Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2216: I was sold and I'm still counting the money

"What are you talking about!" Huo Qingtong was furious. If it hadn't been frozen at this time, she might have drawn her sword to greet each other.

Song Qingshu pointed to the wooden barrel on the side: "I asked someone to prepare a bath barrel and cold water. How can you get in without taking off your clothes?"

He couldn't help but think of a classic question, why in the martial arts film healed women have to take off their clothes, not for men. Although it can be explained by the fact that women’s subcutaneous fat is often thicker, everyone knows the root cause.

Healing a smelly man rarely sees him taking off his clothes. Healing a woman, especially a beautiful woman, even if he does not need to take off his clothes-he must create conditions to take off his clothes.

Song Qingshu is a layman, not to mention that the other party still has a marriage contract with Zhang Wuji, and I am really sorry for not charging any interest.

Huo Qingtong frowned. She is not an ordinary woman. She has a comprehensive consideration. She has a cold toxin. Soaking in the water is theoretically beneficial to healing, but if it is facing women in yellow shirts, they are okay, but at this time, the room is lonely. Male and widow, how can one undress in front of a strange man?

Even if Mu Zhuolun's ministry is not as prevalent in ethics as the Southern Song Dynasty, she still finds it difficult to accept such behavior.

"Hey, wait, why is it cold water?" Huo Qingtong suddenly reacted.

"Because later I will give you a sun-hot drug. You need cold water to absorb the heat from your body, otherwise you will easily burn to death." Song Qingshu replied, actually based on his cultivation. , It’s easy to resolve cold toxins for the other party. Unfortunately, it’s Jia Baoyu’s identity. Once he takes action, his identity is exposed and he can’t use martial arts, so he can only use drugs. Fortunately, he has walked the rivers and lakes for so many years and has eaten highly toxic ones. Unfortunately, I have all kinds of medicines on my body all year round, and naturally the Fire Pill of Xia Ke Island also has it.

Xia Ke Xing’s martial arts are extremely high, and the reason why they can produce a large number of such masters is mainly relying on the unique inner strength method of Xia Ke Island and the practice of Jiujiu Wan and Lihuo Pill. Jiujiu Wan is a poison configuration for the cold and the cold. The Fire Pill is a mixture of poisons from the heat and heat. If there is no corresponding training method, these two things are highly poisonous. However, Huo Qingtong has the special characteristics of ice silkworm and Yijinjing in his body at this time. Cold toxin, the fire pill is just the right symptom.

After the rescue with drugs, it is also possible to deal with the cross-examination of Huangshannv, Xue Baochai and others.

"What medicine?" Huo Qingtong asked.

Song Qingshu briefly introduced the origin of Jiujiu Pills, and then said: "This drug is related to the big secret of my life experience. If an outsider knows about my relationship with Xia Ke Island, I am afraid it will

It caused a great turmoil, so I hope the girl will agree not to mention to anyone how I saved my life afterwards. "

Huo Qingtong blinked, and she never expected that the dude on the opposite side had something to do with the mysterious Xia Ke Island. Seeing him telling such an important secret, she was a little embarrassed: "The son will do this. My secrets told me that if I divulge it to the outside world, it will kill me."

"The girl doesn't have to make such a poisonous oath, I can naturally trust the character of the Cuiyu Yellow Shirt." Song Qingshu secretly laughed. These little girls are really cheating. In fact, it doesn't matter even if she tells them. The relationship between Xia Ke Island can't be concealed from the interested people.

Huo Qingtong's face suddenly reddened: "But after all, you and I are different between men and women. You want me to take off my clothes and bathe in front of you. Although you are trying to save me, you can..."

Song Qingshu replied: "Girls don't need to worry. I will bring a screen to keep it in the middle. Behind the screen, I will tell you how to protect your heart with luck and avoid being injured by the poison of the fire pill."

Huo Qingtong was already ready to accept it. After all, in the troubled autumn of the wooden table, her life is more important than those illusory innocence, not to mention that there is water separated, at most just being looked at, it is not completely unacceptable. Things.

As for Zhang Wuji's opinion, she doesn't care. People who believe in her don't need her explanation and will naturally believe it, and it doesn't make sense for those who don't believe it.

Who knew that the other party had taken the initiative to bring up this kind of the best of both worlds, which made her a big surprise, but also a little ashamed. She was really a villain to the gentleman's belly: "Thank you, son, but son will not only save my life, but also The exercises and mental methods on Xia Kedao taught me each other, so I really didn't expect it to be rewarded."

"Girls can consider agreeing with their bodies." Song Qingshu looked at the beauty in front of him through the candlelight, with red lips and white teeth, fair skin, and a special heroic air between his eyebrows. It seems that Xinjiang has been a beauty since ancient times.

Huo Qingtong's heart jumped, and hurriedly refused: "The younger sister has a marriage contract and can only disappoint the son's kindness."

"I know, Zhang Wuji of Mingjiao," Song Qingshu smiled, "I was joking with you, such a beautiful girl, I can't bear to sit back and watch you die. If you are grateful, just don't leak this technique. "In fact, it doesn't matter much if it leaks out. Her formula will only be a small part, not the whole of Xia Ke Island practice.

"The son is Gao Yi, Qing Tong Ming feels in his heart." After a conversation, Huo Qingtong's name was respected.

"Gao Yi?" Song Qingshu touched his nose, and a female teacher surnamed Bai suddenly appeared in his mind.

Soon the maid prepared cold water, and Song Qingshu pointed to the tub beside him: "Girl, please."

Huo Qingtong, who has always been hearty, showed a trace of coy: "I'm troubled son..."

Song Qingshu smiled and moved the screen over, and Huo Qingtong slowly eased the buttons on his open dress, revealing a fairer skin than a Han woman.

Sitting behind the screen and looking at the moving figure on the screen, Song Qingshu looked a little weird, thinking that if she knew that based on my cultivation, there would be no difference between this screen and this screen. I don't know how it would react.

After hesitating, Song Qingshu still turned his back to the screen, and now he doesn't bother to take advantage of this kind of advantage.

"Baoyu, what the **** are you doing..."


Xue Baochai’s question about entering the door and Huo Qingtong’s exclamation sounded at the same time. It turned out that Xue Baochai and the girl in yellow shirts learned that Jia Baoyu had ordered the maid to prepare bath tubs and water. The consequences would be serious. Who knew that as soon as he entered the door, he saw that Huo Qingtong didn't even cling.

Thanks to the quick eyes and hands of the woman in the yellow shirt, she closed the door in an instant, so that the Cuiyu yellow shirt would not be seen by everyone.

"What happened?" Yang Xiao, Chen Jialuo, Huo Ayi and others were anxious when they heard the exclamation inside, and they all gathered around the door.

"No... it's okay." Huo Qingtong's heartbeat is extremely fast, she even thinks that if she maintains the current heartbeat for a long time, she probably won't need help from others, and her body can be warmed up.

Hearing his answer, Yang Xiao and the others retreated suspiciously: "Miss Huo, if you have any needs, you just need to shout and we will come in."

"No, I'm fine." How dare Huo Qingtong let people in from outside?

At this moment, Kung Fu Xue Baochai had already observed the situation in the room, and he was relieved to see Song Qingshu sitting behind the screen, and then a little annoyed: "What's the matter with Baoyu?"

"In order to make her cold and poison." Song Qingshu replied naturally.

"Even Sister Yang can't do anything about it, what kind of cold will you force!" Xue Baochai and Jia Baoyu are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. She still doesn't know how many catties each other has? Suddenly a thought flashed in her mind, could it be that the other party was not Jia Baoyu at all?

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