Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2250: first question

Xue Baochai was shocked when she saw this. She knew Jia Baoyu's details. Before, she could still use thunderbolt bombs, but now in the palace, could she use that thing to smash it?

I just won the first prize in the competition, if I was smashed into a soup chicken by the wine jar thrown by my subordinates in front of so many people, it would be really shameful.

So she rushed to the flying wine jar with a palm, but she was a little anxious, but it was a pity that Sister Yang was not there, otherwise she would do the best in this situation, her skill is still weaker, I am afraid that may not be able to catch the flying wine jar. .

The attention of everyone in the temple was instantly attracted by the abnormal situation here, and they watched how the two sides ended.

Seeing that the wine jar that came from the lasing shot seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall of gas, and then bounced back at a faster speed, the Mongolian warriors around Xu Liewu were all doing their best to beat the wine jar back.

Who knows that just about to shoot, the wine jar smashed open in front of Xu Liewu, and all the wine inside was spilled out, drenching all the Mongolians. Those warriors hurriedly stood in front of Xu Liewu, but water was something like this. No matter where it could be blocked, he still missed a lot of it.

"Okay!" Wanyan Zhongjie applauded when he saw his hands clapping. Jin Meng was a mortal enemy, so she didn't care about Xu Liewu's face.

The others in the field couldn’t help but cheer. This control of skill is too clever. I didn’t expect that such a delicate and beautiful young girl would have such a powerful cultivation skills. Many children began to inquire about which family this was from the Southern Song Dynasty. Girl, if you can't marry Princess Xixia at that time, it's not bad to pursue this girl. Whether it's appearance or temperament, it is the best choice.

Only the person involved stared at his hand in a daze, and Xue Baochai was also very confused. When did his skill become so brilliant, could it be because Xu Liewu didn't have much internal strength under his severe injury?

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and drank tea leisurely, hiding his merits and fame deeply.

The Mongolian side was furious and drew out their weapons to rush over. At this time, two rows of people came out of the inner hall, some of them finished their costumes, and some of them were wearing loose robes, most of them holding weird weapons.

Duan Yanqing shouted loudly: "In the inner courtyard of the imperial palace, the monarchs must not be rude. These are all members of the first-class hall of our country. The monarchs are happy, and they can compete one by one and fight in groups, but they are absolutely forbidden."

Xu Liewu noticed the large number of masters in Yipintang, so he snorted and prevented his subordinates from continuing to make trouble.

After this small twists and turns, the hall gradually calmed down. After the seats were full, the two generals on duty shouted: "All the guests, shut the door." Amid the drum music, the two thick hall doors were slowed by four halberd guards. Push up slowly.

In the side corridor, the soldiers walked out of a group of golden armored guards holding a halberd. The head of the halberd was shining under the candlelight. As the drums rang again, the two teams of servants came out from the inner hall with a white jade incense burner in their hands, with smoke curling in the furnace.

Everyone knows that the Xixia Emperor's dragon body is ill, and the queen usually handles daily affairs, thinking that he can see this legendary queen, one by one condensed and held his breath without making a sound.

The last four servants were wearing brocade robes, without holding objects in their hands, and stood on both sides of the throne. Seeing that the temples of these four people were bulging up, your Highness knew that Xixia was worthy of friendship with the Southern Song Dynasty.

After many years of fighting without fail, the martial arts of these deep palace guards are really not low.

A house attendant shouted: "The queen is here, welcome you!" Everyone knelt down. Of course, many people with self-respecting identities did not kneel down, but owed their luggage slightly.

I saw a beautiful shadow coming out from the inside, sitting down on the imperial chair. The waiter shouted again: "Flat!" Everyone stood up. Everyone looked up, and many people saw the queen at such a close distance for the first time, and saw that she was so young, and she was born beautifully and beautifully, and she was truly stunning in the world.

Everyone was envious, thinking that the Xixia Emperor was really a beautiful blessing, but now the Xixia Emperor is a sick seed, this queen stays alive at a young age, it is really a violent thing.

Some nasty people thought in their hearts that they wished to serve the Emperor Xixia, but after all, the other party was the queen of supremacy, and they did not dare to show their disrespect.

Among the people of His Highness, the saddest one is Duan Yu. Seeing this one who used to call his sister affectionately one by one, but now has become the noble mother of a country, looking at her eyes is no different from looking at other people. , His heart suddenly became a little empty, and he thought that compared with now, Wanmei's appearance and temperament were not inferior to that of Miss Wang. Why did I concentrate on Miss Wang.

But as soon as he got up with this idea, he shook his head: Duan Yu, Duan Yu, she is your sister, how can you think of those messy thoughts, what a jerk.

At this time, the Book of Rites in the temple stood beside the throne, unfolded a scroll, and recited: "Fatian Yingdao, Guangsheng Shenwu, Emperor Daxia said: All the monarchs should be called to come far, and I am very appreciative of it. Wine, Qin Zai!" Although Mu Wanqing came forward, he still did things in the name of the emperor.

