Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2202: Stunningly beautiful man

"Xu Liewu, you have broken your leg. Didn't you take your own humiliation when you came to the stage? Hurry down, lest we fall into the prestige of our Mongolia." Other people were afraid of him, Wang Baobao was not afraid of him, and couldn't help laughing loudly when he saw it. .

Xu Liewu glanced at him coldly: "Wang Baobao, don't be proud of you. As the so-called Fengshui turns, you may end up miserably in the future."

Wang Baobao laughed loudly: "When do we Mongolians need to rely on the illusory destiny to comfort ourselves? In that case, I will see how you get through it next."

Xu Liewu's face was gloomy, and he didn't pay attention to him anymore, but looked at the opponent in front of him.

Master Lu, who was standing opposite him, couldn't help but shudder. It was obvious that the other party had broken his leg, but why did he still feel like being peeped by a beast?

"You two can start!" Seeing them staring at them, the referee on the side had to speak to remind them.

Xu Liewu retracted his gaze and said faintly: "You can make a move."

Master Lu arched his hands and said, "This is no longer a match, the prince won."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the school field. Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt frowned, but Xue Pan couldn't manage that much, and immediately shouted: "You are no match, how do you know that he has won?"

Master Lu seemed to have expected him to question, and replied calmly: "I watched the prince take action during the group stage. The prince's martial arts is far better than me. Now that the prince is injured, I will win even if I win. It’s not the use of force and the conscience is not the work of a gentleman, so I surrendered this time."

Hearing his upright remarks, many people couldn't help but admire him, admiring his dignity and integrity, so angry that Xue Pan could only swear.

"What a non-gentleman." Song Qingshu sneered secretly. No wonder the Lu brothers behaved so abnormally before. It seems that at that time they decided to sell Xu Liewu. It's just a matter of fooling someone who doesn't know it. How can you hide it from him? After the battle in Xiangyang, the Lu family knew the truth, so they had been planning a retreat. It seemed that they had already secretly fallen to Mongolia.

No wonder that the last time Princess Shuang Xiu just came to reveal that there were new clues in the case of Goryeo, the two were immediately assassinated. Most of them were revealed to the Mongols by their brothers. Xu Liewu used the hands of Dongying people to achieve his goal.

At this moment, Master Lu had stepped down. Xue Pan surrounded him aggressively with a group of people, but he remained motionless. With Master Lu and a good friend guarding him, Xue Pan couldn't help it.

The next competition soon began on the stage, and Bai Yuhuan, the young master of the Bai family of Pingyang, was very weak against the master of the Dian Cang faction.

"Kidney Deficiency?" Song Qingshu looked weird. If he hadn't been aware of the fact that there had been a few Cang school masters Fuchenzi, Gu Songzi, and Guizangzi who had appeared in "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer", the naming rules were very similar. Maybe I thought there were brothers who passed through. That's it.

However, everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the young master of the Bai family, and even Xue Pan didn't care about arguing with the Lu brothers, staring straight at the man.

I saw him wearing a wide-sleeved and broad robe, jade belt blowing wind, and long black hair lined with snow-skinned white clothes. He was obviously a man, but it gave people an extremely amazing feeling.

Those eyes are like two bright stars hanging in the dark night sky. They are full of moisture and atmosphere. They are quiet and pleasant. Everyone who sees them thinks that he not only has beautiful connotation and cultivation, but also his personality should be gentle and moist. Jade.

"What a handsome young man!" Many people came up with an idea, of course, there are no lack of people who are scorned, thinking about looking for opportunities to inquire about his details, he looks so beautiful, even a man can take it right. In this age, it is not unusual for aristocrats to raise male pets.

The girl in the yellow shirt glanced at Song Qingshu and couldn't help but jokingly said: "Some people have been compared."

Even Xue Baochai nodded in the same way. Although Jia Baoyu was born with pink makeup and jade, compared with this person, he still lacked a touch of femininity.

Song Qingshu frowned. Others couldn't see who this young master Bai was. How could he not?

Although the other party deliberately changed his attire and even his face, Song Qingshu has consciously exercised relevant abilities since he was deceived by Ruan Xingzhu’s fake Ren Yingying in Sichuan. In his current realm, seeing people is not indifferent to eyes. It is judged based on the breath. A person's appearance can be changed, but the inner strength, breathing, breathing, and so on cannot be changed. Of course, the identity of a person can be judged based on these mysterious and mysterious "qi machine", and there are few people in the world.

This young master of the Bai family is exactly Shan Yuru, the leader of the Destiny Sect, with a green sleeve jade ring, what a white jade ring!

Sure enough, Shan Ruyu deserves to be a man of Meigong. Now even if he changes his face to become a man, he still upsets all beings. In comparison, the Hua Jieyu in the "Red Face and White Hair" who is also good at Meigong has a low rank. A lot.

She came to participate in this competition, it must be the previous deal with Wang Baobao, right? Thinking of everything he heard at Wang Baobao's Hotel that day, Song Qingshu couldn't help but suddenly.

The result on the ring was not unexpected. Although the Dianxang Sect’s Swordsman had good swordsmanship, Shan Yuru smiled at him without leaving any traces, and he flew into the sky. The ten successful husbands went to 90%, almost nothing. Rebelliously defeated in his hands.

After winning the game, Shan Yuru glanced at Wang Baobao in the distance, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corners of their lips.

Song Qingshu roughly guessed their thoughts. After all, in the next round of competition, Shan Yuru will face Xu Liewu. Now that Xu Liewu has broken his leg, how can he be her opponent?

But Hulagu should also be aware of this situation, why should he stay to compete?

The officials on the stage began to announce the list of the next competition, and Guldan Khan had three punches against the master of Shenquan.

"Shenquan gate?" Song Qingshu frowned, thinking hard, and he couldn't remember this school in his impression.

"After three punches, how old are you, and come to participate in the recruitment. Princess Xixia is too young when your daughter is too young. Are you ashamed?" Someone who knew his details began to scold.

After three punches, he gave a cold snort: "I am alone now, and I have no wife. I am fully qualified for the recruitment of relatives."

"Cut~" There was a roar of hiss.

Xue Baochai explained to his surrounding companions: "The power of the three punches is extremely strong, and he can beat Guniu to death with one punch. The ordinary martial artist cannot stop him from the three punches. Waijiaquan is not a good martial arts."

At this moment of speaking time, the ring has been divided into winners and losers. For so many years, the martial arts tempered by blood and fire are naturally far from comparable to a Jianghu boxer.

Seeing that the three punches were hated by everyone, Guldan shot it mercilessly, severely wounded it, and received a round of applause.

The officials of Yipintang asked people to carry the wounded down for treatment, and at the same time announced the next round of opponents, Dongying's Miyamoto Musashi vs. Wujiquanmen's young master Shi Ming.

Knowing that Miyamoto Musashi is a native of Toyo, everyone in the school field generally supports local people like Shi Ming, cheering for them. In their opinion, there are some masters in a small country in Toyo.

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