Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2256: Night Exploring the Palace

Wanyan Zhongjie on the side suddenly laughed: "Millions of heroes? You Mongolia is a big family, but you can add all your troops to the army of Tiemuzhen Yu Xue, the army of other great princes, and the servant army. , Don’t make up for less than one million, and bluff and frighten someone."

Xu Liewu wanted to tell you what to say to you that Xixia was bloody, do you count as one million with me? Is this a million thing?

It was about to break out, but he thought that the loss of the masters he had brought this time was exhausted. The other party was accompanied by Xidu Ouyang Feng, and after all, it was Xixia, and he was at a loss when making trouble, so he had to snorted coldly. He left without a word with a sullen face.

He left Xu Liewu angry, but Wanyan Zhongjie couldn't be happy. He looked at the direction of the inner hall, and a small mouth was also pouted: "Huh, I will hold a wedding party when I go back!"

Now that the horse has been selected, the others all dejected and left with paintings and calligraphy. Only Xue Baochai stood there for a long time, as if he hadn't lost his soul.

The maid Xiaolei quickly brought a note: "Miss Xue, Master Jia gave you this."

Xue Baochai hurriedly opened the note and saw it read: "Sister Bao, they still want to keep me in the palace to meet the Toffee, Empress Empress, etc., you go back first, take care!"

Song Qingshu pretended to be Jia Baoyu, and his handwriting must have been trained in a targeted manner, so naturally he would not reveal any flaws.

Xue Baochai only felt a sweet throat, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes went dark, and he fainted. The Southern Song comrades hurriedly supported her, and Xiaolei also hurriedly called in the royal doctor to treat her.

"I didn't expect this woman to be infatuated with you." Li Qinglu in the dark couldn't help saying.

"It's not to me, it's just to her childhood sweetheart." Song Qingshu's figure moved slightly, and he was going to go out to investigate, but he hesitated. In this case, there was nothing to say about the meeting, so he stopped.

Fortunately, the imperial doctor checked that it was only a bad breath that caused the internal breath to bounce back. It is not too serious. Just take a good rest.

Xiaolei had asked the maid to carry her to the palace room to rest, but Xue Baochai woke up quietly and said that he didn't want to stay in the palace again, struggling to go back, Xiaolei had to arrange a carriage to **** her back.

Let’s also say that when Huo Qingtong, Ge Erdan and others came to the Southern Song Dynasty mission to congratulate Jia Baoyu on becoming a cohort, they were shocked to find that the atmosphere of the entire embassy was very strange. Xue Baochai, the former principal, was nowhere to be seen, and no one else could see it What kind of joy.

Naturally, the Lv Brothers and Qiu Tongfu needless to say. They could not afford Jia Baoyu who was unlearned and skillless. As a result, the pretentious ones didn't catch anything. Instead, Jia Baoyu picked up the bargain, and naturally felt extremely unhappy in his heart.

Even Xue Pan couldn't be happy about befriending Jia Baoyu in this way. After all, he had always regarded him as a brother-in-law, but now he married another woman. What is it called?

Seeing the strange atmosphere, Huo Qingtong and others felt extremely uncomfortable after staying for a while, so they hurriedly left.

The girl in the yellow shirt just finished sending the Princess Jincheng and rushed back. She noticed this scene and hurriedly caught Xue Pan and asked what was going on. When she heard that Jia Baoyu was selected as the husband, she suddenly became confused in the wind: "Is Princess Xixia blind? ?"

Xue Pan suddenly became dissatisfied: "Baoyu's talents are all the top choices, where is the difference? What's more, my sister also has a good impression of him, is she blind too."

The girl in the yellow shirt was too lazy to pay attention to him, and asked directly: "Where is Miss Xue?"

Xue Pan snorted in a certain direction: "After returning from the palace, I will shut myself in the house by myself..." Before he finished speaking, he found that he was missing.

The woman in the yellow shirt came to Xue Baochai's room, called out a few times, then opened the door and walked in, and found that the other party was leaning on the table in despair.

"Baochai, I've heard about it, you have to drive a little bit." The yellow shirt woman sighed and asked what love in the world is.

"Sister Yang, you are back," Xue Baochai saw that her eyes were shining. "How can I think about it? I personally sent her to recruit relatives. I also made suggestions for him along the way. Who ever wanted to really push him in? In the arms of other women."

The woman in the yellow shirt walked over and patted her hand: "In fact, Baoyu is not a good match. You just got out, so why not do it?"

Xue Baochai shook his head: "I grew up with Baoyu. You won't understand this kind of feeling..." Tears fell as he spoke.

Seeing her more sad, her eyebrows seemed to have lost her anger, and the woman in the yellow shirt was worried that she could not think of doing something stupid, so she changed her way of persuasion: "Don't you think that Xixia's recruitment of relatives reveals a weirdness everywhere? "

"What do you mean?" Xue Baochai looked blank.

The woman in the yellow shirt said: "You and Jia Baoyu grew up together. Of course you know that he is good, but Princess Xixia didn't know him. Why did you choose him among so many young talents? You should be very clear this time. Those who participated in the recruitment were more handsome than him than he was more powerful."

"Ke Baoyu is the first martial arts test after all, and the answer in the literary test is also in line with the princess's wishes." Xue Baochai replied subconsciously.

The woman in the yellow shirt rolled her eyes: "Others don’t know that he is the number one in the martial arts test, don’t you know? With so many spies staring at the ring at Yipintang, it’s even more unlikely that Princess Xixia doesn’t know what the number one is. But in the end. She still chose Jia Baoyu, who is not good at writing, and the motive behind it is very doubtful."

"Then you mean they are going to be unfavorable to Baoyu?" Xue Baochai immediately sat upright when he heard that Baoyu might be dangerous.

The woman in the yellow shirt shook her head: "This is also the point that I can't figure out the most. I don't understand why Xixia chose him as the servant. If Jia Sidao was still in power, he could understand it, but now..."

Xue Baochai suddenly stood up: "No, I'm going to see Baoyu, he might be in danger."

The woman in the yellow shirt was surprised: "But he is in the palace now."

Xue Baochai shook his head: "No, my eyelids keep twitching, I have to see him to feel relieved."

The woman in the yellow shirt hesitated for a while, and when she saw that she had decided to go, worried about what might happen to her, she said, "I will go with you."

"Thank you." Xue Baochai did not refuse. Although she was not weak in martial arts, she was always a little bit unsure when she rushed to the palace. There were women in yellow shirts to take care of her, so she had to feel more at ease.

After the two negotiated, they sneaked out of the hall. After all, it is hard to see the imperial palace at night, and it is easy to cause diplomatic incidents if they are not careful, so they dare not alarm anyone.

And at this time in the palace, Li Qinglu was lying halfway in Song Qingshu's arms and acting like a baby: "You can finally stay in the palace for the night without reason."

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