Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2217: Xu Liewu vs Shan Yuru

Song Qingshu knew that they were not so easy to flicker, so he had to explain: "I can't force poison, but I can rely on medicine. I am going to use Fierce Pill to get rid of cold toxin for Girl Huo."

"The Fiery Pill of Xia Ke Island?" The Huangshan Girl and Xue Baochai both knew the relationship between the Jia family and Xia Ke Island, and couldn't help but suddenly realized that, but soon noticed another problem, "Although the Fire Pill can drive away cold poison, it is also itself. Very toxic thing."

Song Qingshu replied: "Xia Ke Island has its own set of internal strengths that can restrain the toxicity of the Fire Pill, and then Ms. Huo will be able to perform the power according to the law.

"Are you still using inner strength?" Xue Baochai gave him a surprised look.

Song Qingshu explained: "I was just not interested in martial arts before, but the elders in my family once let me remember some of the exercises of Xia Ke Island."

Xue Baochai hurriedly reminded: "You must not disclose this matter. As the so-called guilty, there are not many people in the rivers and lakes coveting the martial arts of Xia Ke Island. You have no self-protection ability now, and you will not know it by then. How many people come to trouble you."

Song Qingshu responded, sighing in his heart that the other party really cares about Jia Baoyu, and he has considered all aspects for him.

The woman in the yellow shirt considered another question: "But this is still too risky. Miss Huo herself has never practiced the exercises of Xia Ke Island before. You don't understand it. Wouldn't it be over if you make a mistake?"

"But Ms. Huo was about to die now, so she would be a fire horse doctor." Song Qingshu couldn't tell them that he actually understood the inner strength of Xia Kedao.

Huo Qingtong on the side rolled his eyes, how could the words "dead horse" sound so harsh.

Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt looked at each other. In fact, they still have a choice, that is, not to risk saving people. Even if Huo Qingtong is dead, it has nothing to do with them, but if they are saved, they will not be saved. Come a bunch of things.

Of course these words are hard to say, the two women hesitated, but after all they did not come out to stop them.

"I went to the door to guard, lest the people outside come in with excitement and see Ms. Huo, it won't be good." The woman in the yellow shirt said. She was injured before and lost a lot of zeal, so staying here won't help much. Busy, in addition, eavesdropping in martial arts is a taboo.

"Thank you girl." Huo Qingtong showed gratitude. It was only two girls who broke in before. In case a group of men broke in later, she would be really embarrassed to see people.

"Then I will stay to protect the Fa." Xue Baochai didn't think so much, but worried that Jia Baoyu had an accident and stayed there.

Somehow there is a caring on the side,

Song Qingshu then took out a blaze pill. The blaze pill is so strong that even people with cultivation skills like Zhang San and Li Si dare to take only a small sip at a time. Of course, they can’t take all of them to Huo Qingtong and scrape off a layer of powder with his nails. Mix it into the wine and let Huo Qingtong take it down, and then explain the inner strength of Xia Ke Island for a while, let Huo Qingtong follow the infuriating energy.

After drinking, Huo Qingtong felt that the cold dantian was warm and very comfortable. She couldn't help but feel refreshed, but soon the enthusiasm became a bit scorching and fierce. She didn't dare to delay. In accordance with the formula and luck, guide the medicinal power of the burning fire pill to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

This process should have been painful at first. You must know that the envoys who rewarded the good and punished the evil had suffered a lot when they first started practicing this kung fu, but Huo Qingtong suffered from the cold and cold poison of the ice silkworm.

Song Qing revealed a different color in his writing. Originally, he thought that Huo Qingtong would have something wrong with his practice. After all, he only listened to the formula. It is difficult for ordinary people not to make the slightest mistake, so that he can run to help, as he sees what should not be seen. , If you touch something you shouldn't touch, it's no wonder he is.

Who knows that Huo Qingtong is extremely talented, and he can basically learn it in a short time.

