Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2240: Heart-to-heart

"This matter can be handed over to Xixia officials." Song Qingshu thought about it, and there is no better way to deal with this matter than Xixia.

"Xixia?" Jincheng princess frowned, "Xixia did fight with Xiu Si all year round, but we Tubo didn't have much friendship with them, Da Song and them are even more nasty, how could they stand up for me."

Song Qingshu comforted: "Don't worry, I have friends from Xixia, they can help."

Princess Jincheng blinked and couldn't help but look at him twice: "You really have magical powers. Even Xixia has friends here. It's no wonder that you can marry my two princesses at the same time for the first time in the world." She knows such a big deal. You must ask Xixia's official help for this matter. It is definitely not something that ordinary officials can promote. Song Qingshu must have a high status, but she is a mature woman after all, so she wisely didn't ask any further.

"The princess made a joke." Song Qingshu looked humble.

"We are all like this, and we have a bite and a princess like this." Princess Jincheng pulled the lapels of her dress, a trace of resentment in her eyes.

Song Qingshu's expression was weird: "Do you really want me to call your sister?"

"Bah~" Princess Jincheng took a sip, and had just eaten her brother-in-law, so she was too embarrassed to let him call herself that way.

After playing around for a while, Song Qingshu got up and said, "Go back to Xingqing Mansion and talk about it."

"Okay, listen to you." Princess Jincheng nodded, as well-behaved as a little daughter-in-law.

Before Song Qingshu came out of Xingqing Mansion and rode a horse, now Princess Jincheng is too tired to walk, so she rides with him. She is not heavy in the first place, and bringing one more person has no effect on the horse.

Arms around her delicate body, coupled with just a breakthrough in the relationship, the two can be described as honey mixing oil along the way, Princess Jincheng wished to go slower, but the road eventually came to an end, and finally reached Xingqing Mansion.

"I will send you to Yipintang first, and I will inform Yingluo and the others to come later, and Xixia will take care of everything properly." Song Qingshu bought a hat on the side of the road to cover her head and whispered.

"Are you leaving?" Princess Jincheng's tone was full of dismay.

Song Qingshu nodded: "My identity is sensitive, so I can't appear here. By the way, don't tell anyone that I saved you."

Seeing his solemn expression, Princess Jincheng didn't say anything, and nodded: "Yeah."

"Don't worry, I will always protect you in the dark." Noting that her expression was a little worried, Song Qingshu quickly comforted.

"Thank you." Princess Jincheng breathed a sigh of relief.

She was settled next

In Xixia Yipintang, the people in Yipintang didn't dare to care about her identity and hurriedly notified Yelu Nanxian, and also sent someone to notify the yellow shirt girl in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Soon these people came one after another, and Princess Jincheng explained the whole thing according to Song Qingshu's words: 唃厮啰 sent someone to buy his maid, she accidentally broke the secret and ran out secretly, because for a while. She knew who to believe, so she never showed up. As for why the dead maid appeared as her, she didn't even know...

The women in the yellow shirts also told the matter about the double swords they found at the right time, so Yelu Nanxian summoned envoys from various countries to discuss the matter.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t recognize this matter. After Diancang Shuangjian sober from the Great Soul-Transfer-Dharma, he only admitted that he had bought Huanbi, but did not admit that he had instructed them, plus key witnesses. Huanbi is dead, it can be said that there is no evidence of death, and this matter can only end with the execution of the Cang Shuang Sword, and it will be nothing.

Regardless of which faction is aware of this, and if there is really iron proof, how can you take it? Tens of thousands of brave fighters under his command dominate the Qingtang. Could it be that Xixia dared to kill him for the sake of Tubo, causing the disaster of swordsmen?

Only the girl in the yellow shirt was angry about this. Song Qingshu and Princess Jincheng themselves were very satisfied. After all, their primary purpose was not to deal with Xiongsi, but to restore her innocence and reappear in front of others.

Next, Xixia sent someone to **** Princess Jincheng to chase the team of Tubo. The woman in the yellow shirt was worried and volunteered to send her off. Because it was getting late, she decided to take a rest and set off tomorrow.

Princess Jincheng was taken back to the Southern Song Dynasty Hotel by the yellow shirt girl, because she was originally the identity of the Southern Song princess, Xixia did not stop it.

"Sister, didn't you decide to leave? Why did you change your mind and come back?" After returning to the Southern Song Hall, the woman in the yellow shirt finally found an opportunity to ask her doubts.

"I came across something on the road..." Princess Jincheng sighed quietly, and said roughly what had happened before, "Fortunately, I was saved by a warrior. Now I know that. In the past, things were too simple to think about. The world is too dangerous. I have been under protection since I was young. Now it is difficult for a person to face these things with good results."

"Knight, what's the name of the knight who saved you?" The woman in the yellow shirt seized one of the messages keenly.

"I don't know his name. After he saved me, he left." Princess Jincheng remembered Song Qingshu's request and did not reveal his identity.

"What does he look like, and what characteristics does he have? Or what martial arts he uses." The yellow shirt woman has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, looking for

Thinking that as long as there is some information, he should be able to deduce his identity.

"What are the characteristics of her body?" Princess Jincheng flushed her cheeks, thinking that she was very strong, but she didn't dare to say that. "The feeling he gave me as a whole can be described by a poem "Silver Saddle" According to the white horse, rustling like a shooting star'."

Seeing her look like a nymphomaniac, the woman in the yellow shirt has a strange expression, but she didn't think too much about it, just as her sister was rescued by the person because of a crisis, and her heart would inevitably beautify the person too much.

"By the way, Yingluo, do you know Song Qingshu?" Princess Jincheng asked suddenly.

The yellow shirt woman's heart jumped: "Why did you suddenly ask him?"

Princess Jincheng looked calm and composed: "Isn't he Yuanyuan and Hu'er's husband? I'm a little curious about what kind of man would let Song Song marry the two princesses to him in an unprecedented way."

The woman in the yellow shirt gritted her teeth: "That man is a lecherous and invisible playboy, and at the same time he is very shameless!"

Princess Jincheng was taken aback. It is really difficult to associate her words with that Young Master Pian Pianjia, but after all she is a person here, and she quickly reacted: "Yingluo, have you been bullied by him?"

"What is it?" The woman in the yellow shirt flushed and hurriedly explained, "Sister, where did you think about it, how could I be bullied by that bastard." When she said this, she didn't have that confidence.

"Really?" There was a smile on Princess Jincheng's face. "Then you tell me where is he mean and shameless."

"He is despicable everywhere, shameless everywhere." The yellow shirt woman said angrily, but noticed the other's joking eyes, she couldn't help being ashamed, "Sister, you come to make fun of me too."

"Tell me what happened to you, maybe I can give you some advice." Princess Jincheng took her hand and sat down by the bed.

The girl in the yellow shirt hesitated and told her about the past, but the princess Jincheng became more and more confused: "I heard what you said, you and him obviously have a good relationship with each other, why after the Wudang delegation, you Suddenly it did to him."

"There are some things I can't say clearly." The woman in the yellow shirt bit her lip. What happened on Wudang Mountain is very serious. Princess Jincheng is now another king and concubine. Naturally, she dare not say that Song Qingshu actually controlled Song Ting's affairs. "In short, that man is mean and shameless."

Princess Jincheng couldn't help laughing, and gently stroked her hair to comfort her: "Sister, I think that Song Qingshu is a good person. As long as you stay with him... once, you will never forget him. "She said here that she didn't know what she was thinking of, and her blush was fascinating.

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