Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2232: the truth

Early the next morning, Song Qingshu ran outside the yellow shirt girl's house to look for her.

"Have you found Huanbi?" The woman in the yellow shirt simply wiped her face with clean water, and she still couldn't hide her beauty without powder.

"That's not the case," Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing, "I finally understand what is meant by'clear water out of hibiscus, natural carving'."

The girl in the yellow shirt frowned, obviously dissatisfied with his glib tongue: "You seem to be in a good mood, maybe you have found something."

"This time I'm here to invite you to find the murderer behind the scenes." Song Qingshu's eyes were inexplicably complicated.

"Who is the murderer!" The woman in the yellow shirt immediately came to her spirits.

Song Qingshu shook his head; "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, you will know when you come with me."

Seeing that he deliberately sold Guanzi, the woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help itching her teeth with hatred, but she could only follow him with her doubts.

"Why did you take me out of the city?" The women in the yellow shirts looked a little ugly. Now they are outside the west gate of Xingqing Mansion. If it weren't for her high martial arts, they might be worried that the other party would trick her into a deserted place and prepare for violence.

"There are so many things happening in the city during this time, which have disturbed my mind. It is better to sit down and drink tea to enjoy the scenery of the northwest." Song Qingshu led her to a tea house near the city gate and sat down while pouring tea for her. Said.

The girl in the yellow shirt was really thirsty after walking for so long. She took a sip from the teacup but frowned. She put the teacup down again and no longer touched it. She was born in the royal family, whether she was in Tianbo Mansion or Jianshan Academy, she drank it. The tea is top-grade, a tea house on the side of the road in the bitter cold northwest, where can the tea go: "I am not here to drink tea with you, where is the murderer."

"The murderer is not here." Song Qingshu really enjoyed the taste of this crude tea. He was not an aristocrat who had grown up in good clothes, and this kind of tea made him feel a kind of nostalgia.

"Are you entertaining me?" The woman in the yellow shirt jumped her eyelids, and she suddenly felt that the man in front of her was getting more and more annoying, and more and more like a **** in her memory.

"How dare I entertain the girl, the murderer is not here now, and it doesn't mean that he is not here later, what we have to do now is to wait patiently." Noting that the anxiousness of the girl in the yellow shirt is very different from the calmness of the day. Song Qingshu sighed secretly. Back then, she knew that she went to the Jin Guo coat to save the fallen sisters. She can be calm and calm in other things, but every time she is related to the sisters, it is difficult for her to calm down.

"Waiting?" said the yellow shirt woman puzzled. "You can tell me directly, can I just catch him? Why waste time here."

"It won't work if you say it," Song Qingshu shook his finger. "The girl is very good at nurturing qi, so she can't even wait for this time."

The woman in the yellow shirt bit her lip: "Okay, I'll wait with you. If it turns out that you lied to me afterwards, be careful I beat you!"

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said: "Be so fierce and careful that you won't get married in the future."

The girl in the yellow shirt seemed to be evoked by something sad, and her face instantly sank: "What does it have to do with you if I marry or not, if you dare to talk more, I will tell Baochai you to molest me."

Seeing her unkind expression, Song Qingshu closed her mouth wisely and stopped adding fuel to the fire.

After waiting for more than an hour, suddenly a group of people came out of the city gate in a mighty manner. The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help but stunned: "The Tubo mission, how did they leave?"

Song Qingshu said: "The news just came that it seems that the old Zanpu has a problem with his body, so the Tubo mission hurried back. You know, the old gentleman is critically ill, and the new gentleman is the most dangerous thing to do, compared with Zanpu's position. Get up, the princess's matter is not a big deal anymore."

"It's unreasonable, did they allow Jincheng to grudge Mo Bai like this, and hate Jiuquan with a lifetime of stigma?" The female in yellow shirt rose up against the crime and went to Zong Zan to settle the accounts.

Song Qingshu hurriedly grabbed her: "Don't be impulsive, be careful to stun the snake."

"You mean the murderer was in their mission?" The yellow shirt woman immediately caught what he meant.

Song Qingshu did not answer, but stood up and said, "We need to observe from a high point now. You can take me to the top of that big tree." Originally, the tower was the best lookout point, but the goal on the tower was too big, and Slightly farther, it is more concealed on the top of the tree.

The woman in the yellow shirt hesitated, nodded, grabbed his shoulder and leaped slightly, and jumped to the tallest tree nearby.

Song Qingshu had to sigh that sometimes pretending to be weak also has many benefits. For example, being hugged so intimately by a beautiful woman, smelling the fragrance of the girl's body, feeling the girl's youthful and soft body, it is really difficult to change other times. achieve.

"Don't get so close to me!" The yellow shirt woman said uncomfortably.

Song Qingshu looked innocent: "I'm so high, I'm afraid of falling."

The girl in the yellow shirt frowned and was about to get angry, but she suppressed it when she thought that business matters were important: "What are you going to observe?"

Song Qingshu did not answer, but began to scan the audience intently. The woman in Huangshan noticed that he was not looking at the direction of the Tubo mission, but the crowds on the way.

Can he see clearly so far? The woman in the yellow shirt can't help but feel a little puzzled. You must know that people who have been a little far away with her skill can't see clearly. Is the other party pretending to look around like this or is it really observing?

"Found it!" Song Qingshu's eyes were so sharp that he finally found the target.

At this time, among the crowd, a figure watched the Tubo convoy drifting away, and finally secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly my body stopped because two people were already standing in front of him.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Where are you going?"

The man's face changed, and he hurriedly lowered his head and pretended not to understand and wanted to leave, but was caught by the yellow shirt woman: "I want to see who you are!"

While speaking, she tore off the scarf he was covering her face. When she saw the other person's appearance, she was dumbfounded: "Why... why are you?"

Although the person in front of him was dressed in coarse cloth and linen, he still couldn't hide his graceful figure. His fair skin didn't look like doing rough work, and the beautiful and dignified eyebrows were the princess Jincheng who had died before.

Princess Jincheng sighed: "How did you find me?"

Don't say it was her at this time, even the girl in the yellow shirt was puzzled, and turned to look at Song Qingshu: "What the **** is going on?"

Song Qingshu said: "I went to the Tubo Hotel early this morning. I wanted to persuade them to pretend to leave. Who knew they had just received the news that Zanpu was seriously ill and really wanted to leave. The people in the city spread the news of their departure, in fact, to let you who are hiding in the dark know. As expected, you have to confirm the departure of the Tubo mission with your own eyes to finally feel relieved."

"How did you suspect me?" Princess Jincheng couldn't help asking.

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