Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2252: Princess Xixia

The palace lady replied: "Your Royal Highness has invited all the guests to move to the study room to watch paintings and calligraphy.

Angrily said: "This princess has a really big shelf. First let us have a feast, then let us drink tea, and now I go to watch some paintings and calligraphy, but I don’t come out to meet us, so I didn’t put the heroes of the world on it. In the eyes?"

Xi Xia and Xi Xia have fought for many years, knowing that Xi Xia will probably not choose him as a cohort because of their grievances, so I am not afraid to offend the princess.

With him, many elder brothers who were already dissatisfied screamed one after another.

"My sons, don't get me wrong, our princess has no intention of neglecting..." The court lady was almost crying, but no one would believe how she explained it.

Duan Yu still couldn’t see her. One of her little girls flushed with urgency, and said, “The prince’s words are very bad. Her Royal Highness first let us have a feast and then invite us to have tea. Then she went to enjoy paintings and calligraphy. Considering our character and literary talent, maybe from just now, we have been recording our words and deeds, so that we can show you the truest appearance, and you should not let down the princess's goodwill."

"Ah~" Hearing his analysis, many people felt very reasonable. Everyone was always anxious about why the literary examination has not yet started, but the princess did not say how to take the literary examination. Maybe it started from just entering the hall. The teaching has already begun.

Thinking of this, a group of people regretted that they hadn't thought of it earlier, hurriedly sorted their clothes, and corrected their appearance. They didn't dare to yell like before.

Seeing no one responded, I could only snorted sadly.

Next, everyone followed the maid very obediently, and quickly walked through a long corridor, secretly nagging: "This Qingfeng Pavilion looks at it from the outside, and it doesn’t seem to be magnificent. I wonder if there is a world inside. Such a large area." After walking the tens of feet long corridor, he came to two large stone gates.

The maid took out a small piece of metal and knocked on the stone door several times, and the stone door rolled open. Seeing that the stone gate was more than one foot thick and unusually strong, they murmured to themselves: "After we entered, the stone gate was closed. Wouldn't it be a catch for them? How about Xixia Kingdom is not in the name of princesses recruiting relatives, attracting heroes and heroes from all over the world. Cast the net?"

Xu Liewu snorted and took the lead in letting his men push the wheelchair in. The powerful Mongolian cavalry was his support, and he did not believe that Xixia dared to disadvantage him.

Someone nodded, and everyone thought that if they came, they would settle down. In this situation, no one would be willing to show weakness and return.

After everyone entered the door, the Shimen slowly closed, and inside the door was a long corridor with oil lamps burning on both sides of the stone walls. After walking through the corridor, there is another stone gate, after the stone gate, there is another corridor, and three large stone gates in succession.

At this time, even Xu Liewu, who was the most self-confident, was a little surprised. It was really not working here. How could the guards brought in by himself be the opponent of the many masters of Xixia First Product Hall?

Only Song Qingshu calmly walked to the front. The people who had hesitated saw that Jia Baoyu, who had always been despised, was so bold, so how dare to lose face, they could only bite the bullet and follow.


After turning a few turns, I suddenly heard the sound of water and came to a deep stream.

It is incredible to see such a deep stream suddenly in the Forbidden Palace. Everyone looked at each other, a little grumpy, almost about to attack.

The maid said: "To go to the inner study, you have to pass through this orchid stream, everyone please."

Speaking of the tender body, he swayed, and stepped into the deep stream. There were four shining torches lit by the stream, and everyone understood that when she stepped on her foot, she fell into the stream, and everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

Unexpectedly, the lady of the court has a graceful figure, and she walked past Jianshang Tingting volley.

Under everyone's surprise, they all thought that there must be iron ropes on the stream, otherwise there would be no reason for volleying. When they looked at it, they saw that there was a steel wire running from this shore to the other shore, on a horizontal stream. It's just that the steel wire is thin and dark, and it's hard to see in the dark night where the fire can't reach it. Seeing that the stream is quite deep, if you stumble and fall, you will be extremely embarrassed even if you don't worry about your life.

Xue Baochai couldn't help pulling the sleeve of La Song Qingshu: "Baoyu, there is such a place in the Xixia Palace, it is really weird, beware of fraud."

Song Qingshu had never been here before. The one he ran the most before was Li Qinglu's boudoir. The layout here looks more like the forbidden area of ​​the Jianghu school, and it is really incompatible with the temperament of the imperial palace.

However, thinking of the existence of Li Qiushui, he was relieved. The layout here is somewhat similar to the Lingjiu Palace of Miaofeng Peak. Take this deep stream of iron cable as an example, there is such a checkpoint on the Lingjiu Palace, but underneath it is The cliff of Wanzhang, and the distance between the two sides of the strait is also much wider than that in front of us.