Everyone thanked again. The servant shouted: "Flat!" Everyone stood up.

The book of the Ministry of Rites said: "You gentlemen, please sit down, please feel free to drink and use dishes." The palace supervisor held up a bowl of dishes. Xixia is a bitter and cold place in the northwest. The daily food is mainly cattle and sheep. Although it is a royal banquet, it is also a large piece of beef and mutton.

Who can enter the hall is not a rich man who is accustomed to eating the delicacies of the mountains and the sea? You can see Mu Wanqing sitting on it in an awe-inspiring manner, one by one, worrying about being rude, can only press down on the doubts in his heart.

But Xu Liewu didn't care about so much, and soon said: "The queen, why didn't you see the princess come out?" Looking at it from such a close distance, the young queen's skin is really broken, waiting for this king to enter Xixia one day. , Had to press her under her body and give her a favor.

Feeling the aggressiveness in his eyes, Mu Wanqing was unhappy, and her face suddenly turned cold: "The princess is in the Qingfeng Pavilion. After you finish the banquet, you will naturally be led by someone."

The reason why she is here, but she wants to take a look at Song Qingshu, but now Song Qingshu looks like Jia Baoyu, the woman named Xue next to him, and the little princess Wanyan next to him, look close to him, look. It makes people angry.

Now being so disgusted by Xu Liewu, he just got up and left.

Everyone didn’t expect this beautiful young queen to leave so quickly, think more

After a few glances, I didn't know how to stay, so I had to let go of eating and drinking, and go to Qingfeng Pavilion to see the princess after eating.

Everyone's thoughts are similar, even Duan Yu, who is unintentional in begging for relatives, wants to see what this legendary princess looks like.

Soon the Book of Rites led everyone through a large garden, turned around a few corridors, and passed a row of rockery. From a distance, one corner of the terrace was seen in the shadow of the flowers and trees. Two palace lanterns were picked out from the pavilion. The Book of Rites led everyone to come. Before arriving at the pavilion, he said loudly: "The guests from all over the world come to see the princess."

When the gate of the pavilion opened, four court ladies came out, each carrying a light gauze lantern, followed by a female officer in a purple shirt, saying: "Everyone has worked hard from afar, and the princess invites you to come to Qingfeng Pavilion to serve tea. "

Song Qing's writing is weird, thinking what the **** is Li Qinglu, Nizi, making it so complicated.

Everyone rushed in, trying to get a good seat, the closer the princess was, the better.

I saw a large hall in the pavilion, with thick wool carpets on the ground floor, and colorful flowers woven on the carpets, which are bright and dazzling. A small tea table is arranged in a row, on which is placed a blue and white cover bowl, a blue and white plate next to each cover bowl, and four-color snacks such as cheese and pastries are in the plate. At the end of the hall, there is a platform three or four feet higher, covered with a light yellow carpet, and on the platform is a brocade stool. Everyone thought that this must be the seat of the princess, and if you push me, they all rushed to sit close to the platform.

People like Xu Liewu respect their status and are too lazy to compete with those people, so Song Qingshu is naturally more calm and calm.

After everyone sat down, the female officer raised a small copper hammer and struck it three times on a white jade cloud board. The hall was silent for a while, waiting for the princess to come out.

After a while, I could only hear the ring and ding-dong, eight green-shirted palace ladies walked out of the inner hall, standing on both sides, and after a while, a girl in a light green shirt walked out lightly.

Everyone's eyes brightened immediately, and they saw the young girl's slender figure, elegant demeanor, and a very beautiful face. Everyone secretly applauded: "Princess Yinchuan is known as Li Se Wushuang, and she really deserves her reputation."

Song Qingshu vaguely remembered that this seemed to be Li Qinglu's personal maid, Xiaolei or something.

The girl walked slowly to the platform, bowed slightly, and bowed to everyone. Everyone had stood up when she came in, and when they saw her bowing and saluting, they all bowed in return. Someone saw that the princess was so humble, not half arrogant, and even more praised. The girl looked at her nose, her nose at her heart, her gaze was never in contact with everyone, and she seemed very shy.

Everyone didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that it would startle her, they all thought: "The princess has golden branches and jade leaves, she is in the forbidden zone, and she suddenly sees these many men. She assumes that it is her noble status.

After a long while, the girl's face flushed, and she whispered and said softly: "His Royal Highness instructed: Every good guest comes from afar, Qingfeng Pavilion does not have a good tea to serve the guests. It is very simple, please feel free to use it. Some. In addition, the princess has a few more questions that you would like to ask the guests to help answer. The first question is: when the princess woke up this morning to take the medicine, suddenly noticed something outside the window that felt very magical. What is this thing?"

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