Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2239: Change one's mind

"I don't know why, I just wanted to kiss you all of a sudden." Although her face was a little shy, Princess Jincheng had an inexplicable bravery deep in her eyes.

Although she looks like a quiet lady, she has been kept in a cage as a canary for too long, and has been suppressed for too long. In fact, deep in her heart, she has already ignited a desire for freedom and curiosity about novelty, which is better than her appearance. The display is much bolder.

"Wang Hao, you make me uncomfortable like this." Song Qingshu sighed softly.

"Why is it uncomfortable? Don't I have any attraction in your eyes?" Princess Jincheng had red cheeks and stared at him with watery eyes.

"That's not true. The princess is noble and beautiful. She is very attractive to any man. That's how I can endure it." Song Qingshu looked at the woman in front of her, her skin white, her chest shrugged and her waist thin, she had the quiet and elegant appearance of a Jiangnan lady , There is also the charming and charming of a mature woman, coupled with her status as a princess and princess adds a bit of noble charm.

"Then why do you have to bear it?" Princess Jincheng bit her lip lightly, her voice trembling a bit, obviously at this time she was not as calm as she seemed on the surface.

Song Qingshu is not a Lu man who is incomprehensible. He used to disdain to take advantage of others and he could detoxify her without chaos, but now Jiaren takes the initiative and he no longer has a reason to refuse.

Reaching out and gently hooking her chin, he had to sigh for the delicate and tenderness of her skin, but he still solemnly asked: "Has the princess thought about it?"

What responded to him was a soft lips, and the other side whispered softly: "Don't tell my two sisters about today."

The words were like a fire from the sky, Song Qingshu pulled her delicate body into his arms...

I don't know how long it has passed, Song Qingshu said with emotion: "I knew this before, what I was doing before, just like this to help you detoxify."

Princess Jincheng was already as soft as cotton at this time, and she reluctantly raised her strength and replied: "That's different. If you were rude to me at first, I would kill myself on the spot."

"Then why were you willing again later?" Song Qingshu's smile was a little playful.

Princess Jincheng groaned: "I don't know, anyway, I suddenly agreed."

Seeing the other person's smile, she couldn't help but feel very ashamed: "You must know me to make a joke."

Song Qingshu gently hugged her in his arms: "No, I'm just worried that you will regret it."

"Just...I am even happier than all the other things in my life combined, how can I regret it." Although Princess Jincheng is beautiful, she has always had a trace of sadness on her face as she lives alone in a foreign country, but now she But his face was very delicate and beautiful, and the whole person exuded a happy look.

Originally, she thought that as soon as today was over, everyone was a passer-by, and each party was naturally more courageous, but after experiencing what happened just now, she suddenly felt a little reluctant to separate so soon.

"What are your plans next?" Song Qingshu asked.

"I..." Princess Jincheng originally planned to answer incognito and live a life of freedom, but when she thought of what happened during this time, especially what she encountered today, she became a little scared.

Of course, she did not say that Song Qingshu should be responsible. Everyone is a mature man and woman, and they can distinguish the importance of things. They have long abandoned some untimely childish fantasies. The identity of both parties is here. There is no possibility at all, let alone. There are also her two younger sisters in between.

Song Qingshu hesitated and said: "Wang Hao, you grew up in the palace, and later you were the princess of Tubo. There were people who served you in and out of the country. You have never seen the sinister society. Nowadays, the army is in chaos and countries are conquered. You are a woman who lives alone and looks so beautiful, I'm afraid..."

Princess Jincheng smiled sadly: "If I had sneered at what you said before today, but I now understand that getting something is bound to lose something, so there is no absolute freedom."

Hearing the meaning of her words, Song Qingshu asked: "Are you not going to live outside alone?"

Princess Jincheng shook her head: "No, it's better to die than to fall into the hands of the refugees. I'm better off returning to Tubo."

Song Qingshu frowned and said, "Why not go back to Song Kingdom?"

Princess Jincheng smiled bitterly: "In what capacity do I go back? Going back as an ordinary person, if you want to live a stable life, you must trouble Yingluo and the others. There is nothing impervious to the world.

Wall, once my identity is revealed, with the prevailing ethics of Song State, I am afraid that even a princess will be scolded by thousands of people, and it is easy to cause a war between the two countries, and I don't want to be a national criminal. "

"It's just..." Princess Jincheng suddenly frowned, her expression a little struggling, "After returning to Tubo, the prince Zongzan has always coveted me, but the old Zanpu is alive, but Zongzan still has some scruples. , But once the old Zanpu returns to heaven, Zongzan will definitely be rude to me..."

"It's easy," Song Qingshu laughed, "According to reliable information I have received, Old Zanpu is only seriously ill, but a tantric monk gave him his life, and he will not die for a while." He now has more than just the Golden Snake Camp. Other Jianghu intelligence organizations, which also control the intelligence networks of major countries, naturally know the situation in Tubo better than others.

"Of course that Zongzan is not a good product, and I have to guard against it," Song Qingshu took out a porcelain bottle from his arms. "This is a special smoke made by the Western Regions. It only takes a little bit to confuse people's minds and immerse him in fantasy. Don't extricate yourself. If Zong Zan wants to be rude to you, you can use this smoke. He will mistakenly think that he has got his wish. You just need to be careful and you can easily get through."

This medicine was used by Dai Qisi at the beginning. With her amazing beauty in a tiger-and-wolf land like the Kingdom of Jin, she can be alone as Mrs. Peach Blossom, relying on this medicine to deal with those princes and emperors.

"Is there really such a miraculous medicine?" Princess Jincheng held her arms in her arms, and her whole body was excited, "I have been under the shadow of Zong Zan for the past two years, and finally I don't have to worry about it."

Song Qingshu reminded: "This medicine has been tested by others in actual combat, but you should also find the opportunity to test it yourself, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes when you grind the gun."

"Well, I know." Princess Jincheng carefully took the medicine into her arms, as if it were the most precious thing in the world.

Song Qingshu thought that she would be able to implement the scheme of Jin Chan's escape by herself. It was obviously not so weak on the outside. Since she said she knew that, it was probably fine.

"But there is still a question, how do I return to Tubo." Princess Jincheng suddenly realized a more troublesome thing, knowing that she is now unbearable in everyone's eyes and hanged herself.

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