This should be Li Qiushui's day when he missed the Xiaoyao School, and he copied it as usual.

Knowing that there are steel wires underneath, everyone is calm and able to pass the martial arts test. Except for parallel imports like "Jia Baoyu", these people are not weak in martial arts. Someone immediately performed light work and stepped on the steel wire to the other side. Maybe it was. Remembering what Duan Yu said just now, every one of them was extremely showy when they performed light work, and wanted to let the people who recorded in the dark notice his sassy and heroic posture to the princess.

Xu Liegu was in a wheelchair with limited mobility, but two of his men raised one head and carried him over like a sedan chair.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and he almost wiped out the top masters of the Mongolian mission that night. Who knows that these seemingly ordinary martial arts guards have such a foundation, and Mongolia's strength is evident.

"Baoyu, take my hand." Xue Baochai suddenly lowered his voice and said to him, and then a delicate and soft little hand came over.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed, this Xue Baochai was really good to Jia Baoyu, and he took good care of him with all kinds of suggestions. If she finally knew that the childhood sweetheart she liked was gone, she wouldn't know how sad it would be.

Stunned at this moment, Xue Baochai has led him to fly over.

Yuchai Xiusheng on the side saw the two holding hands and sneered: "It's just a waste of women's help."

"Who is the waste talking about?"

"The trash says you!"

Song Qingshu laughed: "It's really a waste to call me." The people around also laughed loudly. Although they don't like Jia Baoyu, they have always treated the Japanese.

look down.

Yuchai Xiusheng was furious: "What is the ability to hide behind a woman? I have the ability to come out singled out."

"If you have the ability, you can also find a woman to rely on, but depending on your appearance and height, I am afraid you can't find any good women," Song Qingshu shrugged, "I am different. I am naturally attractive. If girls like it, maybe Princess Xixia will fall in love with me at first sight."

Xue Baochai was a little embarrassed when he heard that he liked him, but he couldn't help but smile when he heard the confidence behind him.

Yuchai Xiusheng sneered again and again: "These words will inevitably be passed to the princess' ears, so that she can recognize your nature as a disciple."

Song Qingshu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to walk in. At this time, the maid did not know what to press on the bracket next to the rock, only to hear a whistle, and the steel wire immediately retracted into the grass, without whereabouts.

It made everyone frightened, thinking that this deep stream was so wide that it was difficult to fly over. Could it be that Xixia Kingdom really had no good intentions? Otherwise, why is there such a mechanism in the princess's study? Everyone secretly warned, there is no concern about "Jia Baoyu". Some people secretly regret: "Why am I so stupid that I don't carry hidden weapons when I enter the palace?"

The palace lady said: "Please come here." Everyone followed her through a large pine forest, and before they came to a cave door, the palace lady knocked a few times and the cave door opened. The palace lady said: "Please!" She walked in first.

Now even Xu Liewu hesitated a bit, only Song Qingshu walked inside calmly, and saw a sudden light in front of him, already deep in a hall. This hall is more than three times larger than the Ningxiangtang where you used to drink tea. Obviously, it was originally a natural cave in the mountain, plus a huge artificial decoration.

The walls of the hall were polished very smoothly, and calligraphy and painting were hung everywhere. Generally, there are water droplets in the cave, but this place is abnormally dry. There is a large red sandalwood desk on the side of the hall. The four treasures of the study, antique rubbings, several bookshelves, three or four stone benches, and stone tables are placed on the table.

The maid said: "This is the inner study of the princess, please feel free to watch the paintings and calligraphy."

Everyone was surprised to see that the appearance and furnishings of this hall were extremely peculiar, empty, and without any scent of powder. It was actually the princess's study room.

Song Qingshu saw the other side of Li Qinglu today, and then he remembered that she was also a princess of a great country. It was probably because of me that she was so prestigious, so that she should not be underestimated.

But looking at this faction, most of them are also encouraged by Li Qiushui.

Hearing the words of the palace maid, everyone’s heart jumped, thinking that, as Duan Yu said, what is fake in appreciation of calligraphy and calligraphy, and took the opportunity to examine your literary talents to be true, so a bunch of people ran to the wall to comment on calligraphy, calligraphy and painting. However, most of them are martial arts practitioners, and only a few talents such as Nalan Rongruo and Duan Yu know how to truly appreciate it.

Suddenly a faint fragrance that resembled Lanfeilan or musk or musk came out, followed by a soft and pleasant voice: "Which son of Song Dynasty is the son of Jia?" ——

Some of the content is described in Tianlong Babu, so I deliberately make it less than 3,000 words and only charge 2,000 words.

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