Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2211: Yang family

"Thank you for the prince's love," Shan Yuru said with a smile, "but since I can be the leader, if my safety cannot be guaranteed, wouldn't I make my subordinates laugh?"

"It seems that this king is too worried." Wang Baobao also recovered quickly, making a haha ​​double to turn the matter off.

At this time, in the Tubo hotel, Zongzan was pacing back and forth in the room, looking very anxious. Seeing Kumazhi coming in, he immediately asked: "Guo Shi, tomorrow I will meet the guy with the surname Duan, what should I do? Listen? Saying that you have dealt with him a lot, you should hate you to know where his martial arts weakness is." Today, after witnessing Duan Yu shooting the Wuhumen master with a six-channel magic sword into a panic, he doesn't want to repeat the same mistake tomorrow.

Kumozhi pondered: "Although that kid's Six-Medim Excalibur is powerful, he has no martial arts foundation. It is difficult to display his true level of ability. You can take advantage of the situation to fight him in close combat. It is not difficult to subdue him."

Zong Zan frowned and said, "But his body is very weird, he seems to be called Lingbo Weibu, right? I may not get close to his body."

Kumazhi is also a bit embarrassed. It is not difficult to control Duan Yu if he is himself, but if it is Zongzan, he may not be able to quickly control the opponent. Once he is stretched away, he will play the Six-Medition Excalibur, and he will almost never fight back. Power.

"I have a way." Zong Zan said with a grin. "Will the national teacher go to kill the surname Duan tonight and everything will be fine?"

Kumazhi's eyes suddenly brightened, killing cannot be killed, not to mention that Duan Yu is the son of Dali, even his brother Xiao Feng is not easy to provoke, there is no last resort in the martial arts, everyone will not do it. But it is entirely possible to catch him first, and to postpone tomorrow's game time. I have always wanted to inquire about the Six Meridian Excalibur Sword Spectrum from him, but this time it was a good opportunity.

"Prince, don't worry, this matter is on my body." Kumachi trot out with a look of excitement.

At this time, there are not a few people who have the same thoughts as Zong Zan. Mingjiao Yang Xiao sneaked into the beggar gang's resident in a night clothes. Although Yin Ye Wang was good at martial arts, he still missed the white-browed eagle king by a few. In most martial arts, King Yin Ye couldn't beat him.

After thinking about it, Yang Xiao decided to test Zhuang Juxian first. It would be best if he could hurt the opponent, even if he couldn't, finding out his martial arts skills would be more conducive to tomorrow's targeting.

As for the danger, Yang Xiao has always been arrogant. As the top master of the Mingjiao, he has two magical powers, namely the magical powers of the finger and the great movement of the universe. He believes that self-protection is more than enough.

"Master, where are you..." He couldn't help but feel a sense of complaint. If Zhang Wuji came here this time, why should he do such a sneaky act, as for the contestants this time, who can compete for the leader?

"The leader has become more and more weird these years." Thinking of some abnormalities in the usual days, Yang Xiao couldn't help frowning.

"Who?" He was so distracted, he was discovered by Zhuang Juxian in the room, and a dark figure slammed through the window and rushed out.

Although Yang Xiao was not surprised, he met him several times in an instant.

The figure parted, Yang Xiao raised his hand and looked at the black energy on the palm of his hand. He couldn't help but shudder: "What kind of martial arts are you?" Although he knew from watching during the day that the opponent's palm was poisonous, his internal strength was an ordinary poison. He couldn't invade his body at all, and he didn't expect that the cold poison of the other party was so overbearing, almost like a broken bamboo, and instantly invaded his body.

Zhuang Juxian grinned: "Murder's martial arts!" As soon as the voice fell, he rushed forward.

Yang Xiao started twelve points, and no longer insisted on it, but used the kung fu of the great shift of the universe to fight with it, so that Zhuang Juxian couldn't help him for a while.

After fighting for dozens of moves, Yang Xiao has already understood that the opponent's fist and foot skills are extremely superficial, far from his own mastery, but his internal strength is too strong, and at the same time he has a weird cold poison, which can be done with strength. .

Feeling the cold soaked in the bone marrow, Yang Xiao's hands and feet became more and more stiff, knowing that if he could force the cold toxin out quickly, his meridians might suffer irreversible damage.

