Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2251: Hidden trap

Everyone knew that the girl in front of them was not a princess, and they couldn't help but secretly delighted. Just a maid is so slender and beautiful, so what is the beauty of a real princess?

However, they immediately thought of the question raised by the princess, thinking that the test should have already begun, and they frowned, thinking hard, although Xixia is not comparable to the Mongolian Kingdom and the Southern Song Dynasty, but it is also a regional power. As a princess, what is she? Haven't seen anything? Can make the princess feel very magical, it must be an extraordinary thing.

Song Qingshu almost didn't laugh out loud, thinking that these women have really come from the same line for thousands of years, and they have the same way of thinking. This question is not deliberately digging holes to make everyone jump.

At this time, the maid brought out tea and pastries one by one to the people in the room. The tea was good tea and the desserts were exquisite. But at the moment, no one had the intention of drinking tea, and they were all thinking about the princess.

"I think it's a beautiful bird. No, it should be a phoenix. Only a phoenix can match the identity of a princess." At this time, Xiu Lao said first. In his opinion, the palace is heavily guarded, and the princess's bedroom is even more important. Among the most important, it is impossible for outsiders to come in, so the one who can get close to the princess's bedroom is nothing more than a flying bird, which can surprise princesses who are used to seeing rare birds and animals, so it must be extraordinary.

He was very satisfied with his answer, and even more satisfied that he had said it one step in advance, as the saying goes, one step first, those who answer later can only pick up the wisdom of others.

Thinking that he and Li Yuanhao have been fighting each other for more than ten years, but now he is very hopeful to marry the princess of Xixia, he feels dark in his heart. Then he must vent his resentment towards Li Yuanhao on the princess.

When the people around heard his answer, they were very upset, thinking how they hadn't thought of it, let him seize the opportunity.

"I think I saw a fish, it should be a koi that didn't appear before in the pond, indicating that the princess will find a good son-in-law this time." Dongying's Yuchai Xiusheng said quickly.

Seeing that he had said what he wanted to say first, other people didn't even dare to hesitate, and they shouted similar answers, almost saying all the birds and beasts.

After a round of questions, the maid looked at Nalan Rongruo again: "I've heard about Lord Nalan's name. I don't know if Nalan has a good opinion?" Nalan Rongruo is both civil and martial, and she is handsome again. Many women are his fans.

Nalan Rongruo gave a salute and replied humbly: "I don't dare to be a good one. I think the princess may have seen the clouds rolling in the sky this morning.

Yun Shu evoked the thoughts of choosing his son-in-law. "

When everyone heard it, they nodded, thinking that the talented person is worthy of being a talented person, and his intention should be higher.

"I think what the princess sees may be the wind. The flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, not the wind or the trees, but the heart." Xu Zhu was inspired by him and thought of a Buddhist story.

Many people thought that this little monk was also wonderful, but more people were dissatisfied, so they pointed out that he was fooling people with Buddhist verses, pointing out that he was actually a monk and wanted to lower his mind in the princess’s mind. Image.

If it were before, the people in Shaolin would probably still refuse to refute, but Xu Liewu had already achieved the purpose of this trip before making a deal with them, and they didn't care much about the position of the horseman.

"Don't make a noise, everyone," the maid quietly calmed the crowd, and then asked Xu Liewu, "I don't know what the prince's answer is?"

Xu Liewu sat in a wheelchair and replied proudly: "After the princess is a generation of heroes, she is the so-called gang tiger girl. How can she see some birds and beasts in her eyes? According to the king, the princess felt surprised. It is to see the thriving dragon spirit of our Great Mongol Empire in the north, when we will join forces, and this king will take the princess to see the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains."

His remarks scorned everyone who answered before, but everyone was frightened by the power of Mongolia, and most of them dared not speak.

After Wanyan Zhongjie didn’t care so much, he sneered after hearing the words: “Dragon Qi? You Mongolia believes in the eternal sky, and claim that you are the offspring of the gray wolf and the white deer. Put gold on your face."

Xu Liewu was furious: "In the future, Mongolia will send troops to the south, and the first one to destroy is your Golden State."

"Who can't blow the air, I haven't seen you take any advantage in these years of fighting." Wan Yan made no mistake, and directly pushed back, because the two quarreled, and the hall quickly became a mess.

At this time Xue Baochai saw that Song Qingshu was still enjoying tea and snacks, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious: "Why are you still in the mood to eat here? Everyone answered, but you didn't say anything."

"The dim sum is delicious, and the tea is pretty good. Compared to Longjing in the south of the Yangtze River, the tea here has a different flavor. Would you like to taste it?" Song Qingshu passed the cup over as he spoke.

Seeing the cup he had drunk, Xue Baochai's face flushed: "When are you still fooling around, hurry up and tell the maid your answer."

Song Qingshu looked strangely

She glanced at her: "Sister Bao really wants me to marry a princess?"

Xue Baochai was taken aback, yeah, he had already won the first prize in a contest. If he answered better, the more likely he was to be recruited as a messenger, why did he urge him?

But he immediately realized, how could the princess of Xixia like Baoyu? If he hadn't grown up with him since childhood, I'm afraid...

As I thought about it, my little face turned red.

Song Qingshu felt ashamed when she saw that she was alone there, thinking that these women's minds were really hard to understand.

Seeing the chaos in the room getting more and more chaotic, the people from Yipintang hurriedly came out to maintain order, and the maid walked up to Song Qing to write and asked: "My son, what's your answer?"

Song Qingshu swallowed the last snack, drank a sip of tea to moisturize her throat, and said, “I don’t know what the princess’s body is. The princess diagnosed and treated one or two."

唃厮啰 sneered: "What are you talking about, people are asking what your princess sees?" Others also accused, only a few thoughtful people jumped in their hearts, and suddenly realized that everyone seemed to be all right before. A message was ignored.

There was a smile on the maid's face: "Thank you, son, for your concern. The princess just feels cold occasionally, so she just drank some red bean porridge. By the way, son's answer is?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I think the princess should be dazzled. I thought I came early, so I was pleasantly surprised." In fact, it doesn't matter what you answer later. The key to this question lies in the first half of the sentence, drinking medicine. People have never seen such a routine, and they are all fooled and lame.

"Bah, shameless!"

"Who do you think you are."


Others were not convinced by him, the champion who was picked up by **** luck, but now they heard him being so arrogant and scolded all around, thinking that it really fits his shameless temperament before, and they don’t know what the identity of the princess is. The confident princess who comes will always think of you.

Even Xue Baochai blushed, thinking that Baoyu was a bit too disgusting, but it would be good for him to answer this way, otherwise it would be troublesome if the princess recruited him as a messenger.

"What about the princess, we have finished answering the questions, why can't we come out?" Xu Liewu has gradually calmed down after the initial anger. Jia Baoyu is not worthy of being his opponent in any way, so his attention has returned. On to Princess Xixia.

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