Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2235: Polite

Princess Jincheng's face was cold: "What do you mean!"

She was born in the royal family, and later became the imperial concubine of Tubo with her relatives. She was in the top position for a long time, and she naturally had a sense of inviolability in her body, which made them all take a step back.

But that was all, those men immediately reacted, and couldn't help becoming a little bit irritated, wondering why they were frightened by the aura of a weak woman.

"It doesn't mean anything, just don't hurry up, little lady, we haven't seen a woman for a long time, so let's talk with us."

"I don't think I should look for any older brothers. All of us can be your older brothers."


When she heard the vulgar slang around her, Princess Jincheng finally panicked: "How can you do this? I just gave you food." She didn't understand. She obviously helped them out of kindness, so they didn't give back. That's all, why would such a kindness and revenge?

"So the little lady helped people to send the Buddha to the west. We are not only hungry, but we haven't tasted a woman for a long time. The little lady is so beautiful, so we can give alms to our brothers."

I could vaguely feel the stench exhaling from the other's mouth. Princess Jincheng screamed and ran out desperately, but she was accustomed to her dignity, and she was immediately pulled back wherever she moved quickly.

She screamed and struggled desperately, but how could her strength compare to a few big men? As the clothes on his body were constantly torn, he made a harsh sound of tearing the cloth.

Seeing the beautiful and noble women who are unattainable on weekdays struggling under them, feeling the touch of the beautiful but mature body, the few people are getting more and more excited, each of them has a thick-heavy breath, and their eyes are red. Feeling like her body is about to explode, she can't wait to crush her to pieces and swallow her into her stomach.

Princess Jincheng couldn't help but shed two lines of clear tears in her eyes. She knew that the next fate was unavoidable. She couldn't get rid of the hands of these men like iron hoops. Now she is full of regrets, regretting why she had to take the risk, and even obeyed not long ago. In the case of a woman in a yellow shirt, returning to the Southern Song Dynasty mission with her can also avoid such a disaster.

"Bastard!" At this moment, there was an old voice in the ear, and then Princess Jincheng felt lighter. The men fell to the ground one by one, their eyes widened, obviously. It is full of unbelievable and regrets that only one step can eat swan meat.

Princess Jincheng could naturally see that these people were dead. She hurriedly pulled her clothes and hid back with a look of horror. At this time, her body was trembling, and she gradually calmed down until she could see the appearance of the incoming person.

The man came with a white beard and wore a quail coat that was heavily patched. He was an extremely old beggar. The Jincheng Princess estimated that he was seventy or eighty years old.

"Unexpectedly, our beggar helped out such a scum, which made his wife startled." The old beggar said apologetically, with a very kind expression on his face.

Seeing the other's kind eyebrows and good-looking eyes, Princess Jincheng's guilty conscience finally improved. Suddenly she remembered some legends she had heard, and couldn't help asking: "Dare you ask if you are the senior Hong Qigong of the Beggar Gang?"

The old beggar laughed: "Madam laughed, I'm not as capable as Hong Bangzhu. My surname is Xu, and I am the oldest elder in the beggar group now."

"It turned out to be Senior Xu." Princess Jincheng let out a sigh of relief. The gang of beggars is a respectable elder, and this is a respectable elder, inexplicably giving people a sense of peace of mind.

Elder Xu stared at the snow-white skin exposed from the tatters of her clothes, with a strange color on her face.

Noting his gaze, Princess Jincheng hurriedly tightened her dress, but the struggle just now caused tears everywhere in her clothes. How could she cover it all?

Elder Xu coughed: "Unfortunately, the old man came out without clothes. This one is also covered with patches, and it is the identity certificate of the beggar gang, otherwise it can be covered by the wife."

Princess Jincheng's face flushed: "Don't dare to bother Senior Xu, I have changed clothes in my parcel."

Elder Xu said: "Then Madam, go and change clothes."

"Is it now?" Princess Jincheng was taken aback. She was anxious to change her clothes immediately, but now there are a few corpses in the temple and a strange man, so why is she embarrassed to change?

Elder Xu couldn't help but laughed: "Why, madam is still afraid that I, an old man, can't see it?"

"Don't dare." Princess Jincheng blushed, "I'll go to change later." If she insists on not changing, doesn't she make it clear that she doesn't trust the other party? The other party had just rescued her, not to mention that she herself was uncomfortable wearing such tattered clothes.

"By the way, I almost forgot. These scums don’t know where they got the Yin-Yang Hehe San. They just gave the lady the medicine, and the lady quickly takes the antidote. Otherwise, when the medicine powers the heart, it will burn the body. Died." Elder Xu opened his palm, and there was a scarlet pill inside.

"When did they take the medicine?" Princess Jincheng was startled. Although she didn't know what Yin Yang He San was, she could roughly guess one or two from the name.

Elder Xu replied: "Madame has smelled a strange smell just now."

Princess Jincheng nodded subconsciously: "It does smell some strange smell." The peculiar smell on her body and the smell in her mouth made her nauseous just now when the men were holding her. When she wanted to come, that was the strangest smell. Up.

"That's it." Elder Xu sighed, his tone was full of indisputable anger, "This time the gang of beggars came to Xixia with a large number of people, but there are mixed fish and dragons. These people don't know how they met Xixia's four villains. They have such an evil and despicable medicine in their hands."

"Thanks to Senior Xu." Princess Jincheng took the pill and swallowed it while clutching her chest. She had heard a little about the deeds of the four evil men, especially the crane in the cloud, and now she couldn't help but feel afraid.

"Madam, you are polite, this is what I should do." Elder Xu laughed cheerfully, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed deep in his eyes.

After taking the pill, Princess Jincheng only felt a heat slid into her lower abdomen, and then nourished her limbs and skeletons, giving her previously cold body a touch of warmth, thinking that the medicine of the old predecessor was really effective.

Noting that Elder Xu had carried it on her back, she blushed and took out a set of dresses from her luggage and hid behind the wall. Once again, she confirmed that Elder Xu was facing her back, and her heart beat faster and began to replace the broken old. clothes.

Feeling the coolness in the air, princess Jincheng’s delicate skin has a layer of fine lumps, her snow-white skin still retains the youthful firepower of a young girl, and her slender and plump body fully exudes the charm of a young woman. No wonder it was aroused before. Those people do something like that.

Suddenly, if she felt something, she looked back and found a pair of hot eyes in the corner of the wall. She exclaimed and hurriedly covered her clothes in front of her.

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