Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2215: Alternative treatment

"Can you save others?" The Lu brothers and others who knew Jia Baoyu's details laughed.

Don't say they don't believe it, even Xue Baochai hurriedly pulled his sleeves: "Baoyu, don't mess around."

"I can really save it." Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing louder when he heard the ridicule around him. This is often the case in the world. Everyone believes in falsehoods, but no one believes the truth.

"Could it be that you have cultivated the inner strength of the strongest yang?" Compared to other people, Yang Xiao obviously cares more about Huo Qingtong's safety. After all, the other party was injured because of him, so there is a glimmer of hope that he doesn't want to give up.

"That's not true." Song Qingshu thought that the internal strength of the Jiuyin Scriptures he had practiced was a bit feminine, and the Shenzhaojing was masculine, but in the end it all harmonized with the internal strength of Huanxi-Zhan Method, and if he exposed his internal strength at this time, wouldn't it be right? Did you reveal your identity?

"Cut~" Now even the Mingjiao people booed.

"It's a pity that the leader is not here, otherwise, with his nine-sun magic, how can it be hard to beat him in this area." Yang Xiao couldn't help sighing.

Song Qingshu couldn't help saying: "Rather than expecting that Zhang Wuji who doesn't know where he is, it's better to believe me. I can really save her. If you can't save her, kill me and pay for my life."

"Baoyu, don't talk nonsense." Xue Baochai suddenly became anxious when he heard it. Even the girl in the yellow shirt felt that he was too reckless, how could he make such an oath.

"Is this really true?" Yang Xiao is the second in command of Mingjiao. Zhang Wuji is absent for a long time on weekdays. He is basically in charge of everything he teaches. He is quite clever in knowing people. Faced with the sneers around him, he feels inexplicable. His calmness and indifference made him subconsciously believe a little bit.

"Really." Song Qingshu replied lightly.

Xue Baochai hurriedly pulled him aside, with an urgent expression: "Baoyu, don't be fooling around, and you don't understand martial arts, how can you save her? Originally, this matter has nothing to do with us, but once you get in, things will be troublesome. Huo Qingtong is the jewel of the wooden table, or the wife of the future leader of Mingjiao. If something goes wrong, wouldn’t it allow Da Song to have **** with them? That’s all, you still bet your own life?"

"I can indeed save her, but the way to save her is not convenient to disclose." Song Qingshu explained.

Xue Baochai wanted to say it again, and the woman in the yellow shirt persuaded him: "Let him try, I don't think he seems to be telling lies."

Seeing her saying this, Xue Baochai couldn't help but feel puzzled first.

"Okay, I'll take the trouble to save the son." Yang Xiao bowed his hand, and his eyes were full of curiosity. There are so many masters in the field that can't be saved. How can the opponent save a dude?

Song Qingshu replied: "Come here, take Ms. Huo to my room, no one else is allowed to come in."

When these words came out, Mu Zhuolun and Mingjiao's people were in an uproar, Huo Qingtong's brother Huo Ayi was furious: "Smelly boy, what do you want to do?"

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes and pointed to Huo Qingtong who was aside: "She has only half life left. She's cold and like a corpse. I can't do anything I want."

"You!" Huo Ayi was speechless for a while. At this time, there was no trace of blood on his sister's face. If you close your eyes, it will really look like a dead person.

"It's absolutely not allowed." Yang Xiao just agreed, but now he opposed it. "Miss Huo, a big girl, can you live in the same room with your lone man and woman."

The other party is the wife of the future leader. The last two potential leader wives Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min followed Song Qingshu, leaving Mingjiao faceless and extremely sensitive to this aspect. If Huo Qingtong's reputation is also damaged at this time, he Yang Xiao He really became a sinner of Mingjiao.

"Why do you think so sloppyly one by one, dirty people see everything dirty." Song Qingshu snorted coldly.

Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt turned red. It turned out that the two people heard his request just now, and the first thought was the same. After all, Jia Baoyu is famous for being in a gang of women in Lin'an.

"No way! Let's think of another way, I don't believe that there are so many masters in the city, no one will be saved." Yang Xiao struggled to stand up, ready to greet someone to help Huo Qingtong out.

Song Qingshu laughed twice: "Looking at the entire Xingqing Mansion, there are only a few top masters. Although King Xiao's martial arts is high, his internal strength is not his strong point. Moreover, he has played against Zhuang Juxian before and is very afraid of the other party's cold poison. I'm afraid there is no way to get rid of poison; Dali Duan Shizi's Beiming magical technique can **** out the cold poison in Ms. Huo's body, but he is not skilled in the operation, and it is easy to **** away the internal strength of Ms. Huo after more than ten years of hard work The King Dalun Ming of Tubo is missing at this time; Shaolin has a lot of masters, but it is a pity that the beggars have been good for Shaolin, and you Mingjiao and Shaolin have a long history of suspicion, people will risk offending the beggars to help you? It’s the Mongolian masters who are going down. You have been fighting Mongolia all these years. You can't count on them, right?"

Yang Xiao and the others looked at each other and remained silent for a while, because the other party's analysis was reasonable and reasonable.

Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt widened their eyes, each other talked freely, and all kinds of analysis came at their fingertips. Is this still the dude that they are familiar with?

When I didn't know what to do, a faint voice sounded in the hall: "Let Master Jia try it." It turned out that Huo Qingtong spoke.

Huo Ayi and others frowned and said: "But..."

Huo Qingtong grinned reluctantly: "There are still so many people in the field, so if you want to come to Master Jia, you won't be ignorant of the mess."

Hoayi knows that her sister is very resourceful, and she has her considerations since she said so: "Alright, we will stay outside. If he has any wrongdoing, just call it out."

"Okay." There was a hint of pink on Huo Qingtong's pale cheeks from the cold.

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "Hey, hey, now it's you who begged me to save people, so why don't you still have this attitude?"

Hoayi was furious, and directly drew out the scimitar and forced it over: "Stunky boy, are you kidding us?"

Yang Xiao, Yin Yewang and the others also stared at each other with unkind expressions. If they weren't concerned about the face of the woman in the yellow shirt, I'm afraid they would show him a good look right now.

Xue Baochai couldn't help but yelled: "When is it all, Baoyu, don't make a fool of yourself."

Song Qingshu turned his head aside, looking like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Huo Qingtong still said, "I hope Young Master Jia will forgive me. My elder brother is also worried about me. What offends me? The younger sister apologizes to Young Master first."

Song Qingshu's expression eased: "It's the girl who speaks nicely. Okay, if such a beautiful girl is really violent, I will try to save it."

Unlike others with an angry face, Huo Qingtong blinked her eyes and looked at this dude curiously. As she galloped on the battlefield, she was more keenly aware of this person's difference than others.

Then Huo Qingtong was helped into the house, watching the other party drove everyone out, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "How will the treatment be done next?"

But she almost fainted when she heard the other party's answer, because the other party said: "Take off your clothes first."

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