"Miss Huo is really amazing, she was able to get started so soon." Song Qingshu scraped some fire pills and mixed them in the wine for Xue Baochai to take them. After all, the cold poison of the ice silkworm and the inner strength of the nerves are not so easy to resolve. Need to disintegrate little by little.

"It's still the son's memory that is amazing, there is no error or omission in the exercise." Huo Qingtong originally thought that the other party did not understand martial arts, and the secrets of the exercises in his mouth could be somewhat credible, but he did not expect that after practice, it would be a little bit credible. There are no obstacles either.

Song Qingshu thought that, of course, a master-level master will explain it to you personally, and the content will also be translated for you in an easy-to-understand manner. You must know that the original Xia Ke Island exercises are much more obscure.

Xue Baochai couldn't help but smile when he heard the famous Cuiyu yellow jersey praise Baoyu. Originally, because of the accident in Jia's family, she was still a little worried about the prospects of the two. Although she didn't mind, those in the family would definitely not agree, but if Baoyu was With the help of the cheats of Xia Ke Island, they will be able to practice peerless martial arts, and the obstacles between the two will be much less.

After about an hour, Huo Qingtong finally forced out all the cold toxins in his body. With the help of Xue Baochai, he came out of the bath tub and said thanks to Song Qingshu who was behind the screen while putting on his clothes: "The son is helping me this time. Great grace, Qing Tong is not unforgettable."

"Girl remembers what you promised me." Song Qingshu replied.

"Qingtong remembers." Huo Qingtong nodded slightly.

"Miss Huo, why are your skin so white?" Xue Baochai was originally curious, but thought that since the other party had promised to keep it secret, most of them would not say anything, but immediately noticed that she was different from a woman in the Central Plains with her skin color, sighed and envious.

"Miss Xue's skin is also very good, much more delicate than mine. I often go out in the wind and rain." Huo Qingtong also sincerely praised.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't talk to each other in business. The people outside are waiting in a hurry. Get out."

"Well, Qingtong bid farewell." Huo Qingtong took a deep look behind the screen and walked out.

Seeing her come out, Huo Ayi, Yang Xiao and others hurriedly surrounded him: "How is it?"

Huo Qingtong moved his hands and feet: "The cold toxin in my body has been resolved."

"This little white face is really amazing." Seeing his sister's safe and sound, Huo Ayi couldn't help but smile.

Yang Xiao couldn't help asking: "Even the martial arts is as good as Girl Yang can't save, how did he save a dude?"

Huo Qingtong thought of the promise he had made before, and replied: "Yang Zuo, don't ask, anyway, it can be cured."

Yang Xiao was taken aback. He had always been as careful as a hair. He quickly noticed that her hair and the skirt of her clothes seemed to be wet, and it was a little different from before. His heart jumped. Did she undress in it?

In a place where Mingjiao was mixed with fish and dragons, Yang Xiao saw too many silly things, and suddenly thought about it, his face suddenly hard to look like, should I tell the leader of today's affairs? I'm sorry if I didn't tell, but if I tell, this matter will start from my own...

What kind of evil star did my Mingjiao commit? How could something happen to the wives of several consecutive teachers?

Thinking of Yang Dingtian's wife, and later Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min, and now Huo Qingtong, it seems that this trend is also happening, and Yang Xiao just choked silently.

It took a long time to heal, and it didn't take long for the day to dawn, and the third day of the competition was held as scheduled.

This time the first set of duel is Xu Liewu and Bai Yuhuan. Song Qingshu and Wang Baobao both know that Bai Yuhuan is Shan Yuru. With her martial arts, even Xu Liewu may not win when he is in full bloom, not to mention the opponent's legs. Has broken off in a wheelchair.

Shan Yuru wouldn't deliberately release water like Lu Shisheng did, and he made up his mind to look good. This time, he would have to see how Xu Liewu ended up.

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