Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2249: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet

At the time when Zhou Zhiruo and the Emei faction shined at the Lion Slaughter Conference, in addition to her Nine Yin scriptures, it is due to this thunderbolt. The people of Mingjiao witnessed the power of the thunderbolt, and they were naturally impressed. .

Because of all the things in the past and Zhou Zhiruo fell into the embrace of Song Qingshu later, the people of Mingjiao naturally did not have a good impression of her. Yang Xiaocheng was extremely deep and didn't mention it, but Zhou Dian was a straight man, and soon couldn't help it. Asked it out.

Everyone looked at Song Qingshu now, and even Xue Baochai's eyes were a little suspicious. He never knew that Baoyu had a thunderbolt, otherwise he would have to be so worried.

Song Qingshu had long known that he would be asked, and explained calmly: "My father knows that my martial arts is low, and he is afraid that I will be harmed by a rapist, so he has specially handed it over to me to defend himself. Don't use it until you are in a crisis. ."

Everyone was stunned. Jia Sidao had power in the field at the beginning, and there were also firearms in the Southern Song army, so it is not difficult to get fire bombs similar to thunderbolt.

Xue Baochai knew better, even if Jia Sidao didn't use his official status, with the power of Knight Island, there were many channels to find Thunderbolt.

"It just happens that we are preparing a banquet here. If you don't dislike it, stay and have a glass of thin wine." Xue Baochai, as the master of this trip, naturally began to show off.

Geerdan, Mingjiao, and Mui Lunbu originally wanted to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the Southern Song Dynasty and discuss the alliance against Mongolia by the way, but naturally they would not refuse.

Halfway through the drinking, she noticed that Princess Shuang-xiu made a look at him, so she followed out with excuses, thinking about what she was looking for, and as soon as she walked around the corridor, a scent of fragrant breeze rushed into her arms.

"Song Lang, I can't bear you." Princess Shuang-xiu hugged him tightly, as if he would run away if he loosened it a little.

"What's wrong, Zixian?" Song Qingshu asked, feeling the abnormality of the girl's emotions, gently stroking her hair.

"The martial arts test is over. I'm afraid we will return to the Western Regions after the literary test tomorrow." Princess Shuang-Xiu's voice was faintly crying. From the previous judgments, whether it is Geldan or Dugu Ming, tomorrow’s literary test Hope is very small. Moreover, the main purpose of Guldan’s trip is not to recruit relatives, but to contact potential anti-Mongolian forces. Now the goal has been achieved, and after the essay test tomorrow, he will probably leave.


Song Qingshu comforted softly: "Don't worry, I will visit you in Wushuang City soon."

"Really?" Princess Shuang Xiu opened her eyes in surprise. She thought this separation would be a farewell, after all, Wushuang City and Zhongyuan were separated by thousands of miles.

"Of course it's true, I'm not the kind that eats and ran away." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Song Lang~" He was greeted with a passionate kiss.

After a while, Song Qingshu noticed that the girl in her arms was getting softer and softer, and her eyes were dripping with water, and she couldn't help but startled: "Here I can tell when someone will come."

Princess Shuang-Xiu bit her lip lightly, with a charming touch between her eyebrows, and whispered: "It's not impossible for us to be faster..."

The internal strength of Song Qingshu's cultivation has an irresistible attraction to the Shuang-Xiu Mansion. Isn't the Shuang-Xiu Mansion's woman having an inexplicable attraction to Song Qingshu?

Song Qingshu might still hesitate to change to another person. After all, she felt a little bit weak in the past two days, and she almost couldn't get up this morning, but the princess Shuang-Xiu is different. Her cultivation technique is the best nourishment for men. It didn't take him any effort from start to finish.

Although it can barely be called concealed here, it is by no means that no one will pass by. Thinking of a large number of people in the front hall intertwined there, the two of them can be said to be extremely nervous.

After a while, Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed, because he noticed that someone was nearby. If something leaked out, it would be troublesome. He stretched his hand to the side and grabbed the opponent's neck directly, intending to subdue the opponent and then wash away the opponent's memory with the soul-shifting method.

Who knows that a soft whistle sounded, seeing the other side's appearance clearly, all three of them were stunned.

It turned out to be the double-xiu wife Gu Ningqing who was strangled by the neck. Song Qingshu took his hand in a slanderous manner, and was able to move rough with others, but how could she do it to her.

Just when Gu Ningqing saw her daughter leave the table quietly, he faintly guessed one or two. He was worried about the mistakes of the two and followed up to have a look, how did he know that the two of them were so bold.

"Mother~" Gu Zixian bit her lip tightly, and her whole head was almost lowered to the ground. It was really embarrassing to be hit by this situation.

Gu Ningqing lowered his head and glanced at the two of them, and two red clouds rose on the goose egg’s face in an instant: "It's a nonsense.

I am going out. "

Gu Zixian stuck out his tongue, quickly sorted out the dress, and then was led by Gu Ningqing to pull it out. During the whole process, he kept looking back at Song Qingshu, the charm and lingering in his eyes were enough to turn the steel into a soft finger.

Song Qingshu also had an old face with fever. Gu Ningqing didn't say a word to him from beginning to end. He was obviously dissatisfied that he was ruining her daughter in this way. It was just because of his great kindness to them, so he didn't say anything.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Song Qingshu was also a little slapped.

When he returned to the banquet, he looked as usual and had a great time with many guests. In the evening, he returned to the house early to fall asleep.

Xue Baochai had a few lessons learned from his previous mistakes, and worried that he would sneak out again in the middle of the night to affect tomorrow's literary examination, so he ran to his room to check and found that he was really sleeping, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit novel for a while.

Early in the morning of the second day, the various forces left the hall and came together outside the Xixia Palace. The warriors of Xixia Yipintang checked their name posts and put them in the palace one by one. After these days, they have become so familiar with these contestants. When it's cooked, those who want to fish in troubled waters can't escape them.

When I came to the Hall of Zhonghe, I saw the young people attending the banquet, and dozens of people in the entourage were sitting at each table. In the middle of the hall, the tables and chairs are covered with yellow satin embroidered with golden dragons, which served as the throne of the emperor of Xixia.

Both east and west seats are covered with purple satin. Sitting on the west side seat was a weird man with a full-body bandage, and the group of Mongolian warriors behind him glared at the arrival of Song Qingshu and his party.

Song Qingshu had a weird look. This Xu Liewu was really a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten. He was seriously injured and only a day's effort was enough to force him to participate in the literary examination?

Officials from Yipintang led Song Qingshu and his party to the chief of the East. Next to him was the Wanyan Grand Festival of the Kingdom of Jin. Next to Xu Liewu was Nalan Rongruo of the Qing Dynasty. Obviously, among the many children who applied for this time, they were them. The most respected, Xixia also respected the special courtesy. Of course, Jia Baoyu's current status can't afford such courtesy, to a large extent because he won the championship.

The rest of Guijie’s children, the general folks, Jun Yan, sit in various seats. Everyone came in and took their seats.

Xu Liewu was covered with bandages all over his body, with only a pair of eyes exposed. Seeing Song Qingshu on the opposite side, he was furious for a while, grabbed a wine jar on the table, and threw it towards the opposite side with inner strength.

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