Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2214: Chills

Coming out of the Tubo House, Mu Wanqing couldn't help but ask: "What is Princess Jincheng looking for?"

"Just ask why I am so close to you." Song Qingshu replied.

Mu Wanqing looked suspicious: "Is it really just like this?"

"Otherwise, what else?" Song Qingshu was a little guilty.

"What if Princess Jincheng falls in love with you?" Mu Wanqing snorted.

Song Qingshu said: "How could it be possible that people are dignified and virtuous, quiet and courteous, how can they have those messy thoughts."

"I can't help you have these messy thoughts," Mu Wanqing turned her head to look at him, her mouth cocked, "I know you like this style the most."

Song Qingshu hugged her shoulders: "Of course I like yours the most. It is cold outside and hot inside, cold to others and only gentle and considerate to me."

"Oh, no wonder you like that pair of princess Xiu so much, she happens to have this kind of personality." Mu Wanqing couldn't help but curl her lips.

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled awkwardly. The other party personally found it out of the Shuangxiu Mansion just now. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he didn't know how to explain it.

"Okay, I'm going to appease Zhu Danchen's group of people, so I won't be with you for now," Mu Wanqing looked very gloomy, "By the way, you should also go back to the Southern Song Dynasty Hall to take a look. Some spies will report that Something seems to have happened to the side."

After speaking, he greeted his subordinates to leave. Song Qingshu originally wanted to say something to her. Hearing the last sentence, he couldn't help but stop. What happened in the Southern Song Dynasty?

I hurried back to the Southern Song Dynasty Hall and found a lot of people crowded around the door. Observing carefully, I found that there were Mingjiao followers and soldiers from the wooden table.

"What the **** is going on?" Song Qingshu asked the person beside him, but unfortunately the other party had limited understanding.

At this time, Xue Baochai came out to appease the people of Mingjiao and the wooden table at the door. He happened to see him and pulled him aside: "Where have you been?"

"Princess Jincheng asked me to talk to me." It is inconvenient to say in several other places. After thinking about it, Princess Jincheng is a better excuse. After all, she comes from the line of the Great Song Dynasty and can be regarded as one's own in a certain sense.

Sure enough, after hearing Princess Jincheng, Xue Baochai's face eased a lot, but he was still a little strange: "What is she doing with you?"

Song Qingshu replied: "It's just that she is too lonely, so she talked to me, and at the same time asked me to send a message to you and Ms. Yang, and sit down with her when I have time."

"The princess marries Tubo alone and has no relatives. It is indeed too pitiful. We should go see her more if we have the opportunity," Xue Baochai sighed, "By the way, didn't I set a curfew before? What are you doing? Out?"

"I..." Song Qingshu remembered that because of the successive incidents in Goryeo-Mongolia, Xue Baochai did not allow people in the mission to go out at night. There were guards patrolling around, and it was reasonable that he could not go out.

Just when he didn't know how to explain, Xue Baochai continued: "Go ahead and talk about it."

Seeing her solemn expression, Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Did something happen?"

Xue Baochai hesitated and said in a low voice, "Sister Yang is injured."

"Injured, who hurt her?" Song Qingshu was startled. With her martial arts, there were only a handful of people in Xingqing Mansion who could hurt her.

"In fact, it's not considered an injury. She adjusted her breath for a while and has almost recovered. On the contrary, Ms. Huo was hurt a bit badly." Xue Baochai replied.

"Miss Huo?" Song Qingshu heard it in the mist, why did another girl Huo come out?

Xue Baochai quickly explained: "It seems that Yang Xiao of Mingjiao was caught with a very serious cold poison. The people of Mingjiao and Mu Shu Lun Department forced the poison for him. Unfortunately, he was not capable enough and the cold poison invaded his body. I don’t know why, they took the initiative to look for it. When she came to ask Sister Yang for help, Sister Yang did not refuse. Unfortunately, her skill was already feminine, and Yang Xiaozhong's cold poison was too strong. In the end, not only did she fail to force the poison, she also suffered a little bit of injury."

"What cold poison is so powerful?" Song Qingshu was extremely surprised.

"It is said that it was the poisonous work of the new leader of the Beggar Gang, Zhuang Juxian." Xue Baochai frowned.

Song Qingshu was even more puzzled. With Yang Xiao's skill, even if he lost to Zhuang Juxian, he wouldn't have been injured so severely, and even if the female in yellow shirt was feminine, it wouldn't be impossible to force poison.

Song Qingshu came to the hall and found that Yang Xiao and others were placed in the center. King Yin Ye stood up from behind him with trembling, his teeth were shaking: "It's not working, it's not going to work, how come this cold poison is so terrible."

The woman in the yellow shirt on the side said, "I blame me for speaking. If I didn't pull him to speak at the beginning, and he didn't move to heal his injuries in time, it wouldn't let the cold poison penetrate into the viscera."

It turned out that Yang Xiao found something wrong shortly after returning to the hotel to heal his injuries. Unfortunately, his whole body was frozen stiff. Fortunately, Huo Qingtong, who came to him to discuss, found that something was wrong and hurriedly healed him. Unfortunately, his skills were not enough and he hurt himself. After hearing the news, Yang Xiao awoke once halfway through, saying that only the yellow shirt women in the Southern Song Dynasty could save them, and a group of people hurriedly sent them to seek medical treatment.

Song Qingshu observed from a distance, and found that although Yang Xiao was full of chills, his breathing became much more stable, and there should be no major problems.

Sure enough, Yang Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and said weakly: "If it weren't for the girl's help, I'm afraid that Yang's fate would be here today."

The woman in the yellow shirt still has a solemn expression: "Yang Zuo has made you deep in your inner strength. It's okay to help you through our turns, but Miss Huo is..."

Yang Xiao looked guilty: "If it is because of Yang that there is something wrong with the wife of the future leader, Yang is really living in this world."

King Yin Ye hurriedly said: "Hey, Yang Zuo-shi is none of your business. I blame Zhuang Juxian's martial arts for being so vicious. The martial arts of the Beggar Gang have always been upright. Why is there such a terrible thing in the power of this gang? Cold poison.” Today Yang Xiao committed a personal risk because of his affairs, so he naturally wanted to retaliate.

"By chance, he practiced Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing", and at the same time refined the Kunlun ice silkworm, and cultivated a kind of yin and cold internal power that has never been seen before." At this moment, a voice sounded beside him.

Everyone looked back and found that it was Jia Baoyu who was speaking.

Master Lu couldn't help but smile and said, "Oh, when our Master Jia also understands martial arts."

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Have you never seen a pig run away if you haven't eaten pork?"

Xue Baochai couldn't help pulling his sleeves: "Baoyu, don't talk nonsense."

The woman in the yellow shirt brightened her eyes: "Baoyu has some truth in what he said. This symptom is very similar to the legendary ice silkworm."

Yang Xiao also nodded: "It is indeed very similar to the ice silkworm." Guangmingding is also in the Kunlun Mountains, and he has naturally heard the legend of the ice silkworm.

"Little brother, since you know the origin of the other party's martial arts, can there be a way to save it?" Yang Xiao was also in a sudden illness at this time. If Huo Qingtong really died because of his cold poison, how could he be worthy of the leader, how could he be worthy of thousands? Congregation?

The girl in the yellow shirt and Xue Baochai frowned, "I'm afraid..."

Who knew Song Qingshu said, "I can save her."

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