Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2212: Eat dry

"Stop!" A beautiful shadow flew out of the house, blocking Du Guming's attack with a sword.

"Xian'er, how are you protecting him!" When Du Guming thought that she had said so much outside the door, she ignored her, but she came out as soon as the little white face came, and her heart couldn't help dripping blood.

"Dugu Ming, have you made enough trouble? What happened to you yourself, why anger others." Gu Zixian looked at him with a cold face.

Duguming only felt aggrieved and panicked: "If this kid has real talents, it's nothing more than learning, but he obviously knows nothing, so he passed the knockouts only by luck and shame. How can you convince me with such a person? "

Song Qingshu shook his finger: "I have to correct your statement. Luck is actually a very powerful ability."

"I'm!" Du Guming couldn't wait to have a cup of tea squirted into his face.

Song Qingshu shrugged, the other party was too weak to touch the illusory things like luck.

"He is much more powerful than you. He always wants to do everything, but you don't know what is good or bad." Gu Zixian subconsciously defended.

"He is better than me?" Dugu laughed angrily. "Come here, let him hit me, I will give him a hand."

Gu Zixian then remembered that Song Qingshu didn't want to reveal his identity, and hurriedly said: "You have tried it, but I didn't expect you to be the one who can't afford to lose."

"I..." Duguming wanted to cry without tears when he thought of the way he lost during the day. This thing became darker and darker. Seeing that the other party was protecting his little white face, he only felt the blood surge, and he was ashamed with a roar The face left, and staying any longer, I'm afraid I will be mad at death.

Seeing his distant back, Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "Will you be too cruel to him like this?"

Gu Zixian couldn't help complaining: "You don't know, Blessing, you can't dispel his thoughts otherwise. I have been so annoyed by him these years, I can't leave him any hope."

Song Qingshu nodded, and understood her difficulty.

Gu Zixian held his arm affectionately: "Don't talk about him, what is your grace doing here this time?"

Feeling the soft body of the other party, Song Qingshu had to sigh that the young girl is good: "Thank you for coming here specially this time. You helped me a lot in today's game."

Gu Zixian was a little embarrassed: "Actually, it's easy to win with your martial arts. I don't think I am troublesome."

Song Qingshu replied: "Why is it troublesome? Du Guming martial arts is good.

In the presence of so many masters, I think it’s very troublesome not to show a trace, but fortunately you are there. "

"It's fine if I can help you." Gu Zixian's face is full of smiles, how can there be the slightest cold appearance on weekdays?

Which man can stand the girl’s deep affection looking at his eyes, smelling the unique fragrance of her body at the tip of his nose, feeling the softness and elasticity of the girl’s body, Song Qingshu suddenly felt a hot heart, he also felt a little strange, logically speaking with him Today's experience concentration is quite okay, but a touch with this woman's skin is like a thunder and a fire. Is it true that the cultivation techniques of the two have a fatal attraction?

Even Song Qingshu's cultivation base was a little trembling, not to mention Gu Zixian, who had a lower cultivation base. At this time, her skin was extremely hot, and her beautiful eyes were also covered with a layer of blur, as if water was about to drip at any time.

"Is anyone in your room?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice.

"I'll go and send them away first." There was a hint of shyness in the girl's voice, and at the same time she hid a few hints of anticipation, and trot into her yard carrying her skirt.

After a while, Song Qingshu saw that it was almost done and followed him. As soon as he entered the door, a fiery body was thrown into his arms. The sweet smell and soft body were enough to make any man indulge in this gentle country.

I don't know how long it took, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu rushed to hear the news, and she suddenly frowned when she walked out of the yard, letting her maid guard outside, and went into the yard alone.

She learned that Song Qingshu was here, and that her daughter and Du Guming had a conflict. She was worried that her daughter would be too direct and could cause irreversible consequences, so she rushed over to complete the game. But when she came, she found something weird. The princess, there are many maidservants on weekdays, but now there is no one in the yard. Moreover, her skill is not weak, and she faintly heard some voices coming from the room.

As someone who came by, how could she not understand what this sound was? But it’s not too late now, and her daughter is always cold-tempered, and she still feels that she has misheard, until she walks outside the door, the voice inside can be heard clearly, and a pretty face instantly turns red: "This Damn girl, don't care about anything."

She knew and acquiesced to the affairs between her daughter and Song Qingshu. After all, for a man so strong, there would be nothing wrong with her daughter having a good relationship with him.

But acquiescence is the same thing. It's weird in her heart to learn that the well-behaved and cold daughter is now so coquettish-saucy-enthusiasm by that man.

"You have to find a chance to talk to them, how can you pay attention?

Intentional influence. Mrs. Shuang-xiu gritted her teeth. After all, her daughter is a big girl. The descendants of Shuang-xiu's mansion have always attached great importance to chastity. If someone else knows about it, it is easy to cause an uproar.

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu was about to turn around and leave, but she was worried about the rumor that someone would break into here, so she had to put up with shame and stay at the door.

I don’t know how long it took, and Mrs. Shuang-Xiu’s legs were a little soft, and she could not help but sipped in secret: "These two people are endlessly fooling around, but the only thing to be thankful for is that my uncle’s physical strength is pretty good..."

At this moment, a maid hurried over to report: "Madam, Queen Xixia is here."

"Queen Xixia, what is she doing here?" Mrs. Shuang-Xiu was taken aback. There was no intersection between the two parties, so the other party should have nothing to do with the Three Treasures.

"She seems to want to see the son of Jia from the Southern Song Dynasty." The maid replied.

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu's expression suddenly became very exciting, and she hurriedly said to the maid: "You go and receive the queen first, and I will notify Master Jia."

When I came to the door of my daughter, there were still all kinds of shameful voices inside. She had a headache, but this is Xixia's site, and the queens of the people have come to the door. If they keep pushing away from others and run directly to break through it, it will be over.

After hesitating for a while, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu cleared her throat and knocked on the door: "Xian'er, Emperor Xixia is coming, and said he was looking for Master Jia. Did you see him?"

She thoughtfully pretended not to know what happened inside, so as not to get everyone embarrassed.

"Ah~" Gu Zixian exclaimed, apparently knowing that her mother was outside, making her so ashamed that she wanted to sew in.

Song Qingshu had known that she was outside for a long time, but he didn't mind that, on the contrary, there was a different kind of excitement. But thinking that she seemed to be eavesdropping outside last time, for a while, I wondered if this lady had a hobby in this respect?

If Gu Ningqing knew that he doubted himself like this in his heart, I'm afraid he could not help but turn his face on the spot.

Song Qingshu put on clothes and came out, pretending that nothing happened: "I have seen Madam."

Gu Ningqing bit her lip secretly, thinking that this person's face is really thick, but both sides did not pierce the matter tacitly: "Gongong, the queen is looking for you."

"Thank you, Madam." After Song Qingshu said goodbye to her, he left the courtyard, wondering on the way, did his behavior be suspected of running away after eating?

While in a daze, Mu Wanqing had already greeted him: "Song Lang, the son of Dali is missing."

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