With a single shot, Xu Huang leaped out of the courtyard wall. Where could Zhuang Juxian let him go, and chased him directly.

At this moment, a slender figure rushed out from the dark to stop him. The two sides fought against each other, and Zhuang Juxian's offensive was all resolved by the other's subtle techniques.

At this time, the members of the Beggar Gang rushed out after hearing the news, and the shadow made a false move to shake Zhuang Juxian's center of gravity, and then took the opportunity to take Yang Xiao and disappear into the night with several leaps.

"It turned out to be a woman?" Zhuang Juxian knew that the other party had done much better than him, so he didn't chase him anymore. Instead, he stayed in place and muttered to himself, "But no one can compare to Azi, Azi, where are you? Do you know what I am now? How prestigious."

"Thank you girl for helping me. Hey, you are the woman in the yellow shirt." Yang Xiao recognized the other person. She surprised the audience by herself at the Lion Slaughter Conference, and it would be difficult for people to remember it.

The woman in the yellow shirt didn't answer, but suddenly a stick in her hand stabbed him. Yang Xiao didn't expect the other party to make a sudden move, but after all, she has been well-known for so many years, and she reacted quickly and quickly returned a few tricks.

"Huh, Yang's gun?" Yang Xiao exclaimed.

The woman in the yellow shirt took advantage of the trend and stopped attacking: "You really are a descendant of Tianbo Yang Mansion."

"Could it be the girl too?" Yang Xiao asked curiously.

"I have been fostered in Tianbo Mansion since I was young, and it’s Yang

The righteous daughter of the family..." The woman in the yellow shirt briefly introduced herself, and then asked, "I don't know which room you belong to? "

Yang Xiao smiled bitterly: "Father Yang Zhi, there was a nickname "Blue-faced Beast" in the rivers and lakes."

"No wonder you will be in Mingjiao." The girl in the yellow shirt suddenly found that the blue-faced beast Yang Zhi fell into the grass and joined the Songjiang group. Later, Zheng Fangla crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and the remnants of the two forces fled to Dongting Lake to serve as Yang Yaowei. The leader continued to rebuild Mingjiao, but he was annihilated by Yue Fei and had to go to Guangmingding in the Western Regions, and finally regained his momentum.

"Why didn't you abandon the secret for so many years? You should also know that the Yang family is thin now, and it is the time when there is a shortage of manpower." The woman in yellow shirt continued to ask.

"Abandon the dark and cast the light?" Yang Xiao sneered, "What is dark and what is light? What was the ending when we helped the court fight Fangla? Even if you don't say me, just say that the other Yang family members are loyal to the country. In the end, there is How many got a good ending? The brothers and sisters Yang Miaozhen from the Red Coat Army also belonged to Tianbo Mansion, did they have a good ending? Cough cough..." Speaking of excitement, he couldn't help coughing.

"You are suffering from cold and poison now, don't argue about this, I will force the poison for you first." Yang Miaozhen just stood nearby when he felt the coldness on his body.

"No, you don't need to bother others about this little thing. You will save your grace in the future and say goodbye first." Yang Xiao was arrogant, not to mention that he didn't speculate just now, so naturally he didn't want to owe favors any more.

The woman in the yellow shirt hesitated for a moment, and didn't want to press too tightly, so she quietly followed, and only quietly left after seeing him return to the wooden table and the Lunbu Hotel.

At this time Song Qingshu was walking into the residence of Shuangxiu Mansion. In the daytime, the princess Shuangxiu helped him so much, and he should thank him both publicly and privately.

When I came to Gu Zixian's yard, I saw Du Guming from afar out calling out to explain: "Xian'er, listen to me. What happened today is just an accident."

"I'm not like this normally, maybe because I came here to be uncomfortable."

"Xian'er, I know I was a little embarrassed today, but I don't know why this happened."

Song Qingshu secretly sighed. It was really humble to like someone who didn't love him. The appearance of the other person reminded him of the relationship between Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo, and he felt sorry for the same illness for a while.

"Young City Lord, where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, why waste energy on someone who doesn't like yourself." Song Qingshu sincerely persuaded.

However, these words fell in the ears of the other party as if they were mocking. Seeing that it was him, Dugu Ming's eyes were red, and he drew out his sword and rushed over: "Dog thief, I will kill you!"

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