Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2237: Joy begets sorrow

"Senior, what are you doing!" Princess Jincheng was full of anger.

Elder Xu chuckled twice, did not answer, and directly asked, "What is the identity of Madam?"

Princess Jincheng bit her lower lip: "I came from a scholarly family. Recently, I went back to my mother's home to be a parent."

"Province you?" Elder Xu looked inexplicably, "I don't think it is necessarily."

"What the **** do you mean?" Princess Jincheng was annoyed in her heart, and she didn't even scream at Senior.

Elder Xu looked in the direction of Xingqing Mansion: "Madam doesn't know something. I used to meet my wife from afar when I was competing in martial arts and recruiting relatives the other day."

Princess Jincheng was shocked and hurriedly said: "You have admitted the wrong person. I don't know what contest to recruit relatives."

Elder Xu laughed: "The princesses of those barbarians in Tubo were born dignified and virtuous, beautiful and fair, and his wife is as eye-catching as a bright moon among the barbarians. How can I admit my mistake."

Princess Jincheng's heart sank, and while pulling the corner of her clothes as far as possible to block her in front, she asked, "What do you want?"

"I heard that the princess of Tubo hanged herself because she could not bear the humiliation. I didn't expect the princess to be here now. I thought it was the princess's trick to get rid of the cicada." Elder Xu lived for decades, and then he guessed the whole thing. It was seven or seven eighty-eight, "If it is known that the princess is still alive, hehe, I am afraid that there will be an uproar in the world, no matter whether it is Tubo or the Song Dynasty, there will be no place for the princess to stand."

Princess Jincheng bit her teeth tightly, and her lips turned pale: "What the **** do you mean?"

"When I saw the princess from a distance, I was overwhelmed by the princess's beauty and elegance and her dignity and elegance. I can't sleep thinking about it day and night. Now I finally have a chance. I wonder if the princess can let me get what I want? "Elder Xu approached her as he spoke, looked at her dazzling white skin, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"You... shameless!" Princess Jincheng was trembling with anger. She never expected that the other party was so old and still had such nasty thoughts.

"Wang Hao killed people to escape, so where can I get it?" Elder Xu sneered. "Wang Hao finally escaped, and I certainly don't want to return to the cage again. Today, as long as the old man's wish is satisfied, you can still live the chicness you want. Life, otherwise the secrets will be exposed, everything you did before will be abandoned, and you will be criticized by thousands of people and rejected by thousands of people."

Princess Jincheng was startled. She knew that the other party was telling the truth. When she took that step, there was no turning back. Would she really want to let her go back to be a canary?

Seeing her silence, her attitude seemed to loosen, Elder Xu continued: "The princess doesn't have to worry too much, I can't ask for a night of joy, after today, you walk on your sunny road, and I cross my single-plank bridge. At this time, God knows and you know I know, and no one will know. From now on, you can live the life you want with peace of mind."

Although he said so, he secretly sneered in his heart, such a beautiful princess, how can a character like him be able to get in touch with such a beautiful and beautiful princess on weekdays, how can it be enough to play once? Now let her give in temporarily, first enjoy her active enthusiasm, and then slowly adjust-teach her later.

As for her identity as the princess of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Princess of Xixia, it is not a problem at all. Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, she is a dead person, so naturally she can play whatever he wants.

Princess Jincheng's face changed, and she was also considering the pros and cons of the whole thing, whether to endure it for the freedom that was finally gained, and to be bitten by a dog.

However, this thought only passed away in a flash. You must know that the reason why she made her determination to escape was because after the death of Old Zanpu, she would be put into the house by Zongzan and could not bear the humiliation of being favored by the father and son one after another. She just didn't want to be bitten by a dog and tried her best to escape. Now if she is old and not repaired, what is the meaning of her persistence.

"You don't have to be wishful thinking, I won't let you succeed." Princess Jincheng showed a firm look in her eyes.

Seeing the other party approaching, she took out a dagger and pressed it against her neck: "If you dare to take a step forward, I'll kill myself on the spot." She brought the dagger to defend herself, but she didn't take it out in the package before. About a man, she grew a mind.

"The princess must not be impulsive, I just retreat." Elder Xu raised his hands, indicating that he was not threatening, and stepped back.

Princess Jincheng was startled, she didn't expect the other party to be so easy to talk.

Elder Xu said at this moment: "Wang Hao, in fact, don't resist me so much. In a short while, you might come to me to beg me."

Perceiving something in his words, Princess Jincheng frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Elder Xu laughed loudly: "Does the princess feel that she is a little hot now?"

Princess Jincheng was startled, and then realized that she was indeed a little hot. You must know that she is very afraid of the cold on weekdays, but now that her clothes are untidy, she can't feel the coldness at all, and Hua Rong can't help but lose her color: "What did you do to me?"

Elder Xu stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Does the princess remember the antidote I just took?"

"Ah!" Princess Jincheng exclaimed. She is not stupid. She still doesn't understand. The red pill just now is not an antidote at all. "What are you giving me?"

Elder Xu noticed that the other person’s eyes were shining brightly, and he felt a little hot in his lower abdomen: “Did you tell the princess just now? It is the famous yin and yang combination. Does the princess feel that the body is extremely hot now, and is eager to have a strong Rely on his arms."

Princess Jincheng originally felt that her body was a little strange. Now that she heard him say it, her body became more sensitive, her legs seemed to be a little weak, and she finally became a little anxious: "Don't come over, otherwise..."

Before she finished speaking, Elder Xu took advantage of her distraction and jumped to her side and knocked out the dagger in her hand. Princess Jincheng exclaimed and hurriedly wanted to flee back, but unfortunately she could not catch up with the opponent's speed. .

Elder Xu hugged her in his arms and felt the tenderness and plumpness. He couldn't help but tremble with excitement. After so many years, I am afraid that only the groom can give him such a feeling, but Mrs. Ma is too coquettish. , On the contrary, it is not as attractive as the other party's so gentle and gentle.

"Come on, beauties, the old man will take care of the princess." Thinking that the aloft princess is now picking it up, Elder Xu felt that his body was about to explode.

"Don't~" Princess Jincheng struggled desperately, but her body was getting hotter and hotter, her blood spurted in a moment, and her passions and desires were like waves, as if the wretched old man in front of her was not so annoying.

Feeling that the beautiful woman in his arms is delicate and delicate, and the fragrance is bursting, especially the strength of the medicine is rising, causing her cheeks to be fiery, inexplicably charming and charming. Elder Xu swallowed with difficulty. He felt that it might be life at this moment. It's the happiest time in China.

"Beauty, I'm here!" Elder Xu quickly took off his clothes, and when he was about to press it up hard, a joking voice suddenly came from his ear:

"Xu Chongxiao of the gang of beggars is the oldest and most respected elder of the gang of beggars today, a hero that everyone admires, but he didn't expect to be such a despicable and shameless thief behind his back."

Elder Xu only felt that a basin of cold water was dripping down, and hurriedly turned his head back: "Who is it!"

Although he was lustful, he never showed this aspect. He did everything carefully every time. Once exposed, the reputation he had worked so hard to build all his life would be over, especially this time the Jincheng princess was sensitive. People in the family may also be implicated, and he himself will be stinking for thousands of years.

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