Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2203: Can't tell who is the husband

Song Qingshu is one of the few people who knows the strength of Miyamoto Musashi, and has never seen him make a move, intending to take the opportunity to observe his martial arts skills. Who knows that Shi Ming's martial arts is too far away from him, Miyamoto Musashi hit the opponent to the ground without even pulling out the sword.

Unexpectedly, the victory was decided so quickly. Some people were even cheering on Shi Ming. When they reacted, they yelled at Shi Ming for trash, even the Dongying people couldn't beat it.

Shi Ming was ashamed and ashamed, and went down the ring, while Miyamoto Musashi stayed on the ring, scanned the audience for a week, and said coldly: "Before I came to the Central Plains, I thought that the martial arts here is so magical. I didn't expect it. It's all vulnerable."

Hearing him acting provocatively, the audience was in an uproar. Many people were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to rush to teach this arrogant Dongying people, but they were stopped by the people of Xixia Yipintang. They still have to fight, how can they get caught in the field? confusion.

"This Dongying person is too arrogant!" Xue Pan waved his fist angrily.

Master Lu sneered and said, "Why, Master Xue wants to go up and teach him?"

Xue Pan's face blushed: "I can't beat him, but it's not a problem for Miss Yang to beat him, is it Miss Yang?"

Ignoring his flattering eyes, the woman in the yellow shirt frowned and said: "This person shows very little martial arts, and it is difficult for me to judge which is higher and lower. Besides, he and I are destined to not meet each other on the schedule."

Xue Baochai wondered: "Why is he so arrogant, so that he has become a public enemy of the audience, I can't think of a reason for him to do this."

Song Qingshu explained: "This is his consistent style. Miyamoto Musashi has also challenged famous masters everywhere in Toei. His martial arts are groped and tempered in battle, but most masters respect their status, and wherever they are willing to do it casually. Do it, so every time he goes, he will attract ridicule as much as possible, forcing masters from all over to have to fight him."

The woman in the yellow shirt was stunned, and Xue Baochai looked at him suspiciously: "How can you know so clearly about Dongying?"

"I listened to what others said, haha~" Song Qingshu sneered over with a smile.

Xue Baochai bit his lip lightly, and there was a hint of sadness between his eyebrows: "I don't know if it is the princess of Jin Guoxiao or the princess of Shuang Xiu? By the way, the princess of Xixia seems to have a different relationship with him."

At this time, another match in the ring began. Mingjiao's Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao faced Wang Tie'e of Yingclaw and Yanxingmen.

"The surname is Yang, don't think you are long

If you have to be handsome, you will be really young. Your daughter is about the same age as the princess. Are you embarrassed to participate in this competition? "Wang Tie'e didn't forget to attack in advance. He remembered how he became a rat crossing the street when he passed the three punches just now. He also wanted to draw a gourd in the same way.

Song Qingshu wondered why Yang Xiao was also involved. Could it be that Zhang Wuji's whereabouts are unknown, so he came up to fight for the marriage of Mingjiao and Xixia?

Yang Xiao glanced at the other side coldly: "Your kind of goods can participate in the recruitment, why can't Yang come?"

Wang Tie'e snorted: "Although Wang has low martial arts, he can't do anything to **** the Emei female hero."

"You're looking for death!" Yang Xiao was furious. This incident was an eternal pain in his heart. Originally, if Ji Xiaofu hated him, she would rather die than listen to the master's words to kill herself, and give it back to her daughter. Not regretting his name, when he learned of all this, he couldn't help regretting what he had done in the past, but it was a pity that Yiren had passed away, and it was useless to regret it again.

Now that the opponent poked his scar directly, he couldn't help turning into anger from shame, and he was merciless when he shot.

Wang Tie'e faintly saw a black shadow shooting with a sharp wind, he couldn't help but was shocked, and hurriedly used his expert Eagle Claw Technique to grab the black shadow, which turned out to be a small stone.

"Finger magical power!" Song Qingshu's expression moved. After he came into this world, he had a deep connection with Mingjiao, but he hadn't fought with Yang Xiao very much. This can be regarded as the first time I have seen him perform martial arts, and it is exactly the same as Huang Yaoshi's magical powers. .

Why does he point fingers at magical powers?

Song Qingshu thought about finding an opportunity to ask Huang Yaoshi, but when he thought that the other party seemed to know about him and Huang Rong, he was always a little bit embarrassed.

"It's far worse than the Eagle King's eagle claw skills back then!" Yang Xiao snorted coldly, sending his fingers together, and bursts of air-breaking sound shot at the opponent.

Wang Tie'e only took the first stone and his mouth became numb. Where he dared to pick it up, he hurriedly performed the geese to avoid, but unfortunately he could not hide in the fifteenth year of the first year. He only heard a scream from him, and the blood flowing through his covered mouth. Obviously, Yang Xiao was annoyed by his remarks, and the stone directly smashed his teeth.

"Mingjiao Yang Xiaosheng!" The referee at the stage was worried about the loss of life and hurriedly announced the result. Wang Tie'e's eyes were full of anger, but the fight just now made him realize that he was not an opponent, and he could only retreat in angrily.

The woman in the yellow shirt stared at Yang Xiao's voice thoughtfully, but Xue Baochai reminded her that she knew the next round

It's time to play by yourself.

The Southern Song prince Yang Ba faced Yi Xiaoji, a disciple of the Jiulong faction.

Song Qingshu almost didn't laugh when he heard the term Yang Ba. Why is the name used by such a beautiful girl so careless? However, it quickly became apparent that Yingluo's name was a woman's name and she definitely couldn't use it, and she was ranked eighth among sisters, so she took such a name.

Yi Xiaoji saw that his opponent had red lips and white teeth, and he only regarded it as a white face. He couldn't help being overjoyed: "The son, as the saying goes, the sword has no eyes. Yi is good at the Nine Dragon Whip technique. If he accidentally draws it on his face later, leave the son's white face. Scars are not good."

The woman in the yellow shirt shook her wrist, a long whip was already shook out of her sleeve, and a slight smile appeared on her lips: "Coincidentally, I am also good at whip."

She changed her identity to participate in the competition, but Jiuyin White Bone Claw's name was too loud, but the white python whip method was a bit low-key.

Suddenly one after another inhalation sounds sounded in the school grounds, and someone could vaguely hear someone muttering to himself: "It's a ghost, why are the men who participated in the recruitment process more beautiful this time?"

The result of the test was naturally no suspense. Yi Xiaoji's Nine Dragon Whip technique was more than calm and lacking. When he came into contact with the white python whip technique, the whole person was like thunder and quickly defeated.

"In the next game, Dongying's elder Yu Chai Xiusheng will play against Gemini Gate Ni Buda, Ni Buer."

Huh? Hearing the referee's announcement, a group of people looked at each other, and even Yu Chai Xiusheng was a little inexplicable. Why would there be two opponents? Is the official mistake?

However, after the Gemini players came on stage, they realized that they didn't think they were wrong. There were really two people, but they looked exactly the same and looked like twins.

"This is a princess's invitation to her, why are you two here?" Those who have something to do can't help but laugh.

Ni Buda Ni Buer replied: "We have been inseparable since we were born. We will fight against one person with brothers, and against 10,000 people, we will also fight with brothers." Both voices and expressions were exactly the same.

"But this is a kiss, not an enemy. There is only one princess. How do you divide it?" Someone scolded with a smile.

I saw the brothers replied with a serious face: "Our brothers never distinguished each other. To marry the brother is to marry the brother, and to marry the brother is to marry the brother. What's more, our brothers are exactly the same no matter what they are, princess. It won't be distinguished."

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