu's hall.

When a beautiful man turned on his horse, Yelu Nanxian said to the Fu sisters: "Can the two girls still ride horses?" With these two Koryo masters present, even if they surround Xu Liewu's hall, they still occupy a word of truth. It was Temujin who knew it and couldn't say anything.

Sister Fu nodded: "Yes!"

Fu Junyu looked back at Song Qingshu, her expression a little weaker than before: "Are you with us?"

Song Qingshu was about to answer, and Yelu Nanxian coughed slightly: "Master Jia, too, after all, you saved the two girls, and you are considered a witness, but now there are not enough horses, or you can ride with me. "

As soon as these words were said, the noisy street fell into silence for an instant, and everyone looked at them very strangely.

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