Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2233: Seek

"In fact, when I saw that corpse's face was destroyed, I was a little skeptical. Although it can be explained by the fact that you have lost control of your emotions and looked at people after being humiliated, it will always make people think, but still I didn't expect you to be behind the scenes, but I suspect that you were captured," Song Qingshu replied, "It's just that Miss Yang later confirmed that it was a suicide note written by you, so I overturned this speculation. After all, it is easy to take you away. It is almost impossible to write such a suicide note willingly."

After a pause, he said: "Some time ago you asked me to bring a message to Miss Yang and they came to accompany you more. Presumably you just want them to recognize your notes in the future, right?"

Princess Jincheng did not deny: "Everyone says you are the least educated and skillless child in Lin'an City, but I think you are very clever."

"The main reason for the suspicion is that we couldn't find the maid Huanbi." Song Qingshu continued, "You must know that nowadays all the stores in the city need official guides. There are secret agents of Yipintang outside the embassies of various countries and the residences of high-ranking officials and nobles in the city. Surveillance, coupled with the release of a sea catching document to offer a reward, Huanbi, a slave who has no way to guide him, is also a stranger from a foreign land, how could he have escaped the search, but we just couldn’t find her, so only One possibility is that she is dead or there is no such person."

"How could it not exist? We even talked to Huanbi in the Tubo residence." The woman in yellow shirt was a little confused.

"I'm afraid that Huanbi was the princess who pretended to be?" Song Qingshu took a deep look at Princess Jincheng. "And the princess who hanged himself is probably the real Huanbi."

The woman in the yellow shirt hurriedly said: "But we have all seen Huanbi, and the princess doesn't know how to disguise..." Suddenly she had a voice and thought of a terrible conjecture.

"What if I just take off Huanbi's face?" Song Qingshu said with a hint of coldness, "Isn't the person who hanged himself **** and bloody."

At that time, he was in the extreme shock of the princess's humiliation and suicide, and he did not pay too much attention to the appearance of a maid for a while, otherwise he should be able to see the flaws in a closer look.

"Among the entire Tubo mission, Huanbi and you have the whitest skin, so no one found the flaws after the exchange of identities." Song Qingshu looked at the quiet and beautiful woman in front of him, and it was really difficult to connect her with the frenzied murderer. After all, a human-skinned mask can’t last long. It’s easy to reveal flaws after two days, so you will soon choose to disappear."


Bi is a slave and does not have an identity guide, but you are different. With your identity, it is not difficult to get an official guide, and the portrait of Huan Bi is painted on the marine capture document, even if the entire Xingqing Mansion is turned over. It's impossible to catch you even if it is turned over. "Song Qingshu had to sigh that the other party's plan was seamless, until Huanbi couldn't be found in search of mountains and seas, and he showed his feet a little.

In fact, all of this was reminded by Mrs. Zhen. Unlike their clients who had a friendship with Princess Jincheng, she would not subconsciously exclude Princess Jincheng from the beginning, so she immediately proposed another way of thinking and guessing.

Song Qingshu followed her reminder and found that everything could be explained, which just confirmed that sentence, and eliminated all the impossible, even if the rest is unbelievable, it is the truth.

"Is this really the case?" The woman in the yellow shirt looked at her sister incredulously.

Princess Jincheng's expression was indifferent: "Although there are some differences in some small places, they are generally as Baoyu said."

Song Qingshu couldn't help saying: "I always thought that the princess was a gentle, elegant and kind woman. I didn't expect to be so cruel and cruel. I heard that Huanbi grew up with you and accompanied you to marry a foreign country. You You can actually kill this one."

"What do you know!" Jincheng Princess suddenly became excited, "It was Huanbi who betrayed me first!"

Song Qingshu and the girl in the yellow shirt looked at each other, and suddenly remembered a little bit of Cang Shuangjian's confession, as if they had indeed bought Huanbi.

Princess Jincheng continued: "I accidentally discovered that Huanbi was sneaking in the tea I drank that day. I calmly replaced the tea with her drink, and then watched with cold eyes. Only then did I learn about their so cruel conspiracy. So I just settled the plan, and only then did all of this follow-up."

The woman in the yellow jersey couldn't help but said: "You can pierce all this, why do you do so much and take such a big risk."

"Only a thousand days are a thief, there is no reason for a thousand days to guard against thieves," Princess Jincheng bit her lip. "This time I was lucky enough to break their conspiracy. What should I do next time I can't find it? Wait for me then. What is the miserable end of the game?"

The woman in the yellow shirt understands what she said is reasonable. For example, this time, if she is really recruited, she will be ruined, and she will die.

Song Qingshu shook his head and said, "No, from the details behind, you have prepared a lot of things in advance, such as looking for Miss Yang to practice calligraphy, as well as identity guides.

These things are by no means a temporary intention. "

"Those are indeed what I have been preparing," unexpectedly, Princess Jincheng admitted directly, "married to Tubo at a young age. Tubo was bitter and cold and wild. It is far inferior to the customs and customs of the Song Dynasty. I can tolerate these things, but they are too bad. Tubo retains the custom of dying brothers and fathers and sons, where women are just a resource and can be inherited as inheritance."

"As Zamp’s health is getting worse and worse, Zongzan’s desires become more and more unconcealed. I have been openly molested with me several times. Before long, I will not only remarry, but also marry my nominal son. I really can’t stand it, so I have been planning secretly. This time I discovered their conspiracy to buy Huanbi, so I dropped in and wanted to borrow This opportunity is completely free from the sea of ​​suffering."

"I have finished what I should say, are you planning to arrest me and bring me to justice?" Princess Jincheng's tone was particularly calm, as if she had decided to do this and had already anticipated the consequences of failure.

The face of the woman in the yellow shirt changed overcast and sunny, and finally she pulled Song Qingshu aside: "I want to beg you for one thing."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "It's really strange that you would actually ask me for it."

Seeing him look like he was getting cheap and selling good, the woman in the yellow shirt wanted to beat him up, but she still knew that business matters: "Can we keep quiet about today's affairs?"

"Are you going to cover her?" Song Qingshu looked a little funny.

"She didn't do anything wrong in the first place, so what if she exposes all this? Could it be that she watched her go back to marry the disgusting fat man Zong Zan." The yellow shirt woman was also a little excited, "She was sent to be married at a young age. Enough sacrifices have been made, and I don't want to see her have an extremely miserable ending."

Song Qingshu thought about it. It was said that Princess Jincheng didn't hurt anyone. The only Huanbi still betrayed her master. In this society, slavery betrayed her master is a taboo. Killing her is also in compliance with the laws of any country. The remaining things are all What the 唃厮啰 people did, she just used the situation to guide her.

"After all, this matter is of great importance." Song Qingshu was about to change the conversation. Who knew that the yellow shirt woman thought he disagreed, and was immediately anxious: "As long as you conceal this matter for me, I can promise to do it for you. Thing."

Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly lit up, but he didn't expect to have such a benefit: "Really?